
The "Rice Club" teamed up with 100 operators to fight a group war to promote delicious rice products from Taiwan.

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, The "Rice Club" teamed up with 100 operators to fight a group war to promote delicious rice products from Taiwan.

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Chinese people eat less rice, which has been maintained at 45kg per person per year in recent years. Last year, it hit a record low of 44.5kg. Compared with the consumption per person per year 40 years ago, there is only 1/3 left. In the face of the challenge of westernization of diet and the reduction of rice consumption, the Agriculture and Food Department has continuously launched rice food activities. this time, a rice club has been set up to gather more than 100 domestic producers of rice cereal products, special rice products, and winners in baking competitions to build rice brands, select characteristic and high-quality rice products, and cooperate with the well-known online group buying platform GOMAJI, in order to promote diversified rice products and increase the amount of rice eaten by the Chinese people.

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To promote national rice production, the Agriculture and Food Department integrates the "Rice Club"

At the press conference of the "Rice Club" held by the Agriculture and Food Department on the 10th, Director of Agriculture and Food Chen Jianbin said at the meeting that rice is the core of Taiwan's entire agricultural grain industry. Twice a year, the total area of rice cultivation is 275,000 hectares, nearly 1.5 million tons of dry rice. However, according to the demand of the Chinese people, rice production is overproduced by 10%.

Chen further said that young people love to eat pizza, hamburgers, and spaghetti, all made of wheat and flour, and even Japan and South Korea are affected by the westernization of their diet. "but the nutritional value of rice is better than wheat, it is not allergic, and it has good processing properties. We should spend more ingenuity to develop better processed foods." It is emphasized that in addition to the basic plates of three meals of rice, rice can also be used to make western-style dim sum, bread, noodles, etc., regardless of the technology and formula have been mature, hope to strengthen promotion.

Chen also points out that more than 10 million foreign people come to Taiwan for sightseeing a year, and they will certainly buy things as companion gifts and become a big market, while Taiwan rice is processed into all kinds of products, coupled with exquisite packaging, it has become a good choice.

Over the past few years, the Agriculture and Food Administration has also worked hard to promote rice consumption. Chen points out: "in the past, the elders would say that they hoped that everyone would have one more mouthful of rice, but now they dare not say that they would invite everyone to have another mouthful of rice. This is too dreamy. Instead, they learn from the bitter experience and give in to what they like. Spend a lot of effort on rice to diversify its products." In addition, in the past, farmers were only taught to increase production, but later sales were ignored. Chen promised that in the future, from field production, processing to marketing, they would work together to cooperate.

Even if diversified products are developed, consumers do not know about it, so the Agriculture and Food Department has further launched a rice club. Chen explains that many consumers do not know that rice can make so many delicious products, so they hope to start the information and form clubs, so that not only manufacturers can exchange information with each other, but also through open-air markets and GOMAJI platforms to promote these high-quality products. The Agriculture and Food Department will also regularly promote high-quality rice products in Hope Square, Yuanshan Flower Fair, as well as subordinate, county and municipal governments, and farmers' groups all over the country, and expand the processing one by one.

Photography / Liu Yixin

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