
What will the Central Committee's No. 1 document talk about this year: agricultural transformation to promote agriculture, rural areas and farmers?

Published: 2024-09-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/06, What will the No.1 document of the Central Committee talk about this year? According to the practice of the past 11 years, the No. 1 document of the Central Committee will still target agriculture, rural areas and farmers next year, and this time it may take speeding up the transformation of agricultural development mode as the theme to deploy agriculture, rural areas and farmers in the new year.

What does the Central Committee Document No.1 talk about this year? Agricultural Transformation Mode and Promoting the Reform of Agriculture, Countryside and Farmers

Descending and accumulating

According to the practice of the past 11 years, the No.1 Document of the Central Committee will still lock in the "three rural areas" next year. This time, the theme of "accelerating the transformation of agricultural development mode" will be adopted to deploy the "three rural areas" work in the new year.

Xu Xiaoqing, a researcher at the Development Research Center of the State Council, told the Economic Observer that at the Central Rural Work Conference to be held later this month, relevant parties will focus on the theme of "accelerating the transformation of agricultural development mode" and deploy the tasks of agriculture, rural areas and farmers in 2015 in detail. In the Central Committee's No. 1 document to be issued next year, there will also be more detailed explanations on how to "accelerate the transformation of agricultural development methods." In addition, agricultural target price reform, standardization of agricultural land circulation and reform of rural collective property rights system, which are generally concerned by agricultural people, will also be the focus of next year's "three rural" reform.

According to the requirements of the just-concluded Central Economic Work Conference, agricultural production should shift from mainly pursuing output growth to paying equal attention to quantity, quality and benefit as soon as possible, focusing on improving competitiveness, focusing on agricultural technological innovation and focusing on sustainable intensive development, and taking a modern agricultural development path with high output efficiency, product safety, resource conservation and environmental friendliness.

The Central Economic Work Conference also made it clear that improving the target price mechanism of agricultural products, strengthening rural financial services and standardizing the agricultural land circulation market are the key contents in accelerating the transformation of agricultural development mode.

transformation mode

Central Document No. 1 has focused on agriculture, rural areas and farmers for 11 consecutive years, but for agricultural production and grain production, more emphasis has been placed on output and quantity in the past. If the Central Document No. 1 in 2015 takes "accelerating the transformation of agricultural development mode" as the theme, it can be seen that the central government has changed from one-sided pursuit of agricultural output and quantity to more emphasis on sustainable development of agriculture, and the quality and efficiency of agricultural production have also been placed in the same important position as output and quantity.

In fact, as early as October 2007, in the report of the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Central Committee clearly proposed to change the mode of agricultural development. In the No.1 Document of the Central Committee for several consecutive years since then, it has been reiterated for many times that the transformation of agricultural development mode should be promoted. However, according to the agriculture-related data published by the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Environmental Protection and the Ministry of Land and Resources in recent years, the agricultural production environment tends to deteriorate day by day due to the aggravation of water and soil pollution and the low efficiency of agricultural production.

At the end of last year, the Ministry of Land and Resources released the main data of the second national land survey. At present, China's per capita cultivated land is 1.52 mu, less than half of the world's per capita level. In addition, there are about 50 million mu of cultivated land in the country that has been moderately or severely polluted. In a long period of time, the state will need to spend tens of billions of yuan each year to repair and treat cultivated land polluted by heavy metals.

In April this year, the Ministry of Environmental Protection and the Ministry of Land and Resources issued the latest national survey bulletin on soil pollution. The environmental quality of cultivated soil in the country is worrying, with 16.1% polluted to varying degrees. To this end, the state will further strengthen the soil environmental supervision function, and plans to establish a lifelong accountability mechanism for soil pollution.

In addition to cultivated land pollution and ecological pollution,"who will plant the land" is also a difficult problem that many "three rural" experts are extremely concerned about. Due to the low returns from farming, there are now more than 260 million migrant workers working in cities across the country, and those who stay in rural areas are basically elderly people, women and children. Even when it comes to growing grain, crops that used to grow two or three seasons a year have now been changed to one or two seasons. Behind the "eleven consecutive increases" in the total grain output of the country,"who will farm the land" in the future is actually a major worry for China's agriculture.

For a long time, agricultural production and grain production basically follow the development path of traditional agriculture, and realize the output growth including grain through extensive management of resources and consumption, which leads to many problems accumulated in agricultural production at present. Judging from the signal just released by the Central Economic Work Conference, the next step,"accelerating the transformation of agricultural development mode" is actually to realize the transformation from traditional agriculture to modern agriculture, specifically, to "take the road of modern agricultural development with high output efficiency, product safety, resource conservation and environmental friendliness."

deepening reform

The Central Economic Work Conference made it clear that in 2015, under the premise of "accelerating the transformation of agricultural development mode", various rural reforms should be further deepened. The central government has also made it clear that the target price reform of agricultural products and the standardization of agricultural land circulation, which are generally concerned by agricultural people, will be the focus of next year's "three rural" reform.

As for the target price reform of agricultural products, this year the state has launched a pilot project on cotton target price subsidies in Xinjiang and soybean target price subsidies in Northeast China and Inner Mongolia. So far, this reform has not involved wheat, corn, rice three major staple food varieties.

As for whether the target price will be extended to other major agricultural products in 2015, an official of the National Development and Reform Commission, who declined to sign his name, explained that everything depends on the results of the cotton and soybean reform pilot projects, and this situation will not gradually appear until next year. At present, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Finance and other aspects have no timetable for reform.

Li Guoxiang, a researcher at the Institute of Agricultural Development of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, once participated in the discussion on the target price reform policy. He said that it is possible to implement the sugar target price system in Guangxi next year. On the whole, it is expected that the target price reform will be pushed forward slowly, and the three staple foods will be more cautious.

In the aspect of land circulation, at the end of September this year, the Central Leading Group for Deepening Reform deliberated and approved the Opinions on Guiding the Orderly Circulation of Rural Land Contracted Management Rights and Developing Agricultural Moderate Scale Management and the Pilot Plan for Actively Developing Farmers 'Share Cooperation and Endowing Collective Assets Share Power Reform. Although the two documents have not been promulgated by the government, we can basically understand the central government from the recent public statements of many agricultural officials. There are clear restrictions on the circulation of farmland.

Chen Xiwen and Han Jun, deputy directors of the Office of the Central Financial and Economic Leading Group, both publicly stated that the circulation of farmland must be "moderate". Regarding the phenomenon of urban industrial and commercial capital going to the countryside and renting farmland for a long time in large areas in many places, Chen and Han believe that the problem of "non-agricultural" and "non-grain" in the name of farmland circulation is becoming more and more serious, and at the same time, it has squeezed the employment space of farmers.

In addition, Economic Observer learned from the Development Research Center of the State Council and other aspects that the reform of rural collective property rights system is also an important part of deepening rural reform in 2015, which will involve a series of reforms such as collective construction land entering the market, the authority of farmers 'homestead, and the development of farmers' share cooperation.