
Ministry of Agriculture: the acceleration of seed industry reform has achieved remarkable results.

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Since the beginning of this year, a new round of deepening the reform of the seed industry system has been accelerated. The Ministry of Agriculture, together with 19 departments and units, including the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Science and Technology, takes the "opinions on deepening the Reform of seed Industry system and improving Innovation ability" as the main line.

Since the beginning of this year, a new round of deepening the reform of the seed industry system has been accelerated. The Ministry of Agriculture, together with 19 departments and units, including the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Finance, and the Ministry of Science and Technology, took the "opinions on deepening the structural Reform of the seed Industry to improve the ability of Innovation" as the main line, took the scientific research system of the seed industry as a breakthrough, accelerated the transformation of scientific research achievements, promoted the transfer of scientific research power to enterprises, and achieved remarkable results.

Build a public platform for property rights transactions. In order to enhance the scientific research competitiveness of the seed industry, the Ministry of Agriculture launched a pilot project to reform the proportion of scientific research achievements of the seed industry, and relying on the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, established a national trading platform for the property rights of scientific and technological achievements of the seed industry, basically formed a complete system for online trading of the property rights of scientific and technological achievements of the seed industry, such as variety rights and breeding patents, and promoted the fair, just and open trading of scientific research achievements of the seed industry. On December 2, the Ministry of Agriculture held a transaction activity to promote the scientific and technological achievements of the seed industry at the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, and nine new varieties and new technologies were signed on the spot, with a total transaction value of more than 30 million yuan.

Provide policy support for enterprise innovation. The Ministry of Agriculture has stepped up policy support by setting up 19 breeding innovation capacity building projects through seed engineering and other special projects, bringing 14 seed enterprises into the key laboratories of the Ministry of Agriculture, and taking the lead in applying for the research project of genetically modified corn industrialization by the integrated enterprise of breeding, breeding and promotion. The opening of a green channel for variety approval for integrated enterprises of breeding, propagation and promotion is a major reform of variety management, which is of great significance to enhance the ability of independent innovation of enterprises, accelerate the popularization and application of new varieties, and build a powerful country in the seed industry. At present, the annual R & D investment of the top 10 seed enterprises is nearly 600 million yuan, accounting for more than 6% of their sales income; self-bred varieties account for 50% and 47% of the national examination of maize and rice varieties, respectively; and the number of enterprises applying for new variety rights exceeds that of scientific research and teaching units.

Improve the market environment for the promotion of results. The Ministry of Agriculture, in conjunction with the Ministry of Public Security and the State Administration for Industry and Commerce, carried out seed anti-counterfeiting operations, adhering to the combination of departmental anti-counterfeiting and enterprise rights protection to improve anti-counterfeiting efficiency; major and important cases were combined with media exposure to maintain a high-handed trend of anti-counterfeiting and crack down on license plate infringement with heavy blows. In the first half of the year, 2700 cases were investigated and dealt with, 89 cases were transferred to the judiciary, a number of extra-large fraud sites were destroyed, and the market order improved significantly. In the second half of the year, the Ministry of Agriculture will conduct key spot checks on unlicensed and infringing fields in seed production bases, so as to curb the flow of fake and shoddy seeds into the market and enter farmers from the source.

The reform of the seed industry has become a strong impetus for the healthy development of the industry. Up to now, the seed market of major crops across the country is in sufficient supply, the price is stable, and the qualified rate of seed quality is stable at more than 97%, effectively ensuring the safety of seeds for agricultural production and playing an important role in the "11th consecutive increase" of grain.