
"Jiaoling Exploration" of Rural Comprehensive Reform

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Agricultural development is relatively slow, it is difficult to increase farmers' income, and rural contradictions are more prominent. These are the common problems faced by some rural areas in Guangdong. The root of these problems lies in the fact that grass-roots social governance and mechanism construction are difficult to adapt to the social transformation and economy under the new situation.

Agricultural development is relatively slow, it is more difficult to increase farmers' income, and rural contradictions are more prominent. This is a common problem faced by some rural areas in Guangdong. the root of these problems lies in the grass-roots social governance and mechanism construction which are difficult to adapt to the social transformation and economic transition under the new situation.

Jiaoling County, Meizhou City, which is also faced with these problems, has carried out a series of explorations: grass-roots governance and reform are promoted synchronously, on the one hand, by promoting the completion of rural land ownership and opening the breakthrough of rural comprehensive reform. On the other hand, we should make efforts in governance innovation at the grass-roots level, build a governance system of "one core, three elements, four powers synchronized, and multi-layer co-governance", stimulate the endogenous forces in rural areas, let farmers become the main body of governance, resolve social contradictions, and create a stable social environment for reform and development.

The "Jiaoling Exploration" of rural comprehensive reform has been widely concerned by experts and scholars. At the 10th China Rural Development Forum held in Jiaoling last weekend, experts, scholars and government officials from all over the country demonstrated in depth the innovation of comprehensive rural reform and governance in Jiaoling.

Nanfang Daily reporter Zhang Xuebin and Tang Kaifeng

Ke Honghai and Tang Linzhen

Hu Xinke, a reporter from Southern Rural Daily.

From Jiaoling, Meizhou

Correspondent Tu Yongping and Huang Linsheng

The determination of land rights is basically completed in one year.

The most difficult thing in the comprehensive reform of rural areas is the determination of land rights. Jiaoling takes one year to hand over the answer paper: 97 villages and 107800 mu of land in the county have completed the registration and certification work, with a certification rate of more than 98.0%.

The third Plenary session of the 18th CPC Central Committee established the direction of comprehensive reform in rural areas. As a demonstration site for comprehensive rural reform identified by the State Council, Jiaoling began to explore the way for rural comprehensive reform through the work of confirming the rights of rural land a year ago.

To promote the comprehensive reform of rural areas, the most difficult and crucial thing is to determine the right of land. Earlier, a reporter from Nanfang Daily learned when interviewing at many demonstration sites for confirming land rights that some areas complained that the cost of confirming rights was too high, that it was difficult to mobilize the enthusiasm of the masses in some areas, that progress was slow in some areas due to disputes over land use rights, and that in some areas, a large number of villagers were worried that they could not find anyone outside.

Jiaoling has encountered a similar dilemma. However, a year later, Jiaoling handed over the answer paper: 97 villages and 107800 mu of land in the county have completed the registration and certification work, with a certification rate of more than 98.0%, and the work of confirming land rights has been basically completed.

"how did you do it?" Many participants proposed. The practice of Zhaofu Village in Sanyu Town may have answered everyone's doubts. Zhaofu Village has 22 village groups, 722 households with a total of 2685 people. as the largest administrative village in the town, Zhaofu Village was once regarded as the hardest "hard bone" to be chewed. "if the village does a good job in ascertaining its rights, other problems will naturally be solved." Lu Yaosheng, member of the standing Committee of the Jiaoling County CPC Committee and secretary of the discipline Inspection Commission, told reporters that Jiaoling will take Zhaofu Village as the first pilot village.

Openness and transparency can win the support of the villagers. Town and village cadres took village group leaders, economic cooperative presidents, villagers, and contractors to the site to measure, and then publicized the results. The opinions put forward by the masses should be verified immediately, make sure that there are no mistakes, and then confirm the right to issue certificates. "including ideological mobilization, confirmation of power, registration, and issuance of certificates have all been completed, pinching and counting, exactly three months."

Gnaw off the hard bones and drive a lot of them. In July 2013, Jiaoling officially launched the confirmation of land rights, and by the end of November this year, the registration and certification of land contractual management rights of 110000 mu of paddy fields in Jiaoling County had been basically completed.

"the completion of the determination of land rights is only the first step, and the most important thing is to let ordinary people get real benefits through the determination of land rights." Lu Yaosheng said that to this end, Jiaoling simultaneously promoted other reforms and set up a county-wide land trading platform to allow the confirmed land to be transferred in a sunny and transparent platform, resulting in maximum economic benefits.

Luo Wenwei, a villager of Shifeng Village, Guangfu Town, has deep experience. His family has more than 4 mu of land. before confirming the right, the land could collect rent of about 1000 yuan a year. After confirming the power, he rented the land to the agricultural company through the land trading center, and the annual rent rose to more than 4000 yuan. He also became an employee of the company, earning about 2500 yuan a month when farming was busy. He can still take odd jobs in his spare time. Now the whole family's annual gross income is 60,000 yuan or 70,000 yuan, an increase of 5 percent over last year.

Introduce villagers' consultation and discussion to govern the countryside

At present, a total of 868 villagers' councils have been set up in 8 towns in Jiaoling County, mobilizing township talents and talents to participate in the discussion and governance of village affairs, breaking the only standard for participation in discussions based on household registration.

During the visit to Sanyu Town, many villages mentioned the same governance structure: the village consultation council, the villagers' committee and the village affairs supervision committee. This is precisely the "three elements" in Jiaoling's "one-core three-yuan, four-power synchronization, multi-layer co-governance".

