
The cause and Control of the scorched Tip of Orchid

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The focal tip of the orchid leaf affects the ornamental. I believe that the orchid family will more or less encounter the situation of orchid leaf Jiaojian. To the orchid leaf coke tip phenomenon, the orchid book generally says that there are two reasons: first, the partial application of nitrogen fertilizer, re-application of pesticides, strong light, weak anti-freezing.

The focal tip of the orchid leaf affects the ornamental. I believe that the orchid family will more or less encounter the situation of orchid leaf Jiaojian.

Generally speaking, there are two reasons for the scorched tip phenomenon of orchid leaves: one is caused by physical diseases such as partial application of nitrogen fertilizer, heavy application of pesticides, excessive light, poor anti-freezing, dry air and external injury, and the other is the physiological damage caused by viruses, bacteria and insect pests, such as iron rust, brown rust, tip blight, root rot, blight and other infections. In the process of orchid cultivation, through observation, it can be found that some orchids growing in the same orchid chamber under the same conditions have serious scorched tips and leaves, while some orchid leaves are not. There are some bluegrass that have never had a scorched tip since they went down the mountain. Even if the diseased grass with scorched tip chronic disease is not infected with the disease, it will take three or five years to grow into strong grass before it can be improved. It can be seen that those orchids that are not scorched are orchids with developed roots, luxuriant leaves, strong vigor and vitality, whether they are kept indoors or outdoors, or in a hot summer or in a cold, windy winter. will not be scorched.

Therefore, the conclusion is that in order to make the orchid leaves unscorched, it is necessary to improve the quality of orchids and choose the orchids. Good flowers produce good seedlings, coupled with careful cultivation, you will get large seedlings of strong grass that are not scorched. Of course, create an environment suitable for the growth of orchids, carefully adjust and nurture, find out the causes of sharp coke, and through comprehensive prevention and control, the orchids will always maintain their beauty, and some weak grasses with scorched disease will be improved and cured.

Before autumn orchid off-season, write a few words to "throw a brick to attract jade". Hope that the orchid leaf scorched tip, wilt, disease research, experienced orchid friends to help top. Let's analyze the reasons and look for countermeasures to make the orchids raised by Siming orchid friends stronger and more beautiful!

First, the whole pot of bluegrass has the phenomenon of scorched leaves regardless of the new buds of the old grass: most of this situation is "wet coke". At the beginning of the leaf tip yellowing, the chlorophyll decreases, then blackens and spots, and gradually spreads to the whole leaf and the whole grass. the foot shell of the new grass which depends on the Reed head also begins to blacken, and the leaf stem is weak. In the end, all the chars are withered (when they are short of water, they dry yellow, and when they spray water for a long time, they are black and rotten). Encounter this kind of situation, whether it is severe winter, extreme heat, yellow plum, autumn dryness, immediately pour the pot! Plant materials and flowerpots are exposed to the sun after more than half an hour of disinfection (potassium permanganate 1: 30, 000). Orchid grass had better be discarded, such as fine flower inscription seed, after leaf pruning (tear off the fully charred orchid leaf, trim the scorched orchid leaf into a round head), root pruning (withered root, broken root, rotten root all cut off, rotten Reed head should also be cut off, strong leafless Reed head is retained), after disinfection and drying, the orchid leaves are wrapped in towels so that the orchid roots can be dried in the sun for half an hour. Finally, use new pots and new plant materials (granules, mixtures, no orchid mud) to re-pot. Absolutely in a cool, ventilated place (fat will die). After one or two months of recuperation, it can be maintained on the shelf after the new leaves grow out of a non-scorched tip, but they still adhere to the recuperation in the first year. Although this kind of "rescue" can "bring the dead back to life", it is not easy to see flowers in three or five years. Therefore, it is only effective for fine flowers, and generally, flowers can only give up as soon as possible, so as not to infect other orchids.

