
When will the cotton price subsidy "land"?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, In early December, the author saw in many villages in Quzhou County, Hebei Province, a traditional cotton area, that every household of cotton farmers had accumulated piles of cotton, showing a bumper harvest of cotton this year. In recent years, although the area of growing cotton has decreased year by year, there are still many farmers who are reluctant to give up.

In early December, the author saw in many villages in Quzhou County, Hebei Province, a traditional cotton area, that every household of cotton farmers had accumulated piles of cotton, showing a bumper harvest of cotton this year.

In recent years, although the area of growing cotton has decreased year by year, there are still many farmers who are reluctant to give up planting cotton. Liu Erhai, Qiaobao Village, Huaiqiao Township, said happily: "this year's cotton output is the highest in history. In the past, it produced 500 jin of seed cotton per mu, this year it can produce 700 jin of seed cotton per mu, and some can reach 800 jin of seed cotton. This has never been such a good year." Many cotton farmers have said that the weather is fine this year, cotton is not only high output, but also good quality, mildew peaches, rotten peaches are very few.

However, when it comes to the price of cotton this year, cotton farmers suddenly lose their looks.

"the output is high and the quality is good, but the price is not." Uncle Zhang of Zhangzhuang Village said: "Cotton hawkers began to collect cotton in the village, 3.2 yuan per jin of seed cotton. Up to now, the price of seed cotton has dropped to 2.9 yuan per jin, and few people have come to collect it." A few years ago, the price of seed cotton sold for 6 yuan per catty, and only 4 yuan for a catty of seed cotton could cotton farmers draw. If they sold more than 2 yuan a jin, cotton farmers would have to pay for it. "

In the view of cotton farmers, the low cotton price this year is related to the cancellation of the state's temporary cotton collection and storage policy. In previous years, when enterprises purchased national cotton reserves, the price was guaranteed. The temporary collection and deposit policy has been abolished this year, which has a great impact on the market.

Not long ago, cotton farmers have heard that the state has subsidies for cotton production, but they hope that such a good policy can be landed as soon as possible and formulate distribution rules as soon as possible, so that cotton farmers can feel at ease as soon as possible. Some cotton farmers said that they read in the newspaper that "cotton must be handed over to qualified cotton acquisition and processing enterprises, and keep cotton bills for sale, so as to avoid affecting the receipt of subsidies." However, in Quzhou County, it is necessary for the government to make clear provisions on which enterprise's bills to sell cotton in order to receive subsidies, so as to ensure that the interests of cotton farmers will not suffer losses.

Some cotton farmers said that if there are no specific measures for implementation before the Lunar New year, subsidy funds cannot be distributed, and farmers will certainly have no money at the beginning of next spring, which will certainly affect production.

Zhang Tongbao, Bali Zhangzhuang, Quzhou County, Hebei Province

Policy link

Recently, the central finance has determined the scope and standards of subsidies for major cotton producing areas in the mainland. the scope of mainland subsidies is in Shandong, Hubei, Hunan, Hebei, Jiangsu, Anhui, Henan, Jiangxi and Gansu provinces. The subsidy standard for 2014 was 2000 yuan per ton. The subsidy standard for the following year is based on 60% of the subsidy amount in Xinjiang, with an upper limit of no more than 2000 yuan per ton.

It is understood that the subsidy given by the central finance to the major cotton-producing provinces is based on the cotton output determined by the National Bureau of Statistics; the subsidy method is independently determined by each province, and can choose to subsidize by area or output; subsidy funds require special account management, closed operation, and special funds for special use, and shall not be reserved, occupied or misappropriated to ensure that subsidies are implemented in the hands of cotton farmers.