
Lazy plant cactus, everyone will raise you until you blossom.

Published: 2024-09-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/06, The primitive environment of the cactus grows in relatively barren places in very desert areas, requiring sufficient light, loose and breathable soil, and fertilization to keep up with the growth of the cactus. Please enter the picture very quickly.

The primitive environment of the cactus grows in relatively barren places in very desert areas, requiring sufficient light, loose and breathable soil, and fertilization to keep up with the growth of the cactus, and the cactus will grow quickly.

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The cactus likes plenty of light, except for proper shade in summer, full sunshine should be given in other seasons. Once the lack of light will cause the cactus to grow and deform, sufficient sunshine will ensure the cactus to grow vigorously.

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It is well known that the cactus is more resistant to drought, even if it is not watered for a year, it will not die, but the sphere will wilt and thin, and it will continue to grow as soon as it is watered, so the cactus is a typical pot plant for lazybones. But in the growing period, do not lack water, thoroughly watered, can make the sphere grow faster.

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Fertilization, cactus is more resistant to barren, but it does not mean that it does not like water and fertilizer, once a month to apply nitrogen-based multi-element organic fertilizer or compound fertilizer, can make the sphere accumulate a lot of nutrients, will produce beautiful flowers, there are hundreds of cactus varieties, flowering is amazing, you can not forget at a glance

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And the cactus will bear seeds after blooming, and the red fruit hanging on the sphere is also very beautiful. If you cultivate it like this, your cactus will be very successful.

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