
The new round of land reform buckles the distribution of benefits to test the wisdom of the government

Published: 2024-09-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/06, The curtain of a new round of rural land reform has slowly opened. Yesterday, Xi Jinping, general secretary of the CPC Central Committee and head of the Central leading Group for comprehensively deepening Reform, presided over the seventh meeting of the Central leading Group for comprehensively deepening Reform. The meeting deliberated on the requisition of rural land.

The curtain of a new round of rural land reform has slowly opened. Yesterday, Xi Jinping, general secretary of the CPC Central Committee and head of the Central leading Group for comprehensively deepening Reform, presided over the seventh meeting of the Central leading Group for comprehensively deepening Reform. The meeting examined the opinions on rural land expropriation, the entry of collective construction land into the market, and the pilot reform of the homestead system. The meeting pointed out that we should adhere to the three bottom lines of no change in the nature of public ownership of land, no breakthrough in the red line of cultivated land, and no damage to the interests of farmers, and proceed in an orderly manner on the basis of pilot projects. The industry believes that the central government's consideration of the opinions on the pilot land reform marks a new round of land reform. At present, problems such as the distribution of benefits from rural land expropriation, the revision of the law on collective construction land, and the withdrawal of residential land remain to be solved.

The problems of market revision and pricing of collective construction land need to be solved.

With the increasing shortage of urban land in China, the entry of rural collective construction land into the market has attracted much attention. According to Article 63 of the current Land Management Law of China, the right to the use of farmers' collectively owned land shall not be transferred, transferred or leased for non-agricultural construction.

Chen Xiwen, deputy head of the Central Rural work leading Group and director of the office, previously said that the scope of collective construction land entry into the market is limited, and the law must be tested first and then amended. It is understood that Beijing began to confirm the right to the use of collective construction land from this year. A relevant source from the Ministry of Land revealed that "at present, only 1% of collective construction land has been approved in Beijing."

An authoritative person has disclosed that in this land reform plan, the entry of agricultural land into the market only refers to the land for township enterprises and public welfare undertakings in the collective construction land, and the pilot is still adopted for rural homestead to enter the market. to explore and promote the mortgage, guarantee and transfer of farmers' housing property rights, the "small property rights housing" that can effectively alleviate the pressure of urban commercial housing is still not recognized. And for non-operating construction land is also very conservative. The No. 1 document of the Central Committee in 2013 clearly pointed out that "rural collective non-profit construction land shall not enter the market." In this land reform plan, the transfer of agricultural land is still strictly restricted within the rural collective.

In addition, in accordance with the requirements of the third Plenary session of the CPC Central Committee, rural collective construction land "the same price and the same right" into the land market, how to price, supervision is also an important part of the system design.

The benefit Distribution of Rural Land expropriation tests the Wisdom of the Government

Agricultural land expropriation has always been the difficulty and focus of the new round of land reform, especially the issue of benefit distribution. The existing Land Management Law stipulates that the compensation standard for land expropriation of rural collective land shall not exceed 30 times the average output value of the cultivated land occupied in the previous three years. In 2011, the compensation for land expropriation is about 103 yuan / square meter, while the average price of land transfer is about 943 yuan / square meter, which means that farmers receive less than 11% of the land income. Before the promulgation of the "decision", it was rumored that the land compensation fee would be increased by 10 times, and many officials of the Ministry of Land had come forward to refute the rumor.

Zhang Dawei, chief analyst of Zhongyuan Real Estate in Beijing, believes that it has basically become a consensus to improve farmers' land expropriation income in this round of land reform, but at present, various localities are seriously dependent on land finance, unless other alternative tax sources are found. otherwise, the place will not give up land finance easily. The cake is so big, how to divide it is really a test of the government's wisdom. At present, local governments are facing problems such as the slowdown in revenue growth and the risk of local debt. It is expected that farmers' income may increase in terms of levying compensation in this reform, but the intensity of the reform should not be particularly great. After all, local finance needs to be taken into account.

Among the experts involved in the formulation of official land reform policies, some people proposed to first carry out pilot projects in the eastern and central and western regions to increase the proportion of compensation to all parties in accordance with different standards. In this regard, Shenzhen made an exploration at the end of last year that collective construction land was converted into industrial land, and village collectives and individuals received 30% value-added benefits; for the central and western regions, some experts proposed 30% to counties, 20% to towns, and the rest to village collectives and individuals.

It is difficult to withdraw from the reform of homestead system.

In this land reform, the pilot scheme of homestead system has attracted the most attention. At present, China strictly forbids urban residents to buy homestead in rural areas, and the subject of the right to the use of homestead is the internal members of the collective economic organization. However, with the development of urbanization, more and more farmers go to work in cities, resulting in idle homestead owned by farmers in rural areas. According to statistics, at present, 10% of rural homestead in China is 20% idle, and the idle rate in some areas is as high as 30%. How to withdraw from the idle homestead has become an urgent difficulty to be solved in the pilot scheme of homestead reform.

It is reported that according to the "pilot program" which has been basically formed at present, the pilot work of rural homestead reform will be carried out in accordance with the principle of "classified treatment". The so-called classification, that is, "traditional agricultural areas outside the boundary of urban and rural construction land expansion" and "within the boundary of urban and rural construction land expansion". For these two different situations, the principle of "one household, one house" will be implemented in different ways.

According to the Zhejiang Department of Land and Resources, Zhejiang is required to carry out a special investigation on the utilization of rural homestead in the province in accordance with the principle of "one household, one house, demolishing the old and building the new, and legal area". Find out the current situation and actual needs of farmers' housing construction, especially non-housing and dangerous housing households, and formulate farmers' housing construction implementation plan every year, clear the list of housing construction, planning and site selection, land use scale, time sequence arrangement and planning and implementation of safeguard measures. Set up rural settlements in villages and towns as units, and guide farmers to concentrate on building houses in accordance with the requirements of the plan.