
Six problems to be solved in China's Agricultural Modernization

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, In order to promote agricultural modernization, we must fully understand China's basic national conditions and development stages, conform to the general laws and trends of world agricultural development, and fully consider the main obstacles encountered in the new stage of China's agricultural modernization and the outstanding questions that need to be solved.

"to promote agricultural modernization, we must fully understand China's basic national conditions and development stages, conform to the general laws and trends of world agricultural development, and fully consider the main obstacles encountered in the new stage of China's agricultural modernization and the outstanding problems that need to be solved." On May 26, at the 10th National Entrepreneurship Star experience Exchange and commendation Conference, Han Jun, deputy director of the Development Research Center of the State Council, said that agricultural modernization is not only the modernization of agricultural production means, but also includes the reform of agricultural system. Promoting agricultural modernization synchronously in the in-depth development of industrialization and urbanization is a major task related to the overall situation of building a well-off society and modernization in an all-round way. In order to accomplish this important task, we must be based on the basic national conditions of our country. efforts should be made to solve six major problems, such as how to stabilize and improve the basic rural management system, how to improve the rural land system, how to accelerate agricultural scientific and technological innovation, who will farm in the future, and how migrant workers integrate into the city.

What kind of model to adopt-- unswervingly adhere to the mode of agricultural household management

"Family management is and will be the most basic form of operation of agriculture in our country." Han Jun said that at this stage, industrial and commercial enterprises lease agricultural land on a large scale, which is not in line with China's basic national conditions. We should insist on allowing farmers to grow their own land and fewer farmers to grow more land, so as to truly achieve the agricultural use and voluntary transfer of farmland, so as to ensure the dominant position of farmers' family management.

Han Jun stressed that adhering to the unwavering family management is by no means solidifying the current scattered and small-scale land management mode. China is one of the countries with the smallest land management scale of farmers in the world. at present, there are 220 million farmers in China, and the average land management scale per household is less than 0.6ha. With the continuous transfer of rural labor force, it is bound to be accompanied by a process in which land is constantly concentrated to experts in farming and the scale of land management is gradually expanding, which is the inevitable trend of agricultural modernization in our country.

In order to overcome the limitations of small-scale household management, Han Jun suggested that as farmers continue to move steadily to cities and towns, farmers should be encouraged and guided to transfer their land contractual management rights in accordance with the principle of voluntary compensation in accordance with the law. We will develop the market for the transfer of land contract rights, and develop appropriate scale operations in various forms, such as large professional households, family farms, farmers' professional cooperatives, and so on.

How to change the Land system-- respecting and protecting Farmers' Land and property Rights

"allowing farmers to go to cities with land rights and become new citizens is not only the need to protect the interests of farmers, but also the need to promote the healthy development of urbanization and social harmony and stability." Han Jun said that the land property right system is the basic system in rural areas and is related to the stability of the basic management system in rural areas of our country. To promote agricultural modernization, we must take the protection of farmers' land property rights as the core, revise and improve relevant laws and policies, and improve the rural land system.

To this end, the first is to clearly define farmers' land and property rights. Han Jun believes that only by ensuring that the rural land contract relationship remains stable and unchanged for a long time can farmers feel at ease and the rural areas can enjoy long-term peace and stability. To this end, it is necessary to speed up the issuance of certificates of the right to contracted management of land and the right to the use of homestead with clear legal effect to farmers, so as to let them know clearly their legitimate rights and interests and prevent them from forcibly seizing and expropriating land in the name of collective ownership of rural land. damage farmers' land property rights.

Second, it is forbidden to force farmers to exchange land rights for municipal civil rights. "there is land at home, and there is evidence for advance and retreat. Contracted land and homestead in rural areas are not the welfare that the state distributes to farmers free of charge, but the legal property rights granted to farmers by law. It is the need to protect farmers' interests and to promote the healthy development of urbanization and social harmony and stability to let farmers go to cities with land rights and become new citizens. " Han Jun said that to meet the needs of migrant workers' settlement in cities and the development of urbanization, migrant workers should be given the right to independently dispose of contracted land, homestead and collective assets, so as to create conditions for farmers to realize land property rights.

The third is to compensate the expropriated farmers according to the market value of the land. Han Jun believes that the scope of land expropriation in China is too wide, and the compensation to farmers is on the low side. The land value-added income generated in the process of land non-agriculture and urbanization is huge, so it is necessary to greatly increase the distribution proportion of farmers in the land value-added income. On the basis of being in line with the national land use planning and strictly controlling the total amount of non-agricultural land, more non-agricultural construction land should be left to farmers for collective development, so that farmers can use land as capital to directly participate in industrialization and urbanization and share the benefits of land value-added.