
How to make agricultural successors

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Xi Jinping stressed that the rural side should not be lost in building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way. China is the largest grain producer and consumer in the world. It feeds more than 20 ℅ of the world's population with about 7 ℅ of arable land, so the task of ensuring effective food supply is particularly difficult.

Xi Jinping stressed that the rural side should not be lost in building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way. China is the largest grain producer and consumer in the world, and it feeds more than 20 ℅ of the world's population with about 7 ℅ of global arable land, so the task of ensuring effective food supply is particularly arduous. The Chinese people's rice bowls should be firmly in their own hands at all times. Our rice bowls should be mainly filled with Chinese grain. Only when a country is based on basic self-sufficiency in grain can it grasp the initiative in food security and then control the overall situation of economic and social development.

On the one hand, the increase of population and the improvement of consumption level will maintain the rigid growth of grain demand in our country. On the other hand, the rapid economic growth and the deepening of industrialization lead to the reduction of cultivated land resources and the irreversible trend of water shortage will pose a long-term pressure on China's food supply. Another phenomenon that can not be ignored is that migrant workers enter the city on a large scale, and the land is deserted, even if it is planted, it is mostly carried out by women and the elderly. Such pictures are often seen in the fields: women and the elderly are sweating and working, children are playing next to them, or helping from time to time. A "mixed army" composed of women, children, and the elderly is responsible for agricultural production. In a large agricultural country, there is a "shortage of farmers." this is a very serious problem, and it really makes people worry: who will farm the land in the populous country in the future?

Due to the lack of sufficient labor force, rural land abandonment has become increasingly serious in recent years, affecting agricultural stability and food security. China is a country with a large population, the area of cultivated land per capita is small, and the area of arable land is decreasing year by year, which is affected by the massive transfer of rural labor force, the lag of rural industrial structure adjustment, the low efficiency of agriculture and other factors. The phenomenon of cultivated land abandonment has appeared in many rural areas of our country. In recent years, there is a large amount of cultivated land abandoned, the duration is long, and the abandoned area is increasing. The survey found that the abandonment of rural cultivated land in some villages and towns is becoming more and more serious. The abandoned area of cultivated land in Dachun is 2% to 20%, and that in Xiaochun is as high as 20% to 80%. In the abandoned land, most of them are barren slope land, remote and sporadic land, and the input-output is relatively low. The survey found that the increasingly serious abandonment of rural arable land in China is mainly due to the following reasons:

The benefit of agricultural production is low, and the enthusiasm of farmers to grow grain is not high. Farmers generally believe that engaging in agriculture is not as cost-effective as engaging in non-agricultural industries. "if you want to be well-off, you must leave your hometown" and "farming at home is better than going out to earn money" is the true portrayal of the countryside now. The rising price of agricultural materials year by year and the sharp rise of labor prices lead to the high cost of agricultural production. Not only seeds, pesticides, fertilizers and other materials are consumed, but also labor costs are rising. Although the state has increased subsidies to grain farmers, it has been offset by soaring prices of agricultural materials and labor. The high cost of agricultural production leads to farmers' reluctance to grow grain. The main rural labor force is exported in large quantities. Due to the idea of "farming at home, it is better to go out to earn money" and the continuous decline in the prices of agricultural products for many years, as well as the reasons that the new generation of farmers do not master farming skills and are unwilling to bear hardships, the migrant labor force accounts for 60% to 70% of the labor resources and is the main labor force. Many people who work at home are basically women, children and the elderly. There are also some villages and towns where the transfer of cultivated land is basically in a state of disorder. Some farmers have written a slip or reached an oral agreement for free conversion, without comprehensive and complete terms of the contract, without the supervision of the contract issuer of the village community, let alone a special transfer management organization, and new contradictions and disputes have emerged. it has also led to the abandonment of some arable land. In addition, the management of cultivated land is inconvenient, such as sporadic, scattered, remote and barren, and the ability of fertilizer and water conservation is poor, which is easy to be abandoned. In addition, due to the destruction of rural water conservancy facilities or perennial disrepair, the ability to resist drought and waterlogging is poor, and the cultivated land can not get effective irrigation, which leads to the abandonment of such cultivated land by farmers.

In particular, the "post-80s" migrant workers are unwilling to return to their hometown, and rural development is difficult, causing local farmers to worry about the prospects of rural development. Even in the busy season, the rural labor force in the field is seldom seen in the "right year". To this end, 15 academicians of the two academies appealed: as the older generation of intellectuals, they are very concerned about who will farm the land and who will keep our "rice bags" and "vegetable baskets" in the future. If this problem is not solved in time and properly, it will affect the harmonious situation of China's new industrialization development and economic and social development. They said: according to the relevant agencies of the United Nations, the agricultural labor force aged 45 and above is the elderly labor force, and according to this standard, such issues as "who will farm the land" and "rely on whom to realize agricultural modernization" are really worrying. However, a survey shows that the vast majority of post-90s students, even students from rural areas, have never regarded farmers as their future career choice. Most of the post-80s and post-90s who are looking for jobs or doing business outside the country are also reluctant to return to rural areas for farming. Even students from rural areas regard studying hard as the capital to jump the agricultural door; if they do not study hard, they will go back to the countryside to "repair the earth" in the future. Many people regard engaging in agricultural production as a "inferior" thing; for example, students from rural areas will feel "uneven shoulders and shoulders" and are embarrassed to attend.

How many people are willing to "take root in the countryside and do the revolution"? Being kind to farmers is a kind of rationality and a kind of rationality needed by the whole society. Respect for farmers, especially the new type of farmers, so that they can live a decent life and engage in agricultural production with dignity is to face squarely the "three rural issues". In the words of academicians of the two academies, it is to vigorously develop vocational education oriented to rural areas and train a number of excellent professional farmers. Therefore, the worry of the 15 academicians is to worry about the country and the people, a sense of responsibility and a strong sense of mission. The whole society should attach great importance to it. The benefit of growing grain is low, the risk is high, and the people who stay in the countryside are getting older. Behind the harvest years, a worry lingers-who will grow grain tomorrow? The proposal of 15 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Engineering to jointly solve the problems of agriculture, rural areas and farmers, represented by Shi Changxu, president of the Council of Senior Academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Engineering, is particularly eye-catching. They pointed out: "if we do not strategically study and solve the problem of the new generation of farmers abandoning agriculture, the populous country will face the situation that no one is willing to cultivate land." What a worrying thing this is?

This is not groundless and unfounded worry, but it is an objective and realistic worry to "release unmanned land with a large population". If you don't worry today, you can't even cry when there is really no one to cultivate the land. Please bear in mind Marx's words: to meet the human needs of clothing, food, housing and transportation is the first and the most important.