
4013 cooperatives are recognized as national model societies.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, A few days ago, nine departments, including the Ministry of Agriculture, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Water Resources, the State Administration of Taxation, the State Administration for Industry and Commerce, the State Forestry Administration, the Banking Regulatory Commission, and the all-China General supply and Marketing Cooperatives, jointly issued a circular on the publication of the list of national farmers' cooperative model cooperatives.

A few days ago, nine departments, including the Ministry of Agriculture, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Water Resources, the State Administration of Taxation, the State Administration for Industry and Commerce, the State Forestry Administration, the Banking Regulatory Commission and the all-China Federation of supply and Marketing, jointly issued the Circular on the publication of the list of National Farmers' Cooperative Model Cooperatives (hereinafter referred to as the notice) 3759 cooperatives, such as Beijing limin Henghua Agricultural products planting Professional Cooperative, are identified as national farmers' cooperative demonstration cooperatives, and Beijing Miyun County Caijiadian Donggou Farmers' Water use Co-operative Society and other 254 water use organizations are identified as national farmers' water use cooperative demonstration organizations. it has set a new example for the standardized development of farmers' cooperatives.

The "Circular" points out that the evaluation of demonstration cooperatives is a specific measure taken by the central authorities to implement the mechanism of jointly evaluating demonstration cooperatives by departments and to guide the standardized operation of peasant cooperatives. It is an important responsibility entrusted to the national inter-ministerial joint meeting on the development of peasant cooperatives by the State Council. These demonstration cooperatives were evaluated by the National Joint Conference after examination and review and publicity by the media in accordance with the provisions of the interim measures for the Evaluation and Monitoring of National Farmers' specialized Cooperative demonstration Cooperatives and on the basis of the recommendations of local organizations.

The "Circular" holds that in order to comprehensively deepen rural reform and accelerate agricultural modernization, we must speed up the construction of a new agricultural management system. The development of farmers' cooperatives is an important measure to build a new agricultural management system and promote rural reform and development. The notice requires that national demonstration cooperatives, as advanced models of farmers' cooperatives, should cherish honor, make continuous efforts, strive to be bigger and stronger, strengthen the purpose of serving members, and actively provide professional and socialized serialized services. continue to meet the needs of members for the development of agricultural production and operation; improve rules and regulations, strengthen democratic management, and protect the rights of members. It is necessary to vigorously promote standardized production, pay attention to the brand building of agricultural products, improve the quality and safety of products, adhere to law-abiding management, actively carry forward the cooperative culture of unity and mutual assistance, honesty and friendship, and give full play to the leading role of exemplary. demonstration leads the vast number of farmers' cooperatives to improve the quality and level of development.

The "circular" requires that all relevant departments should, in accordance with the requirements of the central authorities, implement and improve support policies, strengthen guidance services, and actively support the development of national demonstration societies. It is necessary to strengthen supervision and management, carry out dynamic monitoring, establish a mechanism of Amoy and elimination, and constantly enhance the advanced nature and purity of the team of national demonstration societies. It is necessary to guide the vast number of farmers' cooperatives to learn from the national demonstration cooperatives, establish and improve various rules and regulations, improve the benefit distribution mechanism, and constantly improve their market competitiveness and the ability to drive peasant households, so as to make new contributions to the development of modern agriculture, the increase of farmers' income, and the construction of a new socialist countryside.