
Urban work must be promoted together with the work of agriculture, rural areas and farmers.

Published: 2024-09-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/06, The Central Urban work Conference was held in Beijing from December 20 to 21. Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, President and Chairman of the Central military Commission, Li Keqiang, member of the standing Committee of the political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Premier of the State Council, member of the standing Committee of the political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and member of the standing Committee of the National people's Congress

The Central Urban work Conference was held in Beijing from December 20 to 21. Xi Jinping, general secretary of the CPC Central Committee, president and chairman of the Central military Commission; Li Keqiang, member of the standing Committee of the political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and premier of the State Council; Zhang Dejiang, member of the standing Committee of the political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and chairman of the standing Committee of the National people's Congress; Yu Zhengsheng, member of the standing Committee of the political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and chairman of the CPPCC National Committee; Liu Yunshan, member of the standing Committee of the political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and member of the Secretariat of the CPC Central Committee; and Wang Qishan, member of the standing Committee of the political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and secretary of the Central Commission for discipline Inspection. Zhang Gaoli, member of the standing Committee of the political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and vice premier of the State Council, attended the meeting.

Xi Jinping delivered an important speech at the meeting, analyzing the situation facing urban development, and defining the guiding ideology, general ideas, and key tasks for doing a good job in urban work. In his speech, Li Keqiang discussed the key points of the current urban work, put forward specific arrangements for doing a good job in urban work, and made a summary speech.

The meeting pointed out that China's urban development has entered a new period of development. Since the reform and opening up, China has experienced the largest and fastest process of urbanization in the history of the world, urban development is magnificent, and has made remarkable achievements. Urban development has driven the whole economic and social development, and urban construction has become an important engine of modernization. The city is the center of China's economic, political, cultural and social activities, and plays an important role in the overall work of the Party and the country. We should deeply understand the important role of cities in China's economic and social development and the improvement of people's livelihood.

The meeting stressed that at present and for some time to come, the guiding ideology of China's urban work is to fully implement the spirit of the 18th CPC National Congress and the third, fourth and Fifth Plenary sessions of the 18th CPC Central Committee, under the guidance of Deng Xiaoping Theory, the important thought of "three represents" and the scientific concept of development, implement the development concept of innovation, coordination, green, openness and sharing, and adhere to people-oriented, scientific development, reform and innovation, and governing the city according to law. We will change the mode of urban development, improve the urban governance system, improve the ability of urban governance, strive to solve urban diseases and other outstanding problems, and constantly improve the quality of the urban environment, the quality of people's life, and urban competitiveness. we will build a modern city that is harmonious and livable, full of vitality and with its own characteristics, raise the level of new urbanization, and embark on a road of urban development with Chinese characteristics.

The meeting pointed out that urban work is a systematic project. To do a good job in urban work, we must comply with the new situation of urban work, the new requirements of reform and development, and the new expectations of the people, adhere to the idea of people-centered development, and adhere to the people's city as the people. This is the starting point and foothold for us to do a good job in urban work. At the same time, we should adhere to intensive development, frame the total amount, limit capacity, invigorate stock, optimize increment, improve quality, be based on national conditions, respect nature, conform to nature, protect nature, improve urban ecological environment, and make efforts in overall planning. We should seek breakthroughs in key areas and strive to improve the sustainability and livability of urban development.

First, respect the law of urban development. Urban development is a natural historical process with its own laws. City and economic development complement and promote each other. Urban development is a process in which the rural population gathers to the city and the agricultural land is transformed into urban construction land according to the corresponding scale. The population and land should be matched, and the urban scale should be adapted to the carrying capacity of resources and environment. We must understand, respect and conform to the law of urban development, correct the guiding ideology of urban development, and do a good job in urban work.

Second, we should co-ordinate the three major structures of space, scale and industry to improve the overall situation of urban work. On the basis of the National Plan for main functional areas and the National New urbanization Plan (2014-2020), we should combine the implementation of strategies such as the construction of "Belt and Road Initiative", the coordinated development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei, and the construction of the Yangtze River Economic Belt, to clarify the spatial layout and functional orientation of China's urban development. It is necessary to take urban agglomeration as the main form, scientifically plan the urban spatial layout, and achieve compact, intensive, efficient and green development. It is necessary to optimize and upgrade the eastern urban agglomeration, cultivate and develop a number of urban agglomerations and regional central cities in the central and western regions, and promote the joint development of border central cities and port cities, so that the broad masses of people in the central and western regions can also share the fruits of urbanization at home. All cities should combine their resource endowments and location advantages, define the leading industries and characteristic industries, strengthen the industrial cooperation between large, small and medium-sized cities and small towns, and gradually form a development pattern of horizontal dislocation development and vertical division of labor and cooperation. It is necessary to strengthen the construction of innovation cooperation mechanism and build an open and efficient sharing network of innovation resources, so as to promote the coordinated development of cities with collaborative innovation. China's urbanization must develop synchronously with agricultural modernization, and urban work must be promoted together with the work of agriculture, rural areas and farmers to form a new pattern of integration of urban and rural development.

