
As soon as these seven kinds of flowers bloom, they will become balls, and the balconies will burst.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Spring is coming, and many friends begin to buy flowers to decorate their balconies. However, there are so many kinds of flowers, which is the most suitable? Today, Huahua recommends several kinds of flowers which are easy to explode and have a long flowering period, which are perfect for decorating the balcony.


Pelargonium cuttage very easy to survive, flowering long, beautiful petals color.

Maintenance method:

1, change the pot: potted geranium grows faster, need to change the pot once a year in March, remove the old roots and old soil.

2, light: in the spring and autumn season more sunshine, promote flowering. In summer, move to a cool and ventilated place, and spray water to avoid high temperatures.

3, water and fertilizer: two to three days to irrigate water, fertilizer once a week. But on cloudy days, do not water or fertilize.

4. Pruning: When changing pots, cut off the large leaves and branches that block the new buds, leaving 3-5 uniform main branches.


Changchun flowers bloom for a long time, almost year-round flowers, and flowers can be many years.

Maintenance method:

1. Light: Periwinkle is a perennial flower that needs sufficient light. Put it on a sunny balcony to make the leaves greener and the flowers more vivid.

2, soil: give priority to choose good drainage, strong permeability of sandy soil, soil rich in humus can also be. Saline soil is not allowed.

3, water and fertilizer: periwinkle does not like too wet, keep the soil moist. In the growth stage, compound fertilizer and liquid fertilizer can be applied alternately once every 10 days. In winter, it can be used less or less.

4. Pruning: After surviving in the upper basin, after several times of topping, to promote multiple branches and flowers of periwinkle, cut off the residual flowers after flowering.


Petunia variety, and easy to burst pots, is now very popular as a potted plant.

Maintenance method:

1. Light: Petunia likes light and needs to ensure more than 4 hours of light per day.

2. Water and fertilizer: apply chicken manure fertilizer or bone meal at the bottom of the pot, isolate fertilizer from roots with soil, and avoid burning roots. Water should not be too much, do not dry in winter, keep the basin soil moist in summer.

3, pruning: topping + strong shear. When topping, keep four leaves to ensure that they grow lateral branches. During the vigorous growth period (June to August), shear once every 3 weeks to avoid excessive growth.


Margaret flowers are small and lovely, fresh in color, and large in flower volume, which becomes a ball as soon as it opens.

Maintenance method:

1, light: sufficient light will make Margaret's color more vivid, try to ensure full light.

2. Water and fertilizer: adhere to the principle of not watering, watering and watering thoroughly, and keep the basin soil slightly moist. When changing pots, apply base fertilizer, such as chicken manure fertilizer, usually thin fertilizer frequently applied.

3. Pruning: Remove the flowers and top buds of the newly bought Margaret, and then knock off the flower buds that grow one after another to promote branching. After the plant shape is full, stop topping.


Six times Li colorful, flower shape wings butterfly, flower bloom when easy to burst pot into a ball.

Maintenance method:

1, light: six times for long light plants, suitable for balcony planting. In summer, pay attention to shade and ventilation.

2. Water and fertilizer: adhere to the principle of not watering, watering and watering thoroughly, and keep the basin soil moist. In autumn and winter, thin fertilizer, compound fertilizer and cake fertilizer are applied alternately. Nitrogen fertilizer once a week during the growth period, increasing the concentration.

3, pruning: in the growth period of topping, promote the growth of lateral branches, conducive to the formation of full plant shape.


A baby's breath looks bland, but a baby's breath clustered together is dazzling.

Maintenance method:

1. Light: Full star belongs to long-sunshine plant. Its flowering period is from May to July every year. If more than 16 hours of light can be guaranteed every day, Gypsophila paniculata can be opened for more than 300 days ~

2. Water and fertilizer: Gypsophila paniculata likes fertile and alkaline soil with good ventilation and drainage. Keep the pot soil moist during the growth period and fertilize once every 2 weeks.

3. Pruning: Gypsophila paniculata grows quickly, so it is necessary to regularly pick the core and top it to ensure that the plant is spherical.


Hydrangea flowers large and full round, elegant and correct, flowering long.

Maintenance method:

1. Light: Hydrangea flowers do not like strong light and should be maintained under scattered light environment. Hydrangea flowers are short-day plants. Dark treatment for more than 10 hours a day is conducive to their flower buds.

2. Water and fertilizer: Hydrangea likes water and fertilizer. Keep the pot soil moist without ponding, and sprinkle water on the leaves once a week in spring, summer and autumn. Diluted water-soluble fertilizer is irrigated once every half month during the growth and development period.

3. Pruning: pruning before autumn, cutting off residual flowers and aging branches.

After reading it, do you want to buy flowers to decorate the balcony immediately?

Anyway, Huahua couldn't wait!

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