
Reform releases the driving force of seed industry innovation

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Grain is safe all over the world, planting and casting foundation stone. Seed is a fundamental factor of agricultural production and the most important carrier of agricultural science and technology. To ensure that Chinese people's rice bowls are mainly filled with Chinese grain, we must first ensure that Chinese grain is mainly grown in China. In recent years, the State Council has issued successively

"Grain secures the world, planting and casting the foundation stone". Seed is a fundamental factor of agricultural production and the most important carrier of agricultural science and technology. To ensure that Chinese people's rice bowls are mainly filled with Chinese grain, we must first ensure that Chinese grain is mainly grown in China. In recent years, the State Council has issued three documents on the development of the modern seed industry, issued a mobilization order for deepening the reform of the seed industry system, a series of new policies for the seed industry have been issued, and a package of reform programs have been promoted in concert. This is a practical action to deepen the reform of the scientific and technological system and enhance the vitality of scientific and technological innovation, and marks the beginning of a new round of seed industry reform.

To deepen the reform of the seed industry system, the market should play a decisive role. The seed industry reform involved in the "deep water area" requires greater determination and courage to break through the rules and regulations of the existing system. Especially in deepening the reform of the scientific and technological system of the seed industry, we must allocate resources with the decisive role of the market and stimulate the vitality of scientific research and innovation. We should pay attention to and be good at using market methods and incentive means, and make it clear that innovators can obtain technology shares, options and other rights and interests in the process of industrialization of achievements, so that they can rightly get more returns on rights and interests.

To deepen the reform of the seed industry system, it is necessary to build a public platform for equal competition. The current reform is not aimed at the tinkering of a single link or single system, but a systematic reform of the seed industry system. The premise of market allocation of resources is to ensure the free flow of seed industry resources in a fair market environment, and government departments should build a public platform to promote equal competition, open up channels for the flow of resources, and activate the seed industry technology market. let the seed industry achievement resources flow in an orderly manner in a standardized market, and promote the right listing, pricing and fair trade of the achievements.

In order to deepen the reform of the seed industry system, we should grasp the key issues of a fundamental nature. The first is a breakthrough new variety. It is necessary to concentrate efforts in key areas, carry out joint efforts in industry-university-research with the market as the orientation, varieties as the main line, and enterprises as the main body, and make breakthroughs in variety cultivation. The second is the national base. National breeding and seed production bases are valuable strategic resources, which should be promoted through the combination of central support, local responsibility, social participation and market operation. Third, innovative talents. The essence of innovation-driven is talent-driven. Through the special loose talent policy, we should speed up the flow of innovative talents and resources to enterprises and strengthen the main role of technological innovation in enterprises.

There is no precedent for reform, and we should constantly explore it in practice. Some deep-seated and wide-ranging reform measures can be tried first in the pilot, and strive for the "maximum common divisor" of all parties in the pilot, through continuous investigation, pilot, error correction, and summarization. the successful practices and experiences in the reform practice are systematically summarized and abstracted into policy measures and institutional arrangements, forming a joint force to deepen the reform of the seed industry.