Third, overall planning, construction and management of the three major links to improve the systematicness of urban work. Urban work should set up systematic thinking, start with many elements, structures and functions of the city, conduct in-depth research and careful deployment of major issues related to urban development, and systematically promote all aspects of work. It is necessary to comprehensively consider a variety of factors, such as urban functional positioning, cultural characteristics, construction management and so on. Planning should be approachable, and the planned enterprises and institutions, constructors and managers can be invited to participate, and the public should also be invited to participate. It is necessary to constantly innovate in planning concepts and methods to enhance the scientific and guiding nature of planning. It is necessary to strengthen urban design, promote urban repair, and strengthen the openness and compulsion of regulatory detailed planning. It is necessary to strengthen the planning and control of the city's spatial dimensionality, plane coordination, integrity of style and appearance, and continuity of context, so as to retain the "genes" of the city's unique regional environment, cultural characteristics, and architectural style. After approval, the plan should be strictly implemented and be carried out one after another, so as to prevent the phenomenon of changing leadership and changing planning. To grasp urban work, we must grasp the focus of urban management and services, constantly improve urban management and services, and completely change the mode of extensive management, so as to make life more convenient, more comfortable, and better for the people in cities. It is necessary to give top priority to safety, control safety and quality, and implement safety work in all aspects and fields of urban work and urban development.

Fourth, we should co-ordinate the three major driving forces of reform, science and technology and culture to improve the sustainability of urban development. Urban development needs to rely on the three-wheel drive of reform, science and technology, and culture to enhance the ability of urban sustainable development. It is necessary to promote the reform of planning, construction, management, and household registration, co-ordinate all kinds of spatial planning on the basis of the planning of the main functional areas, and promote the "integration of multiple regulations." It is necessary to deepen the reform of the urban management system and determine the scope of management, the list of powers, and the subject of responsibility. In order to promote urbanization, the primary task is to promote the orderly citizenization of the resident population who are capable of stable employment and life in cities and towns. It is necessary to strengthen the strategic research on the citizenization of the agricultural transferred population, and comprehensively promote supporting reforms in the fields of land, finance, education, employment, medical care, old-age care, and housing security. It is necessary to promote the reform of urban science, technology, culture and many other fields, optimize the ecological chain of innovation and entrepreneurship, make innovation the main driving force of urban development, and release the new momentum of urban development. It is necessary to strengthen the construction and functional integration of digital platforms for urban management, build a comprehensive urban management database, and develop the application of wisdom in people's livelihood services. It is necessary to protect and carry forward the excellent traditional Chinese culture, continue the historical context of the city, and protect the cultural heritage left by our predecessors. It is necessary to combine their own historical heritage, regional culture and the requirements of the times to create their own urban spirit, establish an external image, and rally the hearts of the people internally.

Fifth, coordinate the three major layouts of production, life and ecology to improve the livability of urban development. Urban development should grasp the internal relationship among production space, living space and ecological space, and realize intensive and efficient production space, moderate livable space and beautiful ecological space. Urban work should take the creation of a good living environment as the central goal, and strive to build the city into a beautiful home where people and people, people and nature live in harmony. It is necessary to enhance the rationality of the internal layout of the city and enhance the permeability and microcirculation capacity of the city. It is necessary to deepen the reform of the urban housing system, continue to improve the housing security system, speed up the transformation of urban shantytowns and dilapidated houses, and speed up the transformation of old residential areas. It is necessary to strengthen the concepts of respecting nature, inheriting history, green and low carbon, and take environmental capacity and urban comprehensive carrying capacity as the basic basis for determining urban positioning and scale. Urban construction should take nature as beauty and integrate good mountains, good water and good scenery into the city. Great efforts should be made to carry out ecological restoration so that the city can recreate green waters and green mountains. It is necessary to control the intensity of urban development, delineate water protection lines, green space system lines, infrastructure construction control lines, historical and cultural protection lines, permanent basic farmland and ecological protection red lines, so as to prevent "spreading cake" expansion. promote the formation of a green and low-carbon production and life style and urban construction and operation model. It is necessary to adhere to intensive development, establish the concepts of "smart growth" and "compact city", scientifically define the boundaries of urban development, and promote the transformation of urban development from extension expansion to connotation promotion. Infrastructure such as urban transportation, energy, water supply and drainage, heating, sewage and garbage disposal should be planned and built in accordance with the concept of green cycle and low carbon.

