
The Ministry of Agriculture launched the second batch of rural reform experiments to focus on land system reform.

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, On December 1, the Ministry of Agriculture, together with the Office of the Central Rural work leading Group and the Central Organization Department and other members of the joint work meeting of the rural reform experimental areas, issued the "reply on the second batch of Rural Reform Experimental areas and Experimental tasks". A total of 34 counties and cities across the country will participate in the

On December 1, the Ministry of Agriculture, together with the Office of the Central Rural Work Leading Group, the Central Organization Department and other member units of the Joint Conference on Rural Reform Pilot Areas issued the Reply on the Second Batch of Rural Reform Pilot Areas and Experimental Tasks, and 34 counties and cities across the country will participate in the reform experiment.

21st Century Economic Report reporter learned that the Ministry of Agriculture has arranged a total of 14 aspects of experimental tasks. Among them, Chengdu City, Sichuan Province, which has many years of exploration experience in rural land reform, will carry out pilot projects around seven aspects and become one of the regions with the most experimental tasks.

Meitan County in Guizhou Province, which participated in China's first round of rural reform experiments in 1987, will conduct experiments on "management of rural land contract management rights circulation."

The experiment focused on land system reform

China's first round of rural reform began in 1987, with a total of 21 experimental areas nationwide, including Meitan County in Guizhou Province. After the Third Plenary Session of the Seventeenth Central Committee proposed to vigorously promote reform and innovation and strengthen the major deployment of rural system construction, the Central Committee's "No.1 Document" in 2011 put forward clear requirements for the work of rural reform pilot areas under the new situation. Since then, the Ministry of Agriculture has taken the lead in implementing the second round of rural reform experiments, and approved 24 counties and cities as the first batch of experimental tasks in January 2012.

At that time, the task was to focus on the six suggestions put forward by the Third Plenary Session of the Seventeenth Central Committee on rural reform, namely: stabilizing and improving the basic rural management system, perfecting the strict and standardized rural land management system, perfecting the agricultural support and protection system, establishing a modern rural financial system, establishing an integrated system for promoting urban and rural economic and social development, and perfecting the rural democratic management system.

Zhang Hongyu, director of the Rural Economic System and Management Department of the Ministry of Agriculture, said that the second round of reform focused on eliminating institutional obstacles to the dual urban-rural structure and deep-seated contradictions restricting the development of rural agricultural economy, and promoting industrialization, urbanization and agricultural modernization as a whole.

The 34 counties and cities approved on December 1, 2014 are the second batch of pilot areas for the second round of rural reform. At the same time, the Ministry of Agriculture has also added new experimental contents on the basis of the experimental tasks in 2012, including five aspects, namely, deepening the reform of rural land system, improving the agricultural support and protection system, establishing a modern rural financial system, deepening the reform of rural collective property rights system, and improving rural governance mechanisms. Of the 19 pilot projects subdivided, 7 involve reforms in the rural land system.

According to the Ministry of Agriculture, with the launch of the second batch of rural reform pilot areas and the determination of experimental tasks, the number of rural reform pilot areas under the new situation has reached 58, covering 28 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) nationwide. The experimental contents cover all major fields of rural reform and basically form a relatively complete reform experimental work system.

On November 29, Vice Premier Wang Yang of the State Council said at the work exchange meeting of the rural reform pilot area in Hefei that the rural reform pilot area is a comprehensive platform for promoting the rural reform pilot experiment, and efforts should be made to actively explore the rural land system, agricultural support and protection system, rural financial system, rural collective property rights system and rural governance, and strive to obtain a batch of replicable and replicable experiences.

Chengdu will undertake 7 test tasks

According to the Reply on the Second Batch of Rural Reform Experimental Areas and Experimental Tasks obtained by the reporter of 21st Century Economic Report, Chengdu City of Sichuan Province will carry out pilot projects in seven aspects such as withdrawal of land contracted management right, becoming one of the regions with the most experimental tasks.

Chen Jiaze, an expert on rural land issues and former vice president of Chengdu City Academy of Social Sciences, told the reporter of 21st Century Economic Report that Chengdu City shared seven tasks because Chengdu City had accumulated many years of experience in rural land reform, such as leading the country in the progress of rural land certification.

However, there is still much room for exploration in the experimental mission participated by Chengdu City. For example, Chengdu City will undertake the "pilot withdrawal of land contractual management rights" this time. Chen Jiaze said that if the management rights are to be truly "withdrawn", it is necessary to establish a more advanced citizenization guarantee system for migrant workers."Chengdu allows farmers to settle down in cities with land contractual management rights, which requires the government to provide a consideration system suitable for land contractual management rights, so that farmers can voluntarily withdraw from land management."

Chen Jiaze said that for local governments, if the combination of "withdrawal of land contract management rights" and the urbanization of migrant workers means that higher financial resources are needed.

According to the research of the research group led by Chen Jiaze: all kinds of public resources input needed for a migrant worker to change from farmer to citizen mainly include public infrastructure, social protection, compulsory education, medical and health care, employment service, housing security and social security, culture and sports, etc. Other conditions remain unchanged, Chengdu needs an increase of 168,000 yuan in fiscal expenditure for every increase in urban registered population.

In addition to the above pilot projects for withdrawal of contracted land management rights, Chengdu City will also undertake pilot projects for the transfer of contracted land management rights, pilot projects for deepening the reform of collective forest right system, pilot projects for improving agricultural subsidy measures, pilot projects for target price insurance of grain, live pigs and other agricultural products, pilot projects for the construction of rural grass-roots Party organizations such as farmers 'cooperatives, family farms and village-to-community, and pilot projects for villagers' autonomy with rural communities and villagers 'groups as units. In addition, Pengshan County, Bazhong City and Neijiang City in Sichuan Province participated in the second round of experiments.

Meitan County of Guizhou Province will participate in this round of land management right circulation management experiment, 21st century economic report reporter obtained "Meitan County land contract management right circulation management test plan" shows, Meitan County will first explore the village collective economic organization to establish land management company, through land renovation, independent management, investment attraction and other forms to realize large-scale land circulation, and support farmers to establish land joint stock cooperatives with land contract management rights.

For this round of experiments, Yuan Haisheng, director of Meitan Rural Reform Experimental Office, told the reporter of 21st Century Economic Report that in 2015, Meitan County will also carry out land confirmation and certification work to prepare for future experiments in rural property mortgage.