
Ideas and Policy suggestions on the Transformation to the Integration of Urban and Rural areas

Published: 2024-09-05 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/05, It requires long-term efforts to completely get rid of the urban-rural dual system and finally eliminate the urban-rural dual structure. On the basis of adhering to the policy framework of balancing urban and rural development formed since the 16th CPC National Congress, we should seize the historical opportunity of comprehensively deepening reform in the next seven years.

It requires long-term efforts to completely get rid of the urban-rural dual system and finally eliminate the urban-rural dual structure. On the basis of adhering to the policy framework of balancing urban and rural development formed since the 16th CPC National Congress, we should seize the historical opportunity of comprehensively deepening reform in the next seven years. We should take the construction of an institutional mechanism conducive to the integration of urban and rural development as an important field and key link of the reform, and speed up the formation of a new type of urban-rural relationship between industry and farmers, which promotes agriculture by industry, leads the countryside by cities, benefits workers and farmers, and integrates urban and rural areas. To provide institutional guarantee for the broad masses of farmers to participate in the modernization process equally and share the achievements of modernization together.

(1) expand the perspective of urban and rural development integration

To improve the consciousness of the whole society in promoting the integration of urban and rural development and make the construction of relevant systems and mechanisms more smoothly, it is necessary to have a comprehensive and accurate grasp of the starting point and foothold of promoting the integration of urban and rural development. Pay particular attention to the following three points.

First, promoting the integration of urban and rural development is not only the fundamental way to solve the problems of agriculture, rural areas and farmers, but also an important measure to release the potential of national economic growth. At present, all aspects, especially agriculture-related departments, mainly emphasize the integration of urban and rural development from the perspective of solving the problems of agriculture, rural areas and farmers. The report of the 17th CPC National Congress calls for "the formation of a new pattern of integration of urban and rural economic and social development". The report of the 18th CPC National Congress clearly pointed out that "the integration of urban and rural development is the fundamental way to solve the problems of agriculture, rural areas and farmers." In the report of the 18th CPC National Congress and the decision of the third Plenary session of the 18th CPC Central Committee, the relevant arrangements for rural reform and development are placed under the framework of the integration of urban and rural development. There is no doubt that these requirements and conclusions are correct. Under the background of the low starting point of agricultural and rural development and the rapid progress of industrialization and urbanization, we must pay attention to solving the problems of the lag of agricultural modernization and the slow development of rural areas, and promote the coordinated development of workers and farmers, urban and rural areas. However, we believe that it is not enough to promote the integration of urban and rural development only from the need to solve the problems of agriculture, rural areas and farmers, but also from the perspective of releasing the potential of national economic growth to understand and promote the integration of urban and rural development. more deeply grasp the inherent economic logic of the integration of urban and rural development.

At present, China is in a critical period of transition from high-speed to medium-to-high-speed economic growth, and there is an urgent need to excavate and cultivate continuous forces to support economic growth. The integration of urban and rural development is a process of both fairness and efficiency. From a fair point of view, the integration of urban and rural development, especially the equalization of basic public services, is conducive to farmers to share the fruits of modernization; from the perspective of efficiency, the integration of urban and rural development is conducive to improving the efficiency of the allocation of land, labor and other resources. Improving the utilization efficiency of collective stock construction land and expanding the land space of industrialization and urbanization are of great practical significance to alleviate the rising pressure of land cost. Continuously releasing agricultural surplus labor force, strengthening vocational skills training of migrant workers and enhancing their ability and expectation of stable employment will help to alleviate the long-term adverse impact of the decline of demographic dividend on economic development. it is of great practical significance to improve the quality of China's industrial workers and promote industrial transformation and upgrading. Increasing farmers' income, improving farmers' social security level, improving rural infrastructure, and further tapping the potential of rural consumption and investment are also of great practical significance to give full play to the basic role of consumption and the key role of investment. Like globalization and regional integration the integration of urban and rural development can also significantly improve the efficiency of resource allocation. Promoting the integration of urban and rural development will help to provide support for China's economic growth in the future. From two perspectives, dealing with the relationship between the two is very important to further consolidate and enhance the consensus on promoting the integration of urban and rural development.

Second, to promote the integration of urban and rural development, we should pay attention not only to "giving more", but also to "invigorating". Based on the fact that the gap between urban and rural areas is too large and that rural areas are the key and difficult points to achieve the goal of building a well-off society in an all-round way, there is no doubt that we should adhere to the principles of industry feeding agriculture, cities supporting rural areas and giving less to take and release life. We should establish a long-term mechanism of industry to promote agriculture and cities to lead rural areas, strengthen the policy of strengthening farmers and benefiting farmers and rich farmers, and persist in focusing on rural infrastructure construction and social undertakings development. However, in order to fundamentally narrow the gap between urban and rural areas and promote the common prosperity of urban and rural areas, we must pay more attention to stimulating and strengthening the vitality of rural development. To this end, it is necessary to strengthen rural reform, cultivate new types of agricultural operators, develop appropriate scale operations in various forms, improve agricultural competitiveness, innovate rural infrastructure construction and management and protection mechanisms, and mobilize the enthusiasm of funds from all sides to enter rural areas. improve farmers' professional skills, deepen the reform of rural property rights system, and increase farmers' income in many ways.

