
"Cooperation shares" solve the Development problem of "empty Shell Village"

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Recently, the reporter came to Ande Village, Jiadian Town, Wuding County, Chuxiong Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province. Zhang Wenhai, secretary of the general party branch of the village, stood in the yard of the village breeding base, pointing to more than 300 fat big-eared yellow sheep and proudly said to the reporter: over the years, our village set

Recently, the reporter came to Ancun Village, Jiadian Town, Wuding County, Chuxiong Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province. Zhang Wenhai, secretary of the general party branch of the village, stood in the yard of the village breeding base. Pointing to more than 300 fat big-eared yellow sheep, he proudly said to the reporter: "over the years, the collective income of our village is basically zero. At the end of 2013, with the support of the Organization Department of the Provincial CPC Committee, we bought shares with 300000 yuan of industrial support funds that our superiors helped to win. With the large farmers and farmers in the village, they jointly contributed 1.05 million yuan to build a modern big-eared yellow sheep breeding base. now the value of the base has reached more than 4 million yuan, and the village collective has received a dividend of more than 20, 000 yuan. it has achieved a breakthrough in the collective economic income of Ande Village, and the villagers who have joined the shares have also received considerable dividends, and it is the 'cooperative shares' that have led the villagers to the road to prosperity. "

The new change in Ande Village is a microcosm of the work of "cooperative shares" of strong base farmers in Yunnan Province.

Village collectives, growers and farmers jointly contribute to change "direct investment" into "cooperative shares"

Yunnan, which integrates border areas, ethnic groups, mountain areas and poverty, is one of the main battlefields for poverty alleviation in the country. Among the 14 poverty-stricken areas identified by the state, Yunnan Province involves 91 counties in four poverty-stricken areas, namely, the Wumeng Mountains, the rocky desertification areas, the border mountains of western Yunnan and the Tibetan areas of Yunnan, ranking first in the country in number. For many years, there has been such a dilemma at the grass-roots level in the rural areas of Yunnan Province. due to the backwardness of economic development, there are more than half of the economically weak villages and shell villages with a collective annual income of less than 10,000 yuan, accounting for 55 percent of the province, and even more than 60 percent in some areas.

How should the village collective economy develop? How to improve the service ability of village-level organizations? How to solve the current situation of village-level party organizations that "have no money to handle affairs"? In early 2013, in Yunnan's work of carrying out "four groups" educational activities and implementing the system of cadres' direct contact with the masses, the Organization Department of the Provincial CPC Committee fought for 300000 yuan in industrial development support funds for each village in Jiadian Town, Wuding County, Chuxiong Prefecture. How to give full play to the effectiveness of these project funds has become a very realistic problem. Liu Weijia, member of the standing Committee of the Yunnan Provincial CPC Committee and minister of the Organization Department, germinated the idea of "cooperative shares" for strong base farmers, and creatively put forward the idea of "dual promotion" of poverty alleviation and development and grass-roots party building and township building.

Under the guidance of the Organization Department of the Yunnan Provincial CPC Committee, Ande Village has set up an Ande planting and breeding professional cooperative big-ear yellow sheep breeding base with a combination of 300000 yuan of industrial support funds, large farmers' contributions, and other farmers' investments. change the "direct investment" in the past into the present "joint-stock cooperation".

At the end of 2013, on the basis of the pilot project, the Organization Department of the Yunnan Provincial CPC Committee and the Provincial Department of Finance jointly described below, requiring provincial, municipal, and county organizations, development and reform, finance, agriculture, forestry, water conservancy, industry and commerce, poverty alleviation and other departments to select a village committee as a pilot, clarifying the source of shares, the object of ownership, the form of cooperation, and the operating mechanism, and taking an exploratory step in strengthening the "cooperative shares" of farmers.

"Cooperative shares" bring long-term benefits to the village collective.

The clean cement road connects every household, street lamps are installed on both sides of the road, and the walls of the spacious sports room are covered with various musical instruments, which is the present appearance of Shishan Village, Shishan Town, Wuding County.

"every year, our village committee buys rural cooperative medical expenses, rural serious illness insurance and old-age insurance for 1255 villagers in the village, and people over the age of 70 can also receive subsidies. This is the direct benefit brought by the income from cooperative shares. In the past, there was no money in the village, and the party organization was willing to do things for the villagers. By carrying out cooperative share work, the problem of'no money'in the village collective was solved. " Shao Jian, secretary of the Party General Branch of Shishan Village, told reporters excitedly.

