
Study on increasing Farmers' income in Ecological Conservation area

Published: 2024-09-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/06, Miyun County, located in the northern mountain area of Beijing, is an important drinking water source and ecological conservation development area in Beijing. it is rich in natural resources and beautiful ecological environment, known as the back garden of the capital, and is the key area to ensure the sustainable economic and social development of Beijing. However, by tradition

Miyun County, located in the northern mountain area of Beijing, is an important drinking water source and ecological conservation development area in Beijing. it is rich in natural resources and beautiful ecological environment, known as the back garden of the capital, and is the key area to ensure the sustainable economic and social development of Beijing. However, under the influence of the traditional concept of development, the phenomenon of "upside down" between local economic development and ecological environment is very prominent, there is an obvious gap between economic and social development and infrastructure construction and plain areas, and there is still a long way to go to increase farmers' income. During the Eleventh five-year Plan period, the income of rural residents in Miyun County is only about 1x3 of the income of urban residents in Beijing. How to get rid of the predicament of the development of ecological conservation areas and promote the steady growth of farmers' income while protecting the ecology?

Kaolin Town is located in the north of Miyun County, and the mountain area accounts for 80% of the town's area. Because it is located in the mountainous area, there is no condition for large-scale development of agriculture. The main crops are wheat and corn, and the town's specialties are chestnut, honey and red apricot. Recently, the author went to Gaoling Town of Miyun County to investigate. Based on its own resource endowment, the town focuses on ecological protection and increasing farmers' income, according to the ideas of adjusting structure, increasing scale, strengthening science and technology, emphasizing foundation, expanding market and excellent mechanism. focus on the development of green organic agriculture, appropriate scale operation, scientific and technological innovation and farmer training, infrastructure construction, market informatization, institutional mechanism innovation and so on. It has embarked on a win-win road of agricultural economic development of "increasing income and protecting ecology", which provides a typical model for agricultural development and farmers' income increase in ecological conservation areas.

Adjust the structure and develop green organic agriculture. To increase farmers' income in ecological conservation development areas, in addition to relying on the government's ecological compensation policy and increasing public financial input, the adjustment and upgrading of industrial structure is still the fundamental way. With the improvement of people's living standards and the upgrading of consumption structure, the demand for the quality and safety of agricultural products is getting higher and higher, and the demand for green organic agricultural products is increasing. Kaolin town gives full play to the advantages of ecological environment, speeds up the adjustment of agricultural structure, mainly plays the green card, asks for products and value from ecology. In order to meet the needs of local and Beijing consumers for green and organic vegetables and vigorously develop facility agriculture, 970 facility agricultural greenhouses have been built in the town, covering an area of more than 1600 mu, with a utilization rate of more than 95%. Edible mushroom, tomato, pumpkin, eggplant and other production bases are beginning to take shape, forming a distinctive micro-industrial belt. In the development of facility agriculture, green food and organic food certification are widely carried out to ensure the quality and safety of agricultural products. The ecological environment is not only a kind of social resources, but also a kind of economic resources. Miyun County is not only the ecological barrier of the capital Beijing, but also a natural treasure place for citizens to relax, vacation, return to nature and carry out cultural and entertainment activities. Kaolin Town actively makes use of the ecological environment to develop leisure industry, expand the various functions of agriculture, broaden the channels for increasing farmers' income, develop industries such as green farming, characteristic forest and fruit, leisure fishery and rural tourism, accelerate the transformation from traditional agriculture to ecological leisure tourism, extend the agricultural industrial chain, increase the added value of agricultural products, effectively transform ecological advantages into farmers' income, and realize "making people rich because of ecology."

Increase the scale and promote moderate scale operation. In Kaolin town, the average household is less than 3 mu of arable land, there are many people and little land, the contradiction between people and land is prominent, and the production efficiency of traditional agriculture is low. In order to improve the efficiency of agricultural production, the town actively promotes the development of appropriate scale operation on the premise of respecting the interests of farmers. The town government supports some large-scale agricultural management projects through policy guidance and incentive measures. Large-scale operation reduces the production and operation costs of farmers and becomes an effective way to increase the income of local farmers and promote the development of modern agriculture. In order to improve the degree of organization of farmers and create conditions for large-scale operation, Kaolin Town actively promotes the development of farmers' cooperatives. At present, there are 71 agricultural professional cooperative economic organizations, basically covering all villages in the town.

