
In 2014, the total value of national land reclamation exceeded 650 billion and the total grain output exceeded 72 billion.

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, The reporter learned from the Ministry of Agriculture that in 2014, the total value of national land reclamation exceeded 650 billion yuan, grain production increased for 11 consecutive years, and the total output exceeded 72 billion jin. Since the beginning of this year, eight ministries and commissions have jointly conducted a comprehensive investigation on land reclamation, making it clear that land reclamation should focus on taking the lead in realizing agriculture.

The reporter learned from the Ministry of Agriculture that in 2014, the national total value of land reclamation broke through the 650 billion yuan mark, grain production achieved "11 consecutive increases", and the total output exceeded 72 billion jin.

Since the beginning of this year, eight ministries and commissions have jointly conducted a comprehensive investigation on land reclamation, making it clear that land reclamation should focus on taking the lead in realizing agricultural modernization and building a well-off society in an all-round way, starting with cultivating large-scale agricultural enterprise groups with international competitiveness. speed up the development of modern agriculture, steadily promote the "going out" of land reclamation, actively explore new types of urbanization, and promote the transformation and upgrading of land reclamation economy and the sustained and healthy development of economy and society. Efforts should be made to build land reclamation into an emergency base to ensure the supply of important agricultural products, to take the lead in realizing the core plate of agricultural modernization as a whole, and a modern agricultural enterprise group with international competitiveness.

Over the past year, the joint alliance and joint venture of the reclamation area has taken substantial steps, and the non-collectivized reclamation area has accelerated its corporatization and collectivization transformation. In August, the "China Agricultural Reclamation seed Industry Alliance" was established with 12 seed enterprises in 12 reclamation areas, including Heilongjiang Kenfeng, Jiangsu Dahua, Anhui Reclamation, etc., with an annual commercial seed capacity of more than 50,000 tons. Hainan, Yunnan, Guangdong Land Reclamation and the Chinese Academy of Thermal Sciences formally signed the "China Agricultural Reclamation Natural Rubber Industry Alliance". The "China Agricultural Reclamation Dairy Farm Alliance", which is based on the national superior milk source base and dairy processing enterprises, is about to appear. At the same time Chongqing Jiangsu Shaanxi Ningxia Hubei and other reclamation areas combined with their respective advantages increased cooperation around the seed industry dairy industry and achieved remarkable results in the construction of regional industrial companies.

This year, through agricultural socialized services such as ploughing and harvesting and land trusteeship, the area of rural collective land has been driven by radiation, and the momentum of direct leasing of rural land in Jiangsu, Anhui and other reclamation areas is strong, and the current area has exceeded 10 million mu. Guangdong Land Reclamation has accelerated the construction of an integrated industrial layout of natural rubber production, processing, warehousing and marketing in Southeast Asia and other countries. 20 enterprises have been set up, with an annual processing, storage and transportation capacity of 350000 tons, close to 10% of domestic consumption. Anhui and Hubei Land Reclamation take Zimbabwe and Mozambique projects as the platform to organize enterprises in the province to set up overseas agricultural cooperation and development alliances to actively expand the scale of agricultural investment in Africa.