
Who does the subsidy of the vegetable convenience store go to?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, This year, Wuhan listed the construction of community vegetable convenience stores as one of the "ten practical things" of the government, and the city finance provided 11.8 million yuan for support and guidance, with an average subsidy of 59000 yuan per store (reported by this newspaper a few days ago). Recently, Xu Junyi, a 22-year-old college graduate

This year, Wuhan listed the construction of community vegetable convenience stores as one of the "ten practical things" of the government, and the city finance provided 11.8 million yuan for support and guidance, with an average subsidy of 59000 yuan per store (reported by this newspaper a few days ago).

Recently, Xu Junyi, a 22-year-old college graduate, telephoned this newspaper to report that he had opened a vegetable convenience store in the East and West Lake District, but did not receive any subsidies, and the shop, which had been open for only four months, was in a dilemma. He also complained that the price of vegetables for unified distribution was too high.

He wondered: where on earth did the subsidy of the vegetable convenience store go? Why is the price of vegetables for unified distribution so high? Who did the practical work done by the government give a discount in the end?

Over the past few days, our reporter visited vegetable convenience stores in three towns, trying to find answers.

Where are the government subsidies?

College students are losing money when starting a business.

Looking forward to not being able to subsidize funds for emergency

Xu Junyi graduated from a university in Jiangxi in August this year, joined the "vegetable Lady" entrepreneurial project, and opened a "vegetable Lady fresh chain Restaurant" in the Jiaheyuan district of the East and West Lake.

The store is built by Wuhan Huichun famous agricultural products professional cooperative. On August 6 this year, Xiao Xu signed a "Jiaheyuan store transfer contract" with Huichun famous and high-quality agricultural products cooperatives, which took over the operation and paid more than 390,000 yuan in transfer fees and commodity fees.

Xiao Xu said that because he did not have enough money on hand, he first paid more than 330000 yuan and borrowed 60, 000 yuan from Huichun company at 15% interest, promising to pay it back by November 30. The company also verbally promised to help with an interest-free loan of 100000 yuan.

Xiao Xu also showed the reporter a copy of the "vegetable Lady" fresh chain store to join the franchise agreement voluntarily. The reporter saw that Article 4 of Chapter 6 of the agreement stated that if the Jiahe Garden Store passed the acceptance inspection and won the honors of "Wuhan Community vegetable convenience Store" and "Wuhan parity Store", Huichun Company would distribute 12000 yuan in two stages. However, Xiao Xu said the company had been reluctant to sign the agreement with him.

It is understood that the Huichun Cooperative currently has 141 vegetable convenience stores. Did other stores get a subsidy of 12000 yuan? During the reporter's visit, a number of stores reported that they had not received subsidies yet, and some shopkeepers told reporters that "it may take a full year of operation to get subsidies."

However, in the four months since its opening, Xiao Xu's business has not been very good. Xiao Xu said: "the price of vegetables distributed by the company is too high for us to sell. We used to make ends meet every month." Later, if you slowly stop buying from the company, it will be a little better. But now we are in a hurry to pay the rent, the company has promised no loans and subsidies, and has been slow to change our business license. Without a business license, we can't make a loan even if we want to. "

Just at this time, Xiao Xu learned from the media that this year, Wuhan's finance subsidized an average of 59000 yuan for community vegetable convenience stores, 35000 yuan for small stores and 70,000 yuan for big stores. "if you have this money, can you save the emergency?"

Huichun Company: he doesn't follow the rules.

Bureau of Agriculture: subsidies to enterprises

In response to the question raised by Xiao Xu, Fu Zuping, president of Huichun Industrial Group Co., Ltd., accepted an interview with Jinbao reporter on the 13th.

First of all, he showed the reporter a bill-"details of the accounts payable by Jiahe Garden to Wuhan Huichun famous Agricultural products Professional Cooperatives from August 20, 2014 to November 30, 2014." The bill shows that Xiao Xu's Golden Harvest Garden store borrowed a total of 60, 000 yuan from Huichun, 1813 yuan for interest and dry goods, and more than 34000 yuan for fresh goods before September and October 15, with a total debt of more than 96000 yuan.

Fu Zuping said that not only that, the store did not purchase vegetables on its own as agreed in the contract. "in this case, how can I change his business license? How can you give him a loan if you don't obey the rules? If he doesn't even pay off the 90, 000 yuan he owes, I'll guarantee a loan of 100000 yuan for him. What if he runs away? "

With regard to government subsidies, Fu Zuping said that Wuhan's financial subsidy for vegetable convenience stores is for the construction enterprises, not for the shopkeepers. "of course, if the cooperative shopkeepers obey the rules and do well, the company can give certain rewards. Generally, an one-time subsidy of 12000 yuan."

According to Fu Zuping, the company has built 89 new community vegetable stores this year, of which more than 50 have passed the acceptance inspection, and the government has subsidized more than 2 million yuan. At present, the company has distributed 12000 yuan in subsidies to more than 20 stores.

In this regard, Hu Tiliang, director of the Market Department of the Wuhan Agricultural Bureau, said that the subsidy is indeed for the construction enterprises.

