
The reform of the top-level design of "three plots of land" is about to come out and insist on not breaking through the three.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, According to expert analysis on the deep reorganization and consideration of rural land expropriation, the introduction of collective construction land into the market, and the pilot work of homestead system reform, the scope of land expropriation will be narrowed, collective business construction land can be sold for shares, and homestead can withdraw from rural land expropriation for a fee.

Deep reorganization and deliberation of rural land expropriation, collective business construction land into the market, homestead system reform pilot work opinions

Expert analysis, the scope of land acquisition will be reduced, collective business construction land can be transferred into shares, homestead can be paid to withdraw

The top-level design of rural "three pieces of land" reform, such as rural land expropriation, collective construction land entering the market, homestead system, etc., which have received wide attention, is ready to emerge. The 7th meeting of the Central Leading Group for Comprehensive Deepening Reform held on February reviewed the Opinions on Rural Land Acquisition, Entry of Collective Construction Land into the Market and Pilot Work of Homestead System Reform, and stressed that the top-level design of reform and grass-roots exploration and interaction should be promoted, and the three bottom lines of unchanged nature of land ownership, no breakthrough in red line of cultivated land and no damage to farmers 'interests should be adhered to.

"Economic Reference News" reporter learned from a number of authoritative sources, The top-level design direction of these three reforms is, In the Third Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee "Decision" Clear direction and task premise, Clear rural collective land ownership subject and property right subject; Improve the type and power of rural collective land use right; Explore a variety of organizations and realization methods of collective land ownership, To ensure farmers fair share of land appreciation income.

Try to implement the classification of "three pieces of land" reform

The seventh meeting of the Central Leading Group for Comprehensive Deepening Reform pointed out that we should always take safeguarding, realizing and developing farmers 'rights and interests as the starting point and foothold, adhere to the three bottom lines of not changing the nature of land ownership, not breaking through the red line of cultivated land and not damaging farmers' interests, and advance orderly on the basis of pilot projects. Land expropriation, collective construction land entering the market and homestead system reform are closely related, and unified deployment and requirements can be made, but classified implementation should be made in the pilot work. Strictly observing the red line of 1.8 billion mu of cultivated land is the bottom line for promoting the reform of rural land system and the major prerequisite for pilot projects, which must not be exceeded. The pilot conditions and scope of the reform of the homestead system should be strictly controlled, so as not to infringe on the interests of farmers. At the same time, it is not allowed to withdraw from the right to use homestead as a condition for settling down in cities. This is an important measure related to social stability. Relevant central departments and localities should strengthen guidance and supervision and strictly grasp the conditions for pilot projects.

"Economic Information Daily" reporter previously learned from informed sources, rural land expropriation, collective business construction land into the market, homestead system reform pilot will be closely linked to the Third Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the rural land system reform task. The general direction is to strengthen the control of land use and clarify land ownership on the premise of adhering to the collective ownership of rural land; perfect the right to use construction land, guarantee and enrich the usufruct of homestead, and construct a complete rural collective land property right system; give full play to the dual role of collective land resources and assets, and finally form a unified urban and rural construction land market with clear property rights, clear rights and interests, smooth circulation and reasonable distribution.

In response to this "three pieces of land", the Ministry of Land and Resources told the "Economic Information Daily" reporter that this round of reform mainly has several bright spots.

First, according to the main type of collective land ownership, collective land will be clearly classified into three types of collective property rights subjects: township, village and group, and various ways of realizing ownership and economic organization will be explored.

Second, according to the land use mode and market needs, establish the same allocation, transfer and lease types of land use rights as state-owned land, grant rural collective construction land the same rights as state-owned construction land, and allow rural collective construction land for business operation to be transferred, leased and invested under the premise of conforming to the planned use control and obtaining according to law, so as to truly realize the same market access and the same right and price as state-owned land.

Third, according to the ownership property rights relationship, explore the mechanism of conditional paid use and voluntary paid withdrawal of homestead within collective economic organizations, and at the same time, steadily and prudently promote the mortgage guarantee of farmers 'housing property rights, so as to broaden the channels for farmers to increase their property income.

Fourth, in the reform of land requisition, it is necessary to narrow the scope of land requisition, standardize land requisition procedures, improve compensation standards, and establish a reasonable, standardized and diversified guarantee mechanism for farmers who have been requisitioned. In addition, a land appreciation income distribution mechanism that takes into account the state, collectives and individuals will be established in the entry of collective construction land into the market.