
These six kinds of flowers can live if they are thrown into the soil, blooming continuously for 365 days, and a 3-year-old child.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Huahua is often heard to complain that it is difficult to raise flowers. So, today Huahua will introduce some flowers that are easy to raise and easy to live. Without too much thought, you can also see the beautiful scenery of flowers blooming and full of branches.


Hydrangea can be planted in pots or in gardens. No freezing in winter, no heat in summer, no moving in and out. florescence is long, color is rich, flower is pressed, shape resembles hydrangea.

Maintenance points:

1, hydrangea like warm environment, ground planting hydrangea in summer to pay attention to shade, can not be direct sunlight.

2. Hydrangea flowers are not drought-tolerant and waterlogging tolerant. Pay special attention to watering. It is best to water them once in the morning and evening in summer, and reduce the amount of watering in spring and autumn. The soil should choose loose fertile soil with good ventilation and drainage.

3. Hydrangea flowers like fertilizer. During the growth period, it is generally necessary to apply a decomposed thin cake fertilizer water for about 15 days. Ferrous sulfate of 1%-3% can be added to the fertilizer water to maintain the acidity of the soil.


Clematis can be cultivated for many years at a time, flowering is very beautiful, flowering is very long, as long as properly taken care of from early spring to early autumn.

Maintenance points:

Clematis love light and need at least 4 hours of light every day. However, in summer, when the light is strong, pay attention to shade.

2. Clematis should be watered thoroughly. Generally, when the soil surface is 2-3 cm below dry, it can be watered. After watering, it should be placed in a ventilated place.

3, to Clematis fertilization should pay attention to thin fertilizer and frequent application, in addition, winter fertilization is the best, apply a top several months.


Bougainvillea can be planted in flower pots, can also be planted in the yard, flowering a large area, looks very beautiful and spectacular.

Maintenance points:

1, triangular plum likes light, the optimal temperature is 20℃~30℃, not cold, winter room temperature is best above 5℃.

2, triangular plum water demand is large, summer is best to spray water once in the morning, around 4 p.m. water once. In autumn and winter, water is mainly sprayed, and watering is reduced.

3. It is best to apply cake fertilizer once a week during the growth period of Bougainvillea, and pay attention to applying phosphorus several times during flowering. Fertilization should be reduced after autumn and stopped in winter.


The lily can still bloom in the second year of this year. After the flower withers, it doesn't have to be cared about. When autumn comes, it will grow new buds again. The next year, it will still bloom.

Maintenance points:

1, lily like bright light, wet soil semi-shade environment, usually can be placed in a bright scattered light environment to grow.

2, lily is not resistant to high temperature, cold resistance is also weak. The optimum temperature is 16℃-24℃, and only above 10℃ can lily grow normally. Lily is not resistant to waterlogging, usually keep the pot soil dry, no need to water too frequently.

3, lily soil should give priority to fertile loose humus soil, slightly acidic and good drainage soil is the best.


Honeysuckle can live by pinching a branch and inserting it into the soil. It is not afraid in winter or summer. After a year, the vines of honeysuckle will crawl everywhere.

Maintenance points:

1. Honeysuckle has strong adaptability, likes yang and bears shade, cold and drought resistance, and water and humidity resistance.

2, honeysuckle on the soil requirements are not strict, but wet, fertile sandy soil is the most suitable.

3. It is best to apply liquid fertilizer to honeysuckle, and solid fertilizer can be applied once in winter, such as granules of compound fertilizer. Apply liquid fertilizer after pruning or before flowering, such as decomposed bean cake water. Be careful not to fertilize in summer.


The grass is very good, throw the seed ball into the basin, and then cover it with 3 or 4 cm of soil to live. Some of them have a long flowering period and a variety of colors. Almost every time they bloom, they burst pots.

Maintenance points:

1, the pulp grass likes warm environment, like light, but the summer light is too strong when the need for shade.

2. The drought resistance of the grass is weak. If you like wet places, you should pay attention to watering frequently. The grass is not cold-resistant, and it is best to maintain it indoors in winter.

3. The grass has strong adaptability to the soil and can grow well on ordinary garden soil.

Good flowers are introduced here!

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