He said that through public bidding, nine enterprises and professional cooperatives were identified as the construction units of vegetable convenience stores, and the financial subsidy was given to the winning enterprises. Although the amount of the subsidy was quantified to the store, it was actually a general ledger. As for whether Huichun Company will give certain rewards or subsidies to its partners, "that is a matter for the market entities of both sides to negotiate, and the government will not intervene."

Why is the price of food so high?

The distribution price is close to the market retail price

The shopkeeper can't afford to sell it. Residents feel expensive.

In addition to subsidies, Xiao Xu is also worried about the price of vegetables.

Xiao Xu said that according to the contract between the two sides, the vegetables in the Jiaheyuan store must be distributed by professional cooperatives of famous and high-quality agricultural products in Huichun, and they are not allowed to purchase on their own. "the prices of vegetables distributed in Huichun are even similar to the retail prices in the surrounding markets." after the price increase, the residents all said that my food was expensive and could not be sold at all. "

He provided the reporter with the supply list of Huichun famous and high-quality agricultural products cooperatives on December 8. The supply list shows that Chinese cabbage is 1 yuan per kilogram, carrots 3.3 yuan and lotus root 5.3 yuan.

By consulting the official data of Wuhan Huangjing Hall Wholesale Market (secondary wholesale market) and four Seasons American Farmers' City (primary wholesale market), the reporter found that on the same day, the wholesale prices of three kinds of dishes in the above two markets were 0.8 yuan, 2.2 yuan, 4.5 yuan, 0.4 yuan, 1.6 yuan, 4.5 yuan respectively.

It can be seen that the average distribution price of Huichun is 1 yuan / kg higher than that of the secondary wholesale market, and that of Chinese cabbage and carrots is more than twice that of the primary wholesale market.

The high distribution price of Huichun company is not a problem encountered by a small Xu store. Some shopkeepers reflected: "I always sell the tomatoes sent by the company at whatever price, and there is no profit at all."

On the 12th, the reporter visited the "vegetable Lady" store in the second phase of Jiayuan Huadu District, High-tech second Road. The price of vegetables in the store was not clearly marked. The reporter asked that cauliflower was 2.5 yuan per jin, white radish 1.3 yuan per jin, and lotus root 6 yuan per jin. In a fruit and vegetable store at the gate of the community, the prices of the same vegetables per jin are 2 yuan, 1 yuan and 3.5 yuan respectively, all lower than the "vegetable lady". Hu Youlan and Chen Shuying, two mothers-in-law who have lived in the community for many years, both said that the food served by the "vegetable lady" is generally 50 cents more expensive than outside.

However, in the Houhu Ecological Garden store, the lotus root is 3.4 yuan per jin and cauliflower is 1.4 yuan per jin, which is much cheaper than Jiayuan Huadu shop.

Huichun Company: high logistics cost

Agriculture Bureau: the shopkeeper can refuse to accept it.

According to the implementation Plan of the Agriculture Bureau on speeding up the work of community vegetable convenience stores, the average retail price in vegetable convenience stores must be lower than the average retail price of the whole city.

If the distribution price of Huichun Company is higher than that of the secondary wholesale market, how can convenience stores be lower than the average retail price of the whole city?

In response, Fu Zuping responded that the company's distribution price is about 20% less than the market retail price, but it is also unlikely to be lower than that in the Baishazhou market.

He said: "the company distributes pollution-free vegetables, after sorting, testing, processing, and door-to-door delivery, labor costs, logistics costs are high." If the shopkeeper goes to the wholesale market to restock, he will also have to pay labor, time, logistics and other costs, and the price will also rise. " "as for store prices, the company also requires prices to be more than 10% lower than those in the surrounding market." Fu Zuping said.

In this regard, Hu Tiliang said that Huichun's vegetable prices do need to calculate logistics and labor costs, as long as the retail price of the store is lower than the average market price, it is reasonable. There is a cooperative relationship between the enterprise and the shopkeeper, and if the shopkeeper feels that the distribution price is expensive for a long time, he can negotiate with the enterprise, refuse to accept it, or even "break up". This is a process of game between the two sides of the market.


It has been a supermarket for months.

Still list vegetable convenience store

In the interview, the reporter found that some vegetable convenience stores "do not live up to their name."

On the 12th, the reporter came to the "vegetable Lady" Purple run Mingyuan Restaurant on Gutian second Road, Dengkou District. Unexpectedly, the store with the sign "vegetable Lady fresh Shop" on the door number turned out to be a supermarket and did not sell any vegetables.

The store owner told the reporter that the "vegetable lady" house number was left by the former boss and changed hands because of an economic dispute with Huichun company. After he took over the store a few months ago, he no longer managed vegetables, nor did he cooperate with the "vegetable lady".

Then why put up this sign? The boss said: "Huichun Company let us hang up."

In this regard, Hu Tiliang said that there is also a phenomenon that vegetable convenience stores turn to business, or close as soon as they open the door. The Agriculture Bureau implements the system of inspection and covert visits, employs a third-party organization to follow up regularly, and uses the principle of "close one to make up one" to ensure the overall scale of vegetable convenience stores in the community. According to the regulations, the total number of vegetable convenience stores operated by each enterprise cannot be reduced.

As for the Zilun Mingyuan store, Hu Tiliang said that the Agriculture Bureau had disqualified the store as a convenience store for vegetables and asked Huichun Company to "close one and supplement one."