Sixth, coordinate the three main bodies of the government, society and citizens to enhance the enthusiasm of all parties to promote urban development. Urban development should be good at arousing the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of all aspects, gathering and promoting the positive energy of urban development. We must adhere to coordination and coordination, and try our best to promote the government, society, and the public to act with one heart and one mind, so that the visible hand of the government, the invisible hand of the market, and the industrious hand of the public can work together. The government should innovate the way of urban governance, especially pay attention to strengthening the fine management of the city. It is necessary to improve the civilized quality of citizens, respect their rights to know, participate in, and supervise decisions on urban development, and encourage enterprises and citizens to participate in urban construction and management in various ways, so as to truly achieve urban co-governance, co-management, co-construction and sharing.

The meeting stressed that to do a good job in urban work, we must strengthen and improve the leadership of the party. Party committees at all levels should fully understand the important position and role of urban work, and principal leaders should personally grasp it and establish and improve the pattern of urban work under the unified leadership of party committees and the joint management of the party and government. It is necessary to promote the reform of urban management institutions and innovate the system and mechanism of urban work. It is necessary to speed up the training of a group of cadres who understand cities and know how to manage cities, and use scientific attitudes, advanced ideas, and professional knowledge to plan, build, and manage cities. It is necessary to comprehensively implement the policy of governing the country according to law, plan, build, and manage cities according to law, and promote the modernization of the urban governance system and capacity. It is necessary to improve the system and mechanism of decision-making according to law, and define public participation, expert argumentation, and risk assessment as the legal procedures for major urban decision-making. It is necessary to further promote the reform of the urban management and law enforcement system and ensure strict, fair and civilized law enforcement.

The meeting pointed out that the city is the place where all kinds of factor resources and economic and social activities are most concentrated in our country. To build a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way and speed up the realization of modernization, we must grasp the "locomotive" of the city, grasp the law of development, promote a new type of urbanization with people as the core, give full play to this maximum potential of expanding domestic demand, and effectively resolve all kinds of "urban diseases." It is necessary to improve the level of planning, enhance the scientific and authoritative nature of urban planning, promote the "integration of multiple regulations", comprehensively carry out urban design, improve the architectural policy in the new period, and scientifically plan the "growth coordinates" of the city. It is necessary to raise the level of construction, strengthen the construction of underground and above-ground infrastructure in cities, build sponge cities, speed up the renovation of shantytowns and dilapidated houses, and promote the comprehensive renovation of old residential areas in an orderly manner. we will strive to basically complete the renovation of existing urban shantytowns, urban villages and dilapidated houses by 2020, promote urban green development, improve building standards and project quality, and attach great importance to building energy conservation. It is necessary to improve the level of management, strive to build a smart city, start with the implementation of the residence permit system to promote the equalization of basic public services for the urban resident population, strengthen urban public management, and comprehensively improve the quality of citizens. We will promote reform and innovation and provide a strong institutional guarantee for urban development.

The meeting called on Chinese Dream, who has arduous tasks and bright prospects for urban work, to explore and innovate, to work in a down-to-earth manner, to constantly create a new situation for urban development, and to make new and greater contributions to achieving the goal of building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way and realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Member of the political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and member of the Secretariat of the CPC Central Committee, relevant leading comrades of the standing Committee of the National people's Congress, state councillors, president of the Supreme people's Court, procurator-general of the Supreme people's Procuratorate, relevant leading comrades of the CPPCC National Committee and members of the Central military Commission attended the meeting.

Principal responsible comrades of the party and government of all provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government, cities separately listed on the State plan, and Xinjiang production and Construction Corps, principal responsible comrades of relevant departments of the central and state organs, responsible comrades of some enterprises and financial institutions under the central management, and relevant responsible comrades of the army and the armed police force attended the meeting.