"one core" means the leadership of the village party organization, which means that the village party organization leads the mass organizations in the village, discusses the development plans of the village, manages and supervises party members and village group cadres, and collects public opinion.

"Multi-layer governance" is to establish a villagers' council (villagers' group) in a natural village to mobilize talented people to participate in social governance and give full play to the functions of village governance.

The villagers' council, the villagers' group and the broad masses of farmers participate, and the villagers' rights of decision-making, management, supervision and the right to vote develop synchronously, which is the synchronization of the four rights.

In Fangxin Village, Sanhe Town, the ancestral house with dozens of houses has been renovated, with wide flat land and clean fish ponds in front of the door, just like a country park. "these are all built at the expense of everyone!" Xu Bo, 68, told reporters in Mandarin with a strong Hakka accent that the village has had street lights and built a longevity park in recent years, all led by the villagers.

According to statistics, the Fangxin Village villagers Council took the lead in raising a total of 1.46 million yuan in donations and did 36 practical things for the people's livelihood in the village.

At present, a total of 868 village councils have been set up in 8 towns of Jiaoling County.

Chen Zuhuang, director of the Agricultural Office of the Guangdong Provincial CPC Committee, believes that this kind of villagers' council is a supplement and improvement to villagers' autonomy.

Professor Xu Yong, dean of China Rural Research Institute of Central China normal University, believes that the exploration of rural governance in Jiaoling is a rural governance reform based on rural endogenous needs and endogenous motivation. "in the past, rural affairs were mainly accomplished through top-down administrative forces, and the participation of villagers was not enough." On the other hand, the villagers' consultation and discussion is introduced into the rural governance, and the stakeholders participate, which breaks the only standard of participation in the discussion with household registration.

Professor Xu Xianglin, chief expert of the Economics Department of the Central Party School, spoke highly of the "synchronization of the four powers": "We should let the common people know that they should contribute as soon as they should contribute, donate more if they have money, and follow those who have no money." With the participation of the common people, the common people will have enthusiasm. "

Zhu Lijia, director of the Public Administration Teaching and Research Office of Chinese Academy of Governance, believes that the separation of administration, decision-making, implementation and supervision, and the joint participation of villagers to form a model of pluralistic co-governance, "really let farmers become the main body of governance."

Solve the problem of loan and promote the Transformation of Agriculture

According to the term of the contract signed between the contractor and the villagers, Jiaoling issues the appraisal certificate of property right transfer transaction to the contractor through the rural property rights transaction service center, and carries on the loan with the mortgage of rural land management right.

During the interview, a reporter from Nanfang Daily found that Jiaoling rural comprehensive reform has more or less encountered difficulties, and the reason why these contradictions can be solved smoothly has a lot to do with the simultaneous promotion of rural governance innovation.

"in the past, the government thought of a lot of ways and did a lot of practical things for the common people, but the satisfaction of the masses in some areas was not high. The reason is that there are many things that the government wants to do, and the masses tend to take a wait-and-see attitude. " Wang Yiyang, director of the Development Research Center of the Guangdong Provincial Government, believes that we should dare to delegate power to society and grass-roots units, so as to activate the vitality of social organizations.

"of the social contradictions in Guangdong, 35% are related to agriculture, and more than 50% of the contradictions related to agriculture come from land. The contradictions faced by grass-roots social governance urgently need to unremittingly promote reform." Chen Zuhuang believes that many grass-roots cadres believe that the determination of land rights will lead to social conflicts, but the exploration of Jiaoling and Yangshan has proved otherwise. They (Jiaoling and Yangshan) have an obvious characteristic, that is, governance innovation at the grass-roots level is relatively good.

Chen Weiming, head of Jiaoling County, said frankly that the smooth progress of Jiaoling reform is inseparable from the simultaneous promotion of grass-roots governance innovation. Grass-roots governance provides a stable environment for reform, and reform stimulates the driving force for development.

Just last year, during a visit to Jiaoling, the reporter found that although many farmers had carried out land transfer, due to the lack of start-up funds, rural financial loans were restricted by mortgages, and many farmers looked sad.

To this end, on the basis of the smooth progress of land ownership and transfer, Jiaoling made great efforts to solve the problem of rural loans. Lu Yaosheng said that according to the term of the contract signed between the contractor and the villagers, Jiaoling issued a certificate of appraisal for the transfer of property rights to the contractor through the rural property rights transaction service center, and made a loan with the mortgage of rural land management rights. the total amount of mortgage financing for agricultural operators totaled 300000 yuan.

This has greatly promoted the transformation of agriculture. Since the establishment and operation of the property rights trading center, 68 transactions including leading enterprises, family farms, forest rights transfer and rural financial and credit services have been facilitated, covering a land area of more than 11000 mu.

Jiaoling's county economy has also gained momentum for development. In the first half of this year, the gross domestic product of Jiaoling County reached 2.81 billion yuan, an increase of 9.3 percent over the previous year, the added value of industries above scale 450 million yuan, an increase of 21.3 percent over the same period, public budget revenue of 190 million yuan, an increase of 23.8 percent over the previous year, and investment in fixed assets of 1.1 billion yuan, an increase of 39.8 percent.

"although Jiaoling's comprehensive rural reform has achieved preliminary results, it still has great potential." Wen Xiangfang, secretary of the Jiaoling County CPC Committee, said Jiaoling will release more production power by firmly promoting comprehensive rural reform, developing ecological agriculture and longevity industries.