
Rich bamboo bought home, 10 died 9, piercing the heart!

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Although it is relatively cold in winter, there are still many flower friends who want to buy rich bamboo and take it home. After all, rich bamboo is beautiful and has great meaning, so it is the best choice for the Spring Festival. Just bought the rich bamboo home, 10 have to die 9, it is simply heart-piercing!

What about the rich bamboo I just bought home?

1. If the rich bamboo bought home begins to have yellow leaves in a few days, a large part of the reason is that the roots of the rich bamboo sold outside are sealed with wax, which is not conducive to water absorption, resulting in continuous yellowing of the leaves.

2. Find a pair of sterilized scissors and cut off all the yellowing leaves of the rich bamboo.

3. Finding a sharp knife and cutting the root of rich bamboo at an angle of 45 °can not only cut the wax off the root of rich bamboo, but also increase the contact area between rich bamboo and water, so that it can take root faster.

4. Prepare some rooting water. If there is no rooting water, it is OK to use 1: 10 mixed sugar solution or willow branch extract as rooting agent. Soak the lower end of the rich bamboo in rooting water for about half an hour.

5. Put clean water in the bottle, preferably with clean mineral water, shake 20-30 times slightly, increase the content of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the water, and then put the rich bamboo in it. The water level can be controlled in the position of 3-4 knots upward of the incision.

6. put the rich bamboo in a well-ventilated place with scattered light, do not move the bottle at will, change the water once every 10 days, and it will take about 20 days to take root. When the root system grows to more than 4-5cm, you can add some hydroponic nutrient solution.

How to prevent rich bamboo from freezing in winter?

1. If the temperature at home is above 15 ℃, the rich bamboo is still growing normally. Change the water once every 5-7 days to let it grow normally.

2. If the temperature at home is relatively low, you can find a bigger plastic bag and wrap all the leaves up to achieve the purpose of heat preservation and moisturization.

3. If you have an old newspaper at home, don't waste it. Wrap the leaves of the rich bamboo directly with the old newspaper. At the same time, find something like cotton cloth and wrap the whole hydroponic bottle to keep warm.

How to keep rich bamboo from yellowing in winter?

1, Fugui bamboo is particularly afraid of the cold, it is best to ensure that the indoor is above 15 ℃, do not put it near the balcony, windows and other cold places in winter, and do not let the water freeze.

2. Put the rich bamboo in the room with good scattered light in winter, but try not to put it next to the TV set or air conditioner to avoid the leaf tip being easy to dry and do not put it in a dark place. The rich bamboo leaves are also easy to turn yellow.

3. Change water to add water as much as possible in winter, because frequent change of water will lead to wilting of yellow leaves. The water in the bottle can be added after evaporation, and it is best to use mineral water or well water to ensure fresh and clean water quality. if it is dirty water, hard water or oily water, it is very easy to cause rich bamboo roots to rot.

4. If the rich bamboo has yellow leaves due to iron deficiency, you can choose to add 0.1% ferrous phosphate solution to the water culture bottle, or throw a rusty nail directly, which can solve the yellow leaf problem.

In addition to the rich bamboo

Like Guanyin bamboo, tower bamboo and so on.

All can be maintained in the same way!