
Thoughts on strengthening the Construction of excellent talents in Rural areas

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, In rural areas, the accumulation, selection and training of talents have always been weak links. Beixiaoying Town, Shunyi District, Beijing, is guided by knowledge specialization, post professionalization and work standardization. focus on "excavation", "training", "management" and "retention".

In rural areas, the accumulation, selection and training of talents have always been weak links. Beixiaoying Town, Shunyi District, Beijing, takes knowledge specialization, post professionalization and work standardization as the guidance, focuses on "excavation,""training,""management" and "retention," innovates working ideas, explores working methods, and strives to establish a diversified rural talent team construction to boost rural development.

Establishing Scientific Selection Mechanism and Digging Talents Deeply

To give full play to the role of outstanding talents in rural areas, we must adhere to the correct direction of the Party Committee leading the development of talents, improve the scientific discovery and selection mechanism, and do enough work on the first pass of the construction of outstanding talents-"selection pass".

Reasonable formulation of talent standards, clear "who is talent." According to the geographical relationship between individuals and regions, as well as personal moral character, ability, contribution and other aspects, our town will include village party branch secretary, village "two committees" cadres, party members, reserve cadres and resource-based talents in the category of rural excellent talents. In selecting and screening talents, adhere to the following three principles: First, take morality first. Put "virtue" in the first place, and regard political quality and moral cultivation as the primary conditions for selecting outstanding talents. The second is quantitative criteria. Under the age of 50, with education above senior high school (technical secondary school and technical school), the industry will be expanded to include rich experts in the village, demobilized veterans, village committee staff, students with college education or above, university students "village officials", enterprise managers, and personnel working in various administrative institutions, so as to ensure the maximum recommendation of talents. Third, draw the bottom line. In addition to those who have been disciplined by party discipline, criminal punishment or public security punishment by public security organs are not included in the recommended candidates for outstanding talents,"illegal construction, stealing sand, participating in cult organizations, violating family planning policies, encroaching on village collective interests and other bad records" are also included in the elimination conditions.

A comprehensive survey of the current situation of talents and the establishment of "talent accounts". Our town innovatively established "rural outstanding talent pool", through the talent census, a comprehensive grasp of the status quo of talent, so that the base is clear, the situation is clear. One is to give full play to organizational advantages, enrich recommendation methods, and achieve talent recommendation "one does not leak". The working method of "recommendation by village party branch as the main method, recommendation by villagers 'representatives and self-recommendation by individuals" was determined, and it was emphasized that recommendation by village party branch should strictly follow the steps of "visiting grass-roots units_preliminary selection_discussion by two committees_determination and reporting". At the same time, two ways of recommendation by villagers' representatives and self-recommendation by individuals were supplemented to ensure the largest range of talents found. The second is to give full play to the role of functional departments, strengthen joint examination of departments, and achieve "a good one" for talent recommendation. For the recommended objects reported to the town party construction office, the police station, judicial office, petition office, planning and construction office, discipline inspection and other eight departments shall check the recommended objects respectively, and the qualified personnel shall be filed with the town party construction office.

Focus on Training Talents with Specialization as the Orientation

By constantly improving the talent training mechanism, the town party committee strives to open up a training and growth path of "party members-backbone-cadres", so as to train and transport a large number of localized talents for promoting various rural work.

Enhance the sense of purpose, improve the working ability of the masses, and train "talents" to become "party members". Our town regards outstanding rural talents as the key training objects for the development of Party members. In combination with the "1+1+15" project management mode (referring to the number of Party members and village representatives in each village (residence) and the number of households in the whole village, 15 households are taken as a group, and one Party member and one village representative form a pair to be jointly responsible for all the work of the group), outstanding rural talents are included in two "1" s. In the process of project implementation, they are gradually trained to serve and develop. The ability to serve the masses, improve their ideological and political quality, and create good conditions for them to join the Party. One is to absorb excellent talents into two "1". The two "1" status quo of the existing 17 villages shall be investigated, the party members and village representatives who are older and have limited functions shall be adjusted, and the outstanding talents in the talent pool shall be taken as the key replacement objects. Second, pay attention to helping and training. Establish a perfect rural contact and help system. Each village branch secretary or village "two committees" cadre will help lead 1~2 outstanding talents. The contact person is responsible for guiding the daily work of the two "1". The contact object shall be talked and educated once a month to understand its ideological state and work situation, and provide targeted help and guidance.

Enhance responsibility consciousness, improve management ability, train "Party member" to become "backbone" and "cadre". Our town will gradually train outstanding party members into party representatives, deputies to the people's congress and reserve cadres, giving full play to their active role in serving the people, village affairs management and democratic supervision. First, strengthen training and education. Comprehensive consideration should be given to the work of the center, cadres 'due diligence and healthy growth needs, scientifically formulate training plans and reasonably set training contents. Second, strengthen practical exercise. Those who have been included in the category of reserve cadres shall be arranged in a planned way to carry out practical training in village committees, village party branches and rural cooperatives, so as to improve their ability to perform their duties and deal with complex contradictions. Third, improve the assessment mechanism. Clarify the responsibility of training reserve cadres of each village branch, and bring this work into the assessment of branch secretaries; establish a regular conversation system between village cadres and reserve cadres, and timely grasp their ideological trends; improve the daily management, supervision and assessment system of reserve cadres, and comprehensively evaluate reserve cadres according to morality, ability, diligence, performance and honesty. Fourth, improve the use mechanism. When promoting cadres, priority should be given to selecting from reserve cadres to realize the reserve complement and progressive transformation of reserve cadres.

Refine professional safeguard measures to ensure talent retention. First, establish and improve the government-led rural talent investment mechanism, give priority to and increase investment in the construction of rural talent team, and incorporate the funds for the construction of talent team into the town financial budget. The second is to strengthen publicity and create a strong public opinion environment that respects labor, knowledge, talents and creation by using town and village radio, mobile phone text messages, government websites, microblogs and other carriers. Third, by improving the social protection mechanism, it provides convenient living conditions for talents. Taking village cadres as an example, the problem of treatment guarantee for village party branch secretaries has been solved, among which, according to the principle of "basic salary + year-end performance", salary treatment has been standardized. In 2014, Beixiaoying Town Finance added nearly 2 million yuan budget to improve the salary remuneration of village branch secretaries; On the basis of paying the five insurances in full, the town finance shall pay the accumulation fund according to the standard of 1000 yuan/month; We will introduce security measures for leaving office. Among the normally outgoing village branch secretaries who have served for a certain number of years, outstanding personnel will be selected to serve in town organs and enjoy corresponding salary treatment for cadres according to their tenure.