
Three achievements of rape direct seeding machine and sun-cutting machine in China passed appraisal

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, A few days ago, the three achievements of rape direct seeding machine and sun-drying machine hosted by the research team of Huazhong Agricultural University Institute of Technology passed the appraisal of Science and Technology Department of Hubei Province, Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, Professor Luo Xiwen of South China Agricultural University, Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering and Research Institute of Xinjiang Agricultural Reclamation Science

A few days ago, the achievements of three rape direct seeding machines and sun-cutting machines hosted by the research team of the School of Engineering of Huazhong Agricultural University were identified by the Department of Science and Technology of Hubei Province, and Luo Xiwen, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and professor of South China Agricultural University. Chen Xuegeng, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and researcher of Xinjiang Institute of Land Reclamation Science and Technology, served as chairman and vice chairman of the appraisal committee respectively. Zhu Ming, president of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Engineering Research and Design, and Wang Hanzhong, director of the Oil crop Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, attended the appraisal meeting. After appraisal by the expert group, it is concluded that the three technologies are all at the international advanced level, and some of them are in the international lead. Experts said that China is a large rapeseed growing country, but the level of rape mechanization is still low. The mechanized sowing level of wheat in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River is 37%, far lower than the national average of 87%. After the popularization and application of the three achievements, rape (including wheat) planting will take a solid step on the road of mechanization.

The short-range precision planting technology of rape and the dual-purpose precision sowing technology of rape and wheat have reached the international leading level.

According to the person in charge of the R & D team, the 2BFL-6 central collection and discharge centrifugal rape precision combined direct seeding machine, powered by a medium-sized tractor, integrates and innovates a number of technologies, such as precision sowing rape, traction combined ditching, rotary tillage and stubble control, soil mulching and suppression, and active driving of fertilizer planting devices, to realize the joint operation of precision sowing of rape. The research results are in the international advanced level as a whole, in which the branch valve multi-stage diversion technology fills the domestic gap, and the central collection and discharge centrifugal rape planting technology occupies the international leading level.

Model 4SY1.8 rape cutting and drying machine, powered by tractors above Dongfanghong 400H with high ground gap, has developed a rape cutting and drying machine with integrated horizontal and longitudinal transportation technology and full hydraulic power drive. The technical performance index and operation quality of this achievement meet the requirements of rape cutting and drying, and are suitable for rape harvesting in different planting methods, different varieties and different regions, in which the combined conveying technology of sun cutting machine is in the leading level in the world.

2BYM-6/ 8 oil wheat uses a combined direct seeding machine, which is powered by large and medium-sized tractors to integrate and innovate many technologies, such as single-grain precision sowing rape, precision strip sowing wheat, traction combined border opening ditch, rotary tillage and stubble control, soil covering suppression, profile driving, closed weeding, variable sowing and so on, thus realizing the combined operation of rape wheat precision sowing. It is suitable for sowing rape and wheat in rice-oil, rice-wheat rotation areas, in which rape short-range precision planting technology and rape-wheat dual-purpose precision sowing technology have reached the international leading level.