
Green radish and gardenia. If you raise like this, it's like playing stimulants and growing up all over the family!

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, They are also growing flowers, why do other people's flowers blossom in thick green, while your flowers are thin and small and do not like to grow? Today, Huahua teaches you a few tips to ensure that you can also make the flowers look beautiful!

Green pineapple is raised like this, and it will grow up all over the family!

It is said that green pineapple is an entry-level green plant, and those who can't grow flowers can't die. If you still can't raise it, you can try the following method!

Moderate watering

Hydroponic green pineapple naturally does not need to control water, but soil culture should pay attention. Green pineapple raised dead 10 pots, of which 8 pots are watered too much, usually see the soil dry and then watered.

Beer wipes leaves

Usually, if you have unfinished beer, leave it for two days and let the alcohol evaporate. Then 20 times the water, pour it into the spray can and spray it on the green apple leaves, so that the leaves will become green and bright!

Succulent so, the water is lingering and chubby!

Succulent appearance is chubby and small, and many people get into the pit at a glance. But can you really raise succulent plants?

Don't spray water

1. Some succulent leaves are fluffy or fine powder. Spraying the leaves with water will cause the fluff to fall off, and it is almost irreversible.

2. In addition, if there is water on the succulent leaves, plus exposure to the sun, the leaves will burn. It is usually best to use a special succulent spray can and water along the edge of the flowerpot.

Appropriate fertilization

Succulent plants also need to be fertilized properly. Earthworm manure can be ground into powder and mixed into succulent soil. Do not use more than 10% of the soil for the first time.

Gardenia is raised in this way, the flowers are big and fragrant!

Recently, the gardenia at home has opened, and its fragrance is so strong that you can smell it as soon as you enter the door. If your gardenia doesn't grow well, try the following method!

Florescence management

1. If gardenia flowers grow into bones, be careful not to be exposed to the sun and give them shade properly, otherwise the flowers are easy to yellowing.

2. in addition, we should water less and spray more water around the flowerpot to maintain the humidity of the air. If there is more water in the flowering period, the flowering time will be shortened and the flowers will wither faster.

Thin fertilizer is applied frequently

Watering gardenia with mature rice water mixed with 10 times water can not only make gardenia bloom better, but also the soil is not easy to harden. But pay attention to the gardenia that just bought home slow seedling do not fertilize.

If a gentleman orchid is raised in this way, it will blossom year after year without rotting roots!

If you can raise the gentleman orchid well, it proves that your flower cultivation technology belongs to the ranks of experts ~ delicate gentleman orchid, how on earth can it blossom?

Turn the basin on time

The leaves of Cymbidium are oriented and placed in one position for a long time, which can easily lead to leaf asymmetry. It is best to turn the flowerpot once a week so that the leaves grow evenly.

Apply liquid fertilizer frequently

Cymbidium in spring is the peak growing season. Fish intestines and scales can be retted to make fishy water. After ripening, the orchid is watered with 50 times fresh water, using 2 times 3 times a month. The magnolia grows faster.

Crab claw orchid so raised, grow into a flower waterfall!

Crab claw orchid is also a relatively easy to raise flowers, the biggest disadvantage is that the root system is relatively weak, not resistant to waterlogging.

The soil is mixed with pine needles

Go to the mountain to dig some pine needles, sterilize and dry them, and mix them with 20% of the basin soil. After watering in this way, the water can be discharged from the flowerpot more quickly, so that the root will not be suffocated.

Fertilize on time

After the crab claw orchid fades, you can soak some soybean water and mix it with water 20 times, then use it once or twice a month. After supplementing nitrogen, the leaves of crab claw orchid will be thick and stiff!

The rose is so raised, the flowers are big and many!

Recently, many flower friends' roses have bloomed, and the bright spring flowers add a lot of color to the family. What should we do if we want to make the rose blossom more?

Spring pruning

If the rose wants to bloom, it needs a lot of nutrition, so it is necessary to prune the unnecessary branches. Cut off all the thin branches that do not sprout, and the rose will have the strength to blossom more.

Topdressing in time

Rose flowers are also very fond of fertilizer, and rotten sheep dung eggs can be used as fertilizer. Sprinkle a few tablets in the basin when turning the basin, or sprinkle it directly on the basin surface. Do not take more than 10 tablets at a time.

That's all for today's little knowledge of flower cultivation.

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