Since the end of last year, Shishan Village has made integrated use of the village funds, resources and assets, used the accumulated 950000 yuan of village collective funds as the share capital of "cooperative shares", and set up a comprehensive development service company through the "village committee + company" model. 27 farmhouse music and 4 mineral spring waterworks originally operated by the village committee were brought into the management of the comprehensive development service company and contracted to villagers and self-employed. It has brought more than 2 million yuan to the village collective, and it is planned to allocate more than 1 million yuan to the villagers at the end of the year, and each person can share 800 yuan.

With the smooth progress of the work of Qiangji Huinong "cooperative shares", 16 states and cities in Yunnan have set up leading organizations led by the organization departments of the state and municipal party committees and formulated work plans for implementation. Among them, Honghe Prefecture coordinated a total of 7.86 million yuan as "equity" into 46 villages to carry out "cooperative shares". 12 counties and cities in Dali Prefecture set up 1 million yuan a year to support the development of village-level collective economy as special financial funds. Longling County and Tengchong County of Baoshan City respectively set up a "red fund" from the financial investment of 1.5 million at the county level. Wuding County combines "cooperative shares" with "red credit" and "red farm" to explore together. Yunnan has found an effective way to solve the weakness of village collective economy.

The Organization Department of the Yunnan Provincial CPC Committee and the Provincial Rural Credit Association collected and investigated the local demand, combined with the opinions of the municipal organizational departments, unified planning and overall arrangements, and formulated a plan and task of issuing 1 billion yuan of "red credit" in 2014. At present, all 16 prefectures and cities in the province have set up "red credit" business, and have issued a total of 466 million yuan of "red credit", helping 6863 party members in rural areas to start a business and become rich, with a per capita income of about 15000 yuan.

On July 11 this year, at a video research meeting on the work of Qiangji Huinong's "cooperative shares" in the province, Liu Weijia stressed: "to carry out the work of" cooperative shares "of Qiangji Huinong in Yunnan, what is needed is not equity, but the income right of the village collective. what we want is a long-term mechanism of collective economic income."

When the collective has money, farmers can get it, and grass-roots party building and economic construction can achieve a win-win situation.

The implementation of "cooperative shares" has promoted the development of the village collective economy, and after the growth of the collective economy, it has promoted the development of grass-roots party organizations.

In October 2013, Zhuangjiawei Community along the Yangtze River in Qilin District, Qujing City raised 100000 yuan, street subsidy 50, 000 yuan, integrated environmental protection department subsidy fund 570000 yuan, sewage treatment wetland project subsidy fund 700000 yuan, and 78 mu collective fish ponds as "cooperation shares", registered and established Qilin District Beautiful Village property Management Co., Ltd. Property management not only provides modern property management services for community new villages, but also intensively manages the collective resources of community farmers, so that the original scattered leased farmland is continuously transferred to the outside world, and the rental price per mu has been raised from 300 yuan to a maximum of 1930 yuan. for the people to increase the income of cultivated land transfer of more than 1.5 million yuan.

Fu Yurong, secretary of the party work committee in the streets along the Yangtze River, said that if the collective has money, farmers can benefit, and community residents do not have to spend money to drink water. Each resident group subsidizes 60 yuan per capita per year to apply for new rural cooperative medical care for residents, and subsidizes 200 yuan per capita to buy old-age insurance for residents. Relying on the "cooperative shares", the collective economy continues to grow, constantly promotes the construction of service-oriented party organizations, strengthens the affinity and cohesion of party organizations, and realizes the interactive win-win situation of party building and economic construction in rural areas.

At the same time, the Organization Department of the Yunnan Provincial CPC Committee insists on strengthening the construction of the village "two committees" and the village affairs supervision committee as an important task in the cooperative share-holding work, selecting and strengthening the person in charge of the village-level party organization, and vigorously selecting and dispatching executive secretaries and new rural construction instructors to the collective economy "empty shell villages" and "weak villages". Efforts should be made to promote the overall improvement of the ability and quality of village-level cadres in promoting the work of "cooperative shares".

With the deepening of Qiangji Huinong "cooperative shares", the development of rural areas in Yunnan is changing with each passing day. up to now, there are 1468 villages (groups) and communities in the province to start "cooperative shares" work and start more than 1600 projects. involving more than 300 million yuan of funds (including assets and resources discounted shares), a total of more than 1200 units at the provincial, prefectural and county levels took the lead. There are more than 500 shares in land, woodland, infrastructure and other asset resources. A large number of weak villages and empty shell villages have injected fresh blood and stimulated the vitality of rural reform and development in the province.