Third, to promote the integration of urban and rural development, we should not only improve the level of equalization, but also highlight the characteristics of differences. Balancing urban and rural development and narrowing the gap between urban and rural areas is a major measure to promote social fairness and justice and achieve more equitable benefits to all people. To this end, efforts should be made to promote the equalization of the basic rights and interests of urban and rural residents and public services, balance the balanced allocation of compulsory education resources in urban and rural areas, and improve the financial aid system for students from families with financial difficulties. we will build an effective mechanism to expand the coverage of high-quality educational resources by means of information technology, and gradually narrow the gap between regions, urban and rural areas and schools. We will improve the equal public employment and entrepreneurial service system in urban and rural areas, eliminate all institutional obstacles and employment discrimination that affect equal employment, such as urban and rural areas, industries, identity, and gender, and strive to narrow the income distribution gap between urban and rural areas, regions and industries. We will integrate the basic old-age insurance system and the basic medical insurance system for urban and rural residents, and promote the overall development of the minimum living security system in urban and rural areas. However, it should be noted that while promoting the equalization of the basic rights and interests of urban and rural residents and basic public services, we should highlight the respective characteristics of urban and rural areas. The new countryside should maintain regional and national characteristics, and it is the upgraded version of the traditional countryside rather than the clone version of the modern city.

(2) focus on ensuring farmers' fair sharing of land value-added benefits, and speed up the construction of a unified urban and rural construction land market with use control, equal power and value-added sharing.

The overall direction of land system reform should be to eliminate the institutional differences between collective land and state-owned land on the premise of strengthening use control and strengthening the binding force of planning. In other words, we should take use control as the first principle, eliminate ownership discrimination, and reach a new balance between property rights protection and use control. By 2020, the institutional framework for the equal entry of collective construction land into the market has been basically established, the right to the use of residential land has been significantly expanded, and the transaction system for the transfer of farmers' housing property rights has basically taken shape. the compensation mechanism for land expropriation has changed from "compensation according to the original use" to "fair compensation".

First, speed up the pace of amending relevant laws. Breaking the framework of the current urban-rural dual land system involves not only a major adjustment of the interest structure, but also a major change in legal relations. To promote the reform of the land system, it is necessary to amend some contents of the Constitution, the Land Management Law, the Guaranty Law and the property Law, especially some prohibitive provisions. For example, "urban land is owned by the state"; "any unit or individual who needs to use land for construction must apply for the use of state-owned land in accordance with the law", "compensation for the original use of rural collective land expropriated by the state", and "the right to the use of land collectively owned by farmers shall not be transferred, transferred or leased for non-agricultural construction" The land use rights of township (town) and village enterprises shall not be mortgaged separately, and the collectively owned land use rights of cultivated land, homestead, private land and private mountains shall not be used as mortgages and other provisions. Only by revising these superior laws can the reform of the land system be based on the law.

Second, clarify the scope of use of collective construction land after entering the market and the scope of the transferee of farmers' housing property rights. In the current urban land market, there is a great difference in the transfer years and price level of land use rights for different uses, and there is an obvious price difference between commercial houses using state-owned land and "houses with small property rights" using collective land.

In order to balance the interests of all parties, the utilization planning of collective construction land should be worked out as soon as possible, and the use of collective construction land should be clearly defined after entering the market. From the point of view of those who transfer out of the farmhouse, the more buyers and the more sufficient competition, the more conducive to increase their income. However, from the point of view of the shortage of land resources in China, and the total amount of rural construction land, including homestead, should be gradually reduced with the development of urbanization, it is not appropriate for urban capital to occupy a large number of rural houses and homestead in rural areas. In order to find a balance between these two angles, the assignee of rural house should be relaxed from the farmers who meet the new application of homestead in this collective economic organization to other families who meet certain conditions in a larger area. With regard to the geographical scope and qualifications, we can gradually try and make mistakes in the pilot areas from small to large and from strict to broad, so that the risk can be controlled.

Third, clarify the principle of distribution of value-added income of collective land. To establish a land value-added income distribution mechanism that takes into account the state, collectives and individuals, and reasonably improve individual income is not only an important principle for the reform of land expropriation compensation mechanism, but also an important principle for the distribution of value-added income generated by collective construction land transfer exchanges. For collective construction land, there are great differences in land stock among different collective economic organizations, and the places with large land stock are often places that used to occupy a large amount of land illegally. Part of the land use rights are in the hands of individuals or non-collective enterprises, and they are not open and transparent when they obtain the land use rights. If the value-added income generated by the circulation transaction is not reasonably adjusted, it will lead to serious social injustice. Shenzhen stipulates that the income from the transfer of the original collective construction land shall be distributed between the municipal land income fund and the successor organization of the former collective economic organization.