
The combination of soil and miscellaneous fertilizer and chemical fertilizer is the way to use fertilizer.

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Although the three Autumn months have passed, the war between farmers and fertilizers is still full of smoke. As the saying goes, a flower in a crop depends entirely on fertilizer, and the debate among farmers over who is in charge of soil, miscellaneous fertilizer and chemical fertilizer continues. A 55-year-old farmer from Youjia Village, Qingcheng, Gaoqing County, Shandong Province.

Although the three autumns have passed, the war between farmers and fertilizer merchants is still full of smoke. As the saying goes,"a crop flower, all rely on fertilizer home," farmers around the soil fertilizer, fertilizer who home debate is still ongoing.

Chemical fertilizer business war all over urban and rural areas

Chen Jia 'an, a 55-year-old farmer who grows 8 mu of wheat in Qingcheng Youjia Village, Gaoqing County, Shandong Province, bought about a ton of fertilizer worth 2000 yuan. "On average, one bag of diamine and one bag of urea are applied to one mu of land. We'll just focus on these two kinds of fat and don't apply anything else." Old Chen has had a bumper harvest of wheat and corn this year, and he credits fertilizer for it. "The crops are not fertilized, and the full amount is 250 kg (per mu). If you use enough fertilizer, it won't be a problem if you produce more than a thousand mu." His fertilizer classics are: apply enough base fertilizer in autumn, and then catch up with fertilizer twice in spring next year. Summer corn sowing with sowing fertilizer once, rain or irrigation and then chase fertilizer once or twice. Old Chen had been fertilizing the land for decades in this way. In previous years, when life was tight, he had to get enough fertilizer before farming even if he didn't eat or drink. Now he no longer prepares fertilizer, just a phone call, agricultural materials shop will deliver fertilizer. "Farmers do not prepare fat, businesses run more errands. Now customers want fat, and we have to take it home or to the fields, and sometimes spread it." It was Zhang Jianjun who said this. Now Zhang Jianjun does not store fertilizer as before. He has changed from fertilizer storage in the past to fertilizer adjustment now. The factory sends fertilizer according to his requirements, and he sends it down again.

The author found through the investigation of agricultural materials merchants and growers that although no one doubted the effectiveness of soil and miscellaneous fertilizer, few people applied soil and miscellaneous fertilizer, and chemical fertilizer was still the "leading role" in agricultural production.

Can soil fertilizer smell "fragrant"

Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers such as urea and diamine are usually called fertilizers. "Before dividing the fields to the households (30 years ago), there was no fertilizer on the market, and the crops were fertilized. 250 kg/mu is considered a high yield." Chen Jiaan said that now the high-yield effect of chemical fertilizer is obvious, and no one is willing to apply soil fertilizer. Chen Jia 'an, who was old, was still like this, and the young peasants did not ask about the soil and miscellaneous fertilizer.

Li Hongwu is the head of Jinrao Grain Cooperative in Changjia Town and a famous grain farmer in Gaoqing. He and Chen Jia 'an have different fertilizer use methods. In terms of fertilizer application, he and Chen use the same amount. The difference is that he also applies one or two square meters of manure per mu of land. "We don't have manure ourselves. We have to go to the cattle district to buy it. It costs 30 to 40 yuan per square meter to buy it yourself, and 85 yuan per square meter to get someone to give it away." Li Hongwu said that the work of sending feces was dirty and tired. Digging feces and loading feces gave strength, and it was most difficult to bear the smell of feces. Manure and chemical fertilizer are combined to make his crops harvest year after year. This year, the average yield of corn in his family is 600 kilograms, about 50 kilograms higher than that of ordinary farmers.

Chemical fertilizer is not touched by grape growers Si Zhiru. "Grapes are very sensitive to chemical fertilizers. Grapes grown with chemical fertilizers are generally sour. Grapes grown with fermented manure taste sweet." Si Zhiru named her grape "Super Sweet No.1" and the market price was as high as 25 yuan/kg.

Du Zuozhong, deputy director of Gaoqing County Agricultural Bureau, analyzed the reasons why the current soil miscellaneous fertilizer "can't be eaten", said that many farmers no longer regard land as the only source of livelihood, land income does not matter how much, go out to work can make up for the loss of crop failure. "In the past, every household raised livestock as animal power and was able to accumulate manure. Now that mechanization has come up, cattle, horses and donkeys have been laid off, farmers have no more fertilizer to accumulate, so they no longer apply farm manure and only apply chemical fertilizer." Du Zuozhong said that in the past, the cost of farm manure was very small, but now it needs to be purchased, and the price is comparable to chemical fertilizer.

Fertilization requires soil and chemical combination

High crop yield can not be separated from chemical fertilizer, but long-term single application of chemical fertilizer caused by soil hardening, nutrient imbalance, soil fertility decline is a well-known fact. Each side gave its own answer on how to improve soil fertility.

Du Zuozhong compared fertilizer and manure to traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine in medicine. "Chemical fertilizers are characterized by fast and short fertilizer efficiency, while manure is characterized by slow and long fertilizer efficiency." The combination of soil and transformation is the way to use fertilizer."

Land should be managed intensively and on a large scale. "Most young people now go out to work, and the importance of land is generally not high. The middle-aged and elderly people who stayed behind to cultivate the land also did not pay attention to the application of soil miscellaneous fertilizer because it was not easy to apply soil miscellaneous fertilizer." Li Hongwu suggested that the speed of land circulation should be faster, so that the land should be concentrated to large grain farmers and professional farmers as soon as possible, and the land should be concentrated in their hands, so that it can be better maintained. "The land is planted, and it cannot be quickly obtained." Only when the land is well nourished can it be vigorous. Soil and miscellaneous fertilizer are still useful for nourishing the land."

Manure application is particular. Li Jingyuan, director of the soil and fertilizer station of Gaoqing Agricultural Bureau, believes that newly dug manure cannot be applied to the fields immediately. "Fresh manure contains a large number of germs and pests. If it is applied to the fields, it will harm the crops and cause the crops to burn." Li Jingyuan said, The best way is manure retting system, In view of the county animal husbandry community more actual, They built fertilizer efficiency community in each town, Guide the masses to retting manure, Manure decomposed and then applied into the field.

Returning straw to field is a good measure to improve soil fertility. Li Hongwu said that the use of large corn combine harvesters now makes straw return a real reality. "The advantage is that it can break the straw. Broken straw is easy to rot. The rotten straw is mixed into the soil, improving the permeability of the soil, loosening the soil, and enhancing the soil fertility." However, Li Hongwu also admitted that it is best to return straw to the field once every other year. "Year after year, soil moisture is restored to the field, and the difference in moisture content will affect crop yield."