Strengthen science and technology, attach importance to science and technology popularization and innovation and farmers' training. Science and technology is the source power of agricultural development and increasing farmers' income. Kaolin Town insists on "based on itself and borrowing from the outside brain" and always pays attention to the construction of local science and technology support system and service platform. Make full use of the advantage of intensive scientific and technological talent resources in Beijing, strengthen cooperation with relevant scientific research institutions and scientific and technological extension departments, and irregularly hire experts and agricultural professional and technical personnel to hold training courses on chestnut, waxy corn, and beekeeping, at the same time, pay attention to strengthening the training of agricultural science and technology extension, starting with the training of new farmers, constantly improve the extension mechanism, and actively seek support from relevant science and technology, talents, and information. At present, the personnel of the town's agricultural science and technology extension team are stable and efficient, with 3 agricultural technology extension service institutions, 19 agricultural technology extension service personnel, 13 agricultural technical support personnel, and more than 500 people participating in employment skills training in the whole year. Practice has proved that various forms of science and technology popularization and skill training have effectively improved the scientific, technological and cultural quality and production and management ability of farmers in this town. it has played an important role in training a new type of farmers with culture, technology and management and practical talents in rural areas.

Attach importance to the foundation and improve the infrastructure construction. Agriculture is a weak industry, and the situation of relying on nature for food must be changed by improving infrastructure. Ten water conservancy projects to enrich the people have been implemented, and construction has been carried out in the areas of solving difficulties in drinking water, water-saving irrigation, river cleaning, comprehensive control of soil loss, and first-class surface water protection zones, which provide important support for agricultural development while "water conservation" and "water conservation". We have implemented a comprehensive agricultural development project of 5000 mu, actively promoted the construction of farmland infrastructure, repaired field roads, and continuously improved the agricultural production conditions of villagers. The town is located in the remote area. in order to solve the travel problem of large transport vehicles and promote the sales and market development of agricultural products, the town adopts the way of joint investment and unified planning with other neighboring towns to achieve the interconnection of the main transport roads and the optimization of the road network, which completely improves the road conditions, facilitates the life of local residents, and, more importantly, connects the town with the markets of Beijing and Hebei as a whole. Accelerated the flow of resources and the exchange of goods.

Expand the market and play the role of a new network media platform. Located in the mountainous area, Kaolin Town is at a disadvantage compared with the urban areas with developed information. In view of this situation, the town government has established an Internet system covering the whole town, giving full play to the role of using the Internet to help farmers obtain the necessary policy, science and technology, market, employment and other information. it helps farmers to arrange production and management according to market demand, which not only reduces the blindness of agricultural production, but also reduces the sales cost of agricultural products, and solves the contradiction between scattered small-scale peasant production and unified large market. The production and management efficiency of farmers has been improved. In order to strengthen market construction and promote the development of commodity economy in the town, Kaolin Town has built the largest farmers' market, which has effectively promoted the development of local commerce and trade, and has become an important driving force in promoting the adjustment of local industrial structure.

Excellent mechanism to inject new vitality into farmers' income. In order to make up for the shortage of funds, the town has established a diversified input mechanism of government guidance, market promotion and public participation. On the one hand, it actively gives full play to the guiding role of state investment, on the other hand, it makes full use of the market-oriented mechanism to guide all kinds of social funds to invest in local agricultural development and participate in the construction of ecological conservation and development areas in various forms. In terms of project selection, with the goal of reasonable layout, industrial friendliness, prominent leadership, economy and high efficiency, we should adhere to the principle of "introducing strong counties" and vigorously develop circular economy in accordance with the principle of "polluting enterprises do not come in and enter enterprises do not pollute". We should introduce and develop eco-friendly industries with high scientific and technological content, large employment of labor force, great contribution to finance and non-pollution, and strive to build a development base of ecological industry. To invigorate the economy and achieve green development to increase farmers' income. After the entry of the project, the local government has realized the continuous improvement of the soft environment for investment by constantly improving the service mechanism, optimizing the service environment, accepting and dealing with various difficulties and problems encountered in the production and operation of foreign enterprises, and help the enterprises in the area to become stronger and bigger.

Through the development of environment-friendly industries, Kaolin Town in Miyun County has transformed ecological advantages into development advantages, and realized the unity of ecological environmental functions and industrial economic functions in ecological conservation areas. it has played a positive role in promoting local agricultural development, rural prosperity and increasing farmers' income. Farmers' planting and breeding ability has been greatly enhanced, and the planting and breeding benefit is obvious. By 2013, 2636 people from 949 low-income villages in the town had been lifted out of poverty, with a cumulative elimination of 58% of low-income households and a poverty alleviation rate of 70%. The per capita income has increased by 13%, and the growth rate has been higher than the county average for five consecutive years, and the convergence trend of the income gap between urban residents and urban residents in Beijing has become increasingly obvious. The practice of agricultural development in Kaolin Town provides a typical model for increasing farmers' income in other ecological conservation areas of the country.