Second, the third generation of new teeth is strong and powerful, and the second generation of mature grass is also normal (only the color is dark green). Only the first generation or the previous generation has focal tips: because only a few leaves have dry focal tips, the possibility of infection with viruses and germs can be completely ruled out. This phenomenon is mostly caused by improper maintenance. If the light is too much, the scorch color of the leaf tip is like a withered bamboo leaf falling on the ground, and watering does not affect the color of the coke tip. This kind of "focal tip" does not need to be dealt with, just move the orchid to a place where there is no strong direct sunlight. After normal, the scorched part of the leaf tip shrinks and dries thoroughly, so it can be trimmed off, or it can be left untreated, leaving it to fall off naturally after it dries through. Learn a lesson and learn a lesson, just pay more attention to it in the future. The focal point always affects the viewing. )

Third, there is something wrong with the edge leaves of bluegrass, first a little yellowing, then green, yellow aggravation and a small number of fine black spots. Finally, it gradually withered and scorched, and broke with a slight 90% discount (black and withered when watered for a long time, tough and not easy to break): this is the "only way" of bluegrass, a normal manifestation of metabolism, especially on the downhill grass. As long as it is properly maintained, the senescence of orchid plants can be slowed down, but the natural decay of the older generation can not be avoided. As long as you do your best, the orchid plant should be satisfied for four or five years without disease or disaster. If you encounter an orchid plant aging and withering, cut it off two inches from the soil first, and then cut it down after it is dry. Clean it when turning the basin, peel off the rotten leaves, retain the Reed head, and twist the Reed head a few times to promote the old Reed head to sprout.

Fourth, the orchids bought (or replanted) in autumn and winter grow normally in one winter, and the summer flowers and seedlings are also good in spring, but the scorched tip shrinks gradually after Huangmei. In the early stage, the tip of the orchid leaf is a little thin black gas, and then the tip blackens. The dry time shrinks, the leaves are black and yellow, and when wet, there is a yellow watermark at the junction of black and green, and the boundary is more obvious: this is a fault in the supply of water and fertilizer to the orchid plant, and the blue root has physiological pathological changes, which is reflected in the focal tip shrinking phenomenon on the orchid leaves. Commonly known as "cramp". There are many reasons for the shrinking of the coke tip of orchids, and there are many problems in cultivation and management, such as too much watering, excessive fertilization, poor permeability and drainage of plants, poor ventilation, stuffy heat and steaming, too high and low air relative humidity, too strong direct sunlight and so on. In the process of prevention and treatment, we should follow the principle of curing both the symptoms and the root causes, and prescribe the right remedy to the case. Observe and experience your own orchid environment and the application of wind, water, light and fertilizer. In addition, flowering, germination is also abnormal and the phenomenon of focal tip shrinking and the whole basin infection belongs to the "disease" situation must be "the right medicine".

Fifth, give priority to prevention and cure both exterior and interior: what hurts the Orchid family most is the bacterial coke tip shrinking head, in fact, the focal tip shrinking head is only the appearance, and its source of disease is deep in the root, and if the coke tip cannot solve the problem, it is necessary to thoroughly turn the basin to clean up and disinfect the root, remove the source of the disease, and apply fungicides such as carbendazim powder to the wound, according to the "standard turning basin method" in order to cure both the symptoms and the root causes. In short, after bluegrass shrinks its head to the focal point, it is negative and helpless to treat it, and the consequences are generally not very good. Therefore, we should advocate active prevention, cure both on the outside and inside, and strengthen daily cultivation management to prevent problems in the bud. In fact, many Lan families on the Internet have selflessly posted their own experience. We can learn a lot of knowledge. Turning over the old posts on the Internet is one of my learning methods.

Sixth, "cultivate orchids and grow roots first" is an ancient motto that every orchid friend knows. But the root is in the basin, deeply buried in the plant material, peeling off the surface plant material can only see the new root bud. Therefore, judging the quality of roots by orchid leaves and blue buds is the basic skill of our orchid growers. In fact, the focal point, dead leaves is not terrible, terrible is to focus on the tip, dead leaves do not know what to do, let it go, or think that "inevitable".

According to the probability of occurrence, the withering of orchid leaves is generally divided into several conditions:

1. Improper application of fertilizer, water, medicine and so on

two。 Natural aging

3. Bad root system

4. Germ invasion

5. External force damage, etc.

So it is not necessary to shout BLS at the sight of Jiaoye. As long as the right medicine is prescribed according to different conditions, the focal point can be completely cured and avoided. From a personal point of view, I talked about some views on "Jiaojian rotten leaves", which is really throwing a brick to attract jade. I hope the Fang family will correct it. As it only involves analysis, there is no "prescription" in the hope that Lanyou, who has experience in this field, will continue to "join the dragon" and talk about his own treatment experience for various types of scorched withered leaves. I will publish orchid knowledge and pictures every day, take you in-depth understanding of orchids, teach you to easily raise orchids, you can always ask me or leave a message below if you don't understand orchids. If my knowledge brings you help, I hope you can help me or forward it to help more people!