
Rural reform experiment mission glorious responsibility heavy

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, At present, China's economic development has entered a new normal, and rural reform is at a critical stage of breaking the ice. The work exchange meeting held in the new batch of rural reform experimental areas and the experimental tasks approved soon is not only the work of the new batch of rural reform experimental areas, but also the work of the new batch of rural reform experimental areas.

At present, China's economic development has entered a new normal, and rural reform is in the key stage of breaking the ice. The work exchange meeting held in a new batch of rural reform experimental areas and soon after the approval of the experimental tasks is not only a start-up meeting for the deployment of a new batch of rural reform experimental areas, but also a mobilization meeting for comprehensively deepening rural reform. it is of great significance to implement the central layout of rural reform and create a new situation in the development of agriculture, rural areas and farmers in our country.

Comrade Deng Xiaoping once pointed out that "reform is a great experiment."Reform should be carried out on a pilot basis, popularized locally, and solved one by one when it is mature." It can be said that every major institutional change since the reform and opening up has come from pilot experiments to varying degrees, especially in rural reform. From the implementation of household contract management to the stabilization and improvement of rural land contract relations, from the abolition of unified purchase and marketing to the liberalization of product and factor markets, from the abolition of people's communes to the implementation of villagers' autonomy, from reforming the rural tax and fee system to promoting the overall development of urban and rural areas, behind all these major rural reforms, pilot experiments have played an irreplaceable role.

Since the 18th CPC National Congress, the Central Committee has attached great importance to the pilot work of rural reform. General Secretary Xi Jinping repeatedly stressed that for reforms that do not have an in-depth understanding but must be promoted, we should boldly explore them, conduct pilot projects first, find out rules, build consensus, and constantly deepen reform and opening up. The No. 1 document of the CPC Central Committee has also repeatedly called for a solid job in the pilot work of rural reform. Vice Premier Wang Yang attended the work exchange meeting of the rural reform pilot area and made an important speech, reflecting the great importance and ardent expectations of the central authorities for the work of the new round of rural reform pilot areas. All localities must fully understand the great significance of doing a good job in the pilot experiment of rural reform and earnestly enhance the sense of responsibility and sense of urgency of rural reform and innovation.

Promoting reform is a process of exploring the unknown, and it is necessary to explore paths and accumulate experience for the overall reform through pilot experiments. The rural reform pilot area is a comprehensive platform for the central government to promote the pilot experiment of rural reform. the purpose is to concentrate efforts and strive to achieve breakthroughs in key areas, key links, institutional mechanisms, and institutional construction. to form a reform experience that can be replicated and popularized.

The 30 rural reform pilot areas approved at the end of the last century mainly focused on the rural management system, rural tax and fee system, and grain purchase and marketing system, and achieved a number of results. Since the new century, the 24 rural reform pilot areas arranged in 2011 have mainly focused on pilot projects around the six major system construction deployed at the third Plenary session of the 17th CPC Central Committee, and many achievements have been reflected in the decision of the third Plenary session of the 18th CPC Central Committee.

At present, rural reform has entered a deep-water area and a period of tackling difficulties. In the new round of rural reform, many contents are related to the fundamental, long-term and overall situation, and what needs to be solved are all focus and difficult problems, and there are no ready-made answers available. The newly deployed five areas and 19 reform pilot tasks are mainly focused on promoting market-oriented reform and improving the institutional mechanism for the integration of urban and rural development, all of which are key areas of reform that have seldom touched or have not been solved in the past. it is also the "four beams and eight pillars" of rural reform. Rural reform and development is related to the overall economic and social stability, and it is a major responsibility and glorious mission for all experimental areas to properly implement and complete various reform experimental tasks.

After more than 30 years of continuous practice, the rural reform pilot area has accumulated rich experience and good work foundation, and formed a relatively complete work system from the central to the local government. All localities should seize the current favorable opportunity of comprehensively deepening rural reform, do a solid job in various pilot projects of rural reform in the next step, strive to achieve groundbreaking experimental results of reform, and make due contributions to the overall situation of reform and development.