
Azalea's meaning and symbol

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, In fact, this kind of flower has many meanings. There are many references to it in ancient poems. Although many of them contain sad feelings, they are actually birds with the same name. In fact, this kind of flower has many meanings, and the meaning is very good. For example, it has the meaning of belonging to you forever, and it also has the meaning of joy of love. In addition, it also has the meaning of blessing to the motherland. More importantly, it also has the meaning of moderation. Let's talk about it in detail below.

1. Belong to you forever

Seeing this moral, everyone must have thought of giving it to their lover. If someone gives it to you, it means really good, do not hesitate, this represents his heart for you, this kind of flower can be regarded as a matchmaker, and is not often sent between lovers, it will not look very vulgar, more sincere than roses.

2. The joy of love

In fact, this kind of flower has another meaning, this kind of meaning has something to do with love, generally speaking, people who like this kind of flower are relatively simple and innocent, so if someone sees flowers blooming all over the mountain, it means that Cupid is coming. In particular, all kinds of colors are mixed together, and the mountains are all over the country. These represent our love for a better life.

3. Blessing to the motherland

If anyone has heard the song Yingshanhong, they will know one of the meanings of this kind of flower, because this kind of flower is also called Yingshanhong, and this kind of flower is particularly red, and some people say it is dyed with revolutionary blood, so it is also a symbol of self-strength and tenacity, as well as the prosperity of the country and the happiness of the people.

4. Temperance

The reason why this kind of flower has this meaning is that it only blooms in its own season, and it gives people a more lively feeling, and if not in the flowering season, its leaves will make it dark green, and it is also suitable to be used as a low wall or barrier in the garden.

5. Other

Of course, many people like to use it to express their sense of national prosperity on National Day or festive days. If we give it to our international friends, it will mean that our culture is long and our friendship with foreign countries will last forever. If it is given to overseas compatriots, it will show the concern of relatives of the motherland to overseas people. If you give it to a friend, you will hope that it will have a long way to go. if people who travel far away give it to each other, it will express their yearning for home and the place where they lived in the past.