
Wang Yang: carry out the pilot experiment of rural reform in a down-to-earth manner and strive to create more

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, On November 29, the work exchange meeting of the rural reform pilot area was held in Hefei, Anhui Province, to summarize and exchange the experience of the previous rural reform experiment in various localities, and to make arrangements for the work in the rural reform pilot area in the next step. Member of the political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and deputy of the State Council

汪洋:扎实开展农村改革试点试验 努力创造更多鲜活实践经验

On November 29, the work exchange meeting of the rural reform pilot area was held in Hefei, Anhui Province, to summarize and exchange the experience of the previous rural reform experiment in various localities, and to make arrangements for the work in the rural reform pilot area in the next step. Wang Yang, member of the political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and vice premier of the State Council, attended the meeting and made an important speech, stressing the need to thoroughly implement the spirit of the third and fourth Plenary sessions of the 18th CPC Central Committee. in accordance with the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on agricultural and rural development and Premier Li Keqiang's requirements for doing a solid job in the pilot work of rural reform, we should give full play to the pilot role of the experimental areas and constantly deepen rural reform.

It is understood that after the joint meeting of the work of the rural reform pilot areas was studied and deliberated and submitted to the Central Rural work leading Group for approval, the Ministry of Agriculture and other 13 departments recently jointly approved 34 counties (cities and districts), including Tongzhou District, Beijing, as the second batch of rural reform pilot areas. together with the nine first batch of rural reform pilot areas, including Yutian County, Hebei Province, they respectively undertake 14 new pilot tasks for rural reform. With the start-up of the second batch of rural reform pilot areas and the determination of trial tasks, the number of rural reform pilot areas under the new situation has reached 58, covering 28 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) across the country, and the test contents cover all major areas of rural reform. a relatively complete reform experimental work system has been basically formed.

The meeting stressed that exploring the way on a pilot basis before summing up and popularizing it is a basic experience for the great success of reform and opening up. The pilot experiment is a good way to properly handle the relationship between reform, development, and stability, and fully embodies the dialectical unity of setting up plans at the top level and crossing the river by feeling the stones. At present, China's economic development has entered a new normal, industrialization and urbanization is further promoted, rural reform involves a wider range, more influencing factors, but also more complex and arduous. The more this is the case, the more we need to make good use of the magic weapon of the pilot experiment, fully understand the great significance of doing a good job in the pilot experiment of rural reform, and earnestly enhance the sense of responsibility and urgency.

The meeting pointed out that the fourth Plenary session of the 18th CPC Central Committee made important arrangements for comprehensively promoting the rule of law, and clearly called for "achieving the convergence of legislation and reform decision-making. To ensure that major reforms are based on the law, and that legislation actively meets the needs of reform and economic and social development." To deepen rural reform, we must abide by rules and regulations in accordance with the law. This requires us to innovate the ways and means of reform and actively promote the convergence of legislation and reform decision-making. After authorization, some pilot experiments to break through legal restrictions can be carried out within a local scope, which can not only take into account the advance and innovation of the reform and the authority and seriousness of the legal system, and realize the reform under the premise of the rule of law; at the same time, it can provide a basis for the establishment, reform and abolition of the law, speed up the standardization and legalization of effective reform measures, and make the promotion of rural reform and the improvement of laws and regulations link up and promote each other.

The meeting stressed that the reform pilot tasks of this deployment all come from the decision of the third Plenary session of the 18th CPC Central Committee and the No. 1 document of the CPC Central Committee this year, mainly focusing on promoting market-oriented reform and improving the integrated institutional system for urban and rural development. they are all key areas of reform that have seldom touched or have not been solved in the past, and five issues need to be discussed and studied in depth. First, deepen the reform of the rural land system. The rural land system is the basic system that affects the overall economic and social situation, and people from all walks of life pay close attention to and eagerly look forward to the reform. The reform of the land system involves many subjects and has a profound impact on interests. The reform experiment must highlight the key points and grasp the key points. It is necessary to co-ordinate the implementation of rural land expropriation, the entry of rural collective construction land in line with planning and use control, and the pilot reform of the homestead system, and explore ways to maintain the red line of cultivated land protection and promote the efficient use of rural land. Second, improve the agricultural support and protection system. The reason why we have been able to maintain the good momentum of stable development of agricultural production and continuous increase of farmers' income in recent years is largely due to increasing investment in agriculture, rural areas and farmers, and basically establishing a complete agricultural support and protection system. However, with the changes in the macro environment and the situation in agricultural and rural areas, agricultural support and protection policies also need to be adjusted and improved. On the one hand, we should continue to strengthen support, protection and investment in agriculture, on the other hand, we should explore ways and means to make full use of stocks and improve the accuracy and effectiveness of agricultural inputs. Third, establish a modern rural financial system. Finance is the "lifeblood" of agricultural and rural economy. With the rapid development of new business entities and the continuous expansion of business scale, the demand for credit support and risk protection in rural areas is becoming increasingly strong. It is necessary to explore the establishment of an incentive and restraint mechanism for financial support to agriculture, enrich the types of financial institutions in rural areas, explore the low-cost operation mode of rural finance and effective ways to prevent financial risks. Fourth, deepen the reform of the rural collective property right system. To establish a rural collective property right system that meets the requirements of the socialist market economic system and the reality of the primary stage, it is necessary to explore and improve rural collective ownership and clarify the attribution of rural collective property rights. It is necessary to improve the operating mechanism of rural collective economic organizations and explore the realization form of collective ownership. It is necessary to study the relationship between the main body of management and operation and the subject of property rights, and establish a sound internal governance structure. Fifth, improve the mechanism of rural governance. The profound adjustment of urban and rural interest pattern, the profound change of rural social structure and the profound change of farmers' ideas have posed a challenge to the traditional rural social governance model. Explore how to adapt to the new situation, strengthen the building of grass-roots party organizations in rural areas, consolidate the leadership core position of grass-roots party organizations in rural areas, and enhance attractiveness and cohesion. Explore how to improve villagers' autonomy and better realize villagers' democratic management and democratic supervision. It is necessary to explore how to realize the rural governance system with the organic integration of the party's grass-roots organizations, villagers' autonomous organizations and all kinds of economic and service organizations.

The meeting demanded that the situation in different places is different, and the experimental tasks undertaken by each experimental area are also different.We must proceed from reality, carefully formulate reform and experimental plans, and meticulously organize and implement them, so as to provide experience for the establishment and improvement of agricultural and rural development mechanisms. to provide reference for the creation and improvement of relevant systems, and to provide a basis for revising and perfecting legal regulations. All localities should attach great importance to it, make careful arrangements, carefully organize and do a good job in implementation, and the departments concerned should give strong support to do a good job in the work of the pilot areas for rural reform.

The exchange meeting was presided over by Han Changfu, minister of agriculture and convener of the joint meeting on the work of the rural reform pilot area. Chen Xiwen and Yuan Chunqing, deputy heads of the Central Rural work leading Group, and Bi Jingquan, deputy secretary general of the State Council, attended the meeting. Wang Xuejun, deputy secretary of the Anhui Provincial CPC Committee and governor, attended the meeting and delivered a speech. Responsible comrades from seven rural reform pilot areas made exchange speeches. More than 150 representatives attended the meeting, including responsible persons of various member units of the working joint meeting of the rural reform pilot areas, as well as relevant responsible persons of 58 rural reform pilot areas. During the meeting, a training course on the work of the rural reform pilot area was held, and special training was conducted for the responsible personnel of the government and the competent departments in the rural reform pilot area.