
Speed up the transformation of agricultural development mode and realize sustainable development

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Whether it is to ensure food security under the new normal, or to consolidate the basic position of agriculture and turn the grain bag into a money bag, whether it is to meet the challenges of the international market, enhance the competitiveness of agriculture, break through the constraints of resources and environment, and achieve sustainable development, are more urgent.

Whether it is to ensure food security under the new normal, or to consolidate the basic position of agriculture and turn the "grain bag" into a "money bag", whether it is to meet the challenges of the international market and enhance the competitiveness of agriculture, or to break through the constraints of resources and environment and achieve sustainable development, there is a more urgent need to find ideas and answers to change the mode of agricultural development.

When making arrangements for next year's work, the Central Economic work Conference clearly pointed out that it is necessary to unswervingly speed up the transformation of the mode of agricultural development. as soon as possible, we should attach equal importance to quantity and quality benefits, pay attention to improving competitiveness, pay attention to agricultural technological innovation, and pay attention to sustainable intensive development, and take the road of modern agricultural development with high output efficiency, product safety, resource conservation, and environment-friendly. These major requirements, based on the long term, focus on the overall situation, grasp the key to the construction of modern agriculture, and point out the direction for promoting agricultural modernization.

China's grain production has enjoyed an "eleven consecutive increase" this year, and agriculture and the rural economy have continued to maintain a good momentum of development, which has not only significantly improved the livelihood of the people in rural areas, but also laid a solid foundation for maintaining the overall stability of economic operation. Further, the successive bumper harvests of grain also mean that the traditional agricultural "cattle ploughing and horse ploughing" and farmers "facing the loess and facing the sky" have undergone fundamental changes, showing the new progress made in agricultural science and technology, the steady improvement in the degree of agricultural organization, and the obvious results of a series of central policies to strengthen and benefit farmers. Of course, generally speaking, the mode of agricultural development in China is still relatively extensive, and problems such as the shortage of agricultural resources and prominent contradictions in the ecological environment have become increasingly prominent. Agricultural development in some places has paid a heavy price of resources and environment, such as the aggravation of soil and water pollution. It is still urgent to change the mode of agricultural development.

At present, China's economy has moved from a high-speed growth to a new normal of medium-and high-speed growth, whether it is to ensure food security under the new normal, to firmly hold the rice bowl in one's own hands, or to consolidate the basic position of agriculture and turn the "grain bag" into a "money bag". Whether it is to deal with the challenges of the international market, enhance the competitiveness of agriculture, or break through the constraints of resources and environment and achieve sustainable development, there is a more urgent need to find ideas and answers to change the mode of agricultural development. It is necessary to shift from the extensive management of mainly pursuing output growth, resources and consumption to paying equal attention to quantity and quality benefits, improving competitiveness, and paying attention to sustainable and intensive development.

Changing the mode of agricultural development involves all aspects, including promoting the supply of agricultural products from quantitative growth to balance of total quantity, structural optimization and quality and safety. it also includes promoting the transformation of agricultural development from mainly relying on resource consumption to resource-saving and environment-friendly It includes not only promoting the transformation of agricultural production conditions from mainly "relying on heaven for food" to improving the level of material, technological and equipment, but also promoting the transformation of agricultural labourers from traditional farmers to high-quality professional farmers. To achieve these goals, it is necessary to put the new arrangements and new spirit of the Central Economic work Conference into practice. in deepening various reforms in rural areas, improving the policy of strengthening agriculture and benefiting farmers, improving the price formation mechanism of agricultural products, improving agricultural subsidy methods, strengthening financial services, doing a good job in the registration and certification of land contractual management rights, and improving vocational training policies, we will seek new breakthroughs in changing the mode of agricultural development.

Whether we are well-off or not depends on our fellow villagers. At the present stage, China's agricultural and rural development has a good situation rarely seen for many years, and there is a rare opportunity to speed up the transformation of the mode of agricultural development. Only by actively adapting to the new normal, constantly coming up with new actions, speeding up the transformation of the mode of agricultural development, and vigorously adjusting and optimizing the agricultural structure, can we solve the contradictions and problems faced by agricultural development and improve the quality, efficiency and competitiveness of the agricultural industry. to provide strong support for promoting the steady and healthy development of the economy.