
Four thoughts on the Control of the use of funds in the Policy of Agriculture, Countryside and Peasants

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Since 2004, the central government has continuously issued 11 documents No. 1 on the theme of agriculture, rural areas and farmers, one of which is to emphasize the top priority of the issues of agriculture, rural areas and farmers in the period of China's socialist modernization and to better accelerate agricultural modernization. According to the overall planning

Since 2004, the central government has successively issued eleven "No.1 Document" with the theme of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers", one of which is to emphasize the "top priority" position of the "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" in China's socialist modernization period, so as to better accelerate agricultural modernization. In accordance with the new concept of "coordinating the coordinated development of urban and rural economy and society", we will guide and adhere to the principles of "industry feeding agriculture, cities supporting rural areas","giving more and less and letting go" and "synchronization of three modernizations", gradually change the dual economic structure of urban and rural areas, gradually narrow the gap between urban and rural development, implement urban and rural development, promote agriculture with industry, and interact with urban and rural areas, and form a new pattern of coordinated urban and rural economic and social development. Over the past decade or so, the central government has closely focused on major issues in agricultural and rural reform and development, such as increasing farmers 'income, comprehensive agricultural production capacity, new rural construction, stable development of modern agriculture and agriculture, increasing farmers' income continuously, coordinating urban and rural development, farmland water conservancy, accelerating agricultural science and technology innovation, deepening comprehensive rural reform and promoting the development of rural social undertakings, etc., and has issued policies including abolishing agricultural taxes, implementing direct subsidies for farmers, etc. We should establish a government-led model-"three rural" policy fund support system, form a new pattern and new mechanism of diversification of "three rural" investment subjects, better use the "three rural" policy fund, give play to its most direct and effective policy rigid role of "strengthening agriculture, benefiting agriculture and rich farmers", and build the most stable and reliable fund support system to strengthen agriculture, benefit rural areas and rich farmers, thus forming an integrated urban and rural development pattern and realizing the "three rural" Chinese dream. In this regard, in view of the experience and lessons of the use and management of "three rural" policy funds in the past ten years, it is necessary to creatively optimize the management and control channels of "three rural" policy funds.

First, to enlarge the "three rural" policy capital use gold "cake"

1. In accordance with the requirements of "three higher than", increase the financial investment in "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" at this level. In accordance with the central government's requirements of "continuously increasing fiscal expenditure on agriculture, rural areas and farmers, continuously increasing state investment in fixed assets in agriculture and rural areas, and continuously increasing investment in agricultural science and technology to ensure an increase in both increment and proportion," efforts will be made to increase fiscal investment in agriculture, rural areas and farmers. While actively striving for central and provincial financial input into "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" in counties and cities, through measures such as evaluation incentives and rewards and punishments incentives, the allocation of agricultural support funds will be linked to the investment efforts of various localities, so as to guide organizations at all levels in towns and villages to continuously increase investment in "agriculture, rural areas and farmers", prevent the phenomenon of "upward movement and downward retreat" of financial "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" expenditure, and ensure stable growth of financial "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" investment.

2. Thoroughly understand the national "three rural" policy funds and actively strive for "three rural" project funds. At present, the state financial "three rural" policy funds will be inclined to five aspects: first, to agricultural science and technology innovation and promotion investment tilt, second, to agricultural industrialization development investment tilt, third, continue to equipment agriculture, facilities agriculture investment tilt, fourth, to agricultural rural project integration tilt, fifth, to "old, few, edge" area support tilt. Therefore, we should carefully study the national "three rural" support policies in the new period, increase the application of "three rural" project funds in agricultural science and technology innovation and promotion, agricultural industrialization and specialization, equipment and facilities agriculture and new rural construction, pay attention to the integration of "three rural" policy project funds, and vigorously promote overall promotion and continuous development.

3. Innovate the investment guidance mechanism of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" and enlarge the fund effect of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" policy. Actively use market operation, fund integration, loan financing, fiscal discount, compensation by reward, private public assistance, construction before compensation and other mechanisms to gradually transform financial funds from decentralized support to integrated use, from simple subsidies to compensation by reward, from financial direct investment to financial discount support, give full play to the guiding function and amplification benefits of financial policies supporting agriculture, and give full play to property rights factors such as rural land use rights, forest rights and infrastructure use rights. Guide the orderly flow of property rights elements and attract social capital investment. We will actively support the development of micro-financial services, including micro-credit in rural areas, that suit the characteristics and needs of rural areas, and continue to support the construction of agricultural guarantee systems. By strengthening propaganda and guidance, improving policies and measures, encouraging enterprises to invest and social donations to invest in "agriculture, rural areas and farmers", measures such as "village enterprise co-construction and twinning assistance" have become an important force for investment in new rural construction.

Second, grasp the "three rural" policy fund focus

1. Vigorously support agricultural science and technology innovation and improve the scientific and technological content of the "three rural" policy funds. For the purpose of high yield, high quality, high efficiency, ecology and safety, we will effectively increase investment and inclination in agricultural science and technology research and development innovation, transformation of achievements and popularization and application, and give full play to the role of financial funds in "four or two thousand pounds". First, vigorously support the popularization of agricultural science and technology and improve the quality of agricultural products. In accordance with the requirements of high yield, high efficiency, ecology and safety, we will focus on supporting the integrated development of modern seed breeding, actively strive for funds to expand the implementation scope of projects such as soil testing and formula fertilization, soil organic matter upgrading, establishment of high yield of grain and cotton, basic agricultural technology and demonstration counties, and promote the transformation from traditional agriculture to modern agricultural production mode. Second, we will continue to support the transformation of agricultural scientific and technological achievements, smooth the channels for transformation and application, and enhance the supporting ability of science and technology to agricultural production. Third, give full play to the new mechanism of "supporting things with money" in rural public welfare undertakings, improve the grass-roots agricultural technology service system focusing on agricultural science and technology promotion, animal and plant disease prevention and control, and agricultural product quality supervision, support and guide agricultural departments to undertake agricultural technology promotion projects, and establish an agricultural technology promotion incentive mechanism linked to government investment and service performance. Fourth, improve the policies and mechanisms for supporting farmers 'scientific and technological training, focusing on supporting rural agricultural technical personnel training and practical technical training, and improving farmers' scientific quality. Fifthly, further strengthen the support of farmers 'professional cooperative organizations, enhance the service ability of cooperative organizations to farmers' production and operation, study and establish the docking mechanism between agricultural projects and farmers 'professional cooperative organizations, support qualified farmers' professional cooperative organizations to declare agricultural projects and undertake the construction tasks of "three rural" policy fund projects, and improve the long-term mechanism for asset management and protection of "three rural" policy fund projects.

Actively support the development of modern agriculture and realize the transformation from traditional agriculture to modern agriculture. Centering on the requirements of the central government's "synchronization of three modernizations" and in accordance with the idea of "concentrating investment, highlighting key points, continuous development, and becoming bigger and stronger", it is suggested to continue to focus on supporting the development of modern agricultural industry: First, continue to support the four agricultural industries of grain, rape, pigs and aquatic products, and increase policy support for the development of the four agricultural industries. The second is to actively support the construction of "four batches" of agricultural industrialization projects and support and guide the continuous development and growth of leading agricultural industrialization enterprises. Through active integration of funds and continuous investment, we will support the creation of a number of excellent agricultural industries with advantageous characteristics and realize the transformation from a large agricultural city to a strong agricultural city. Third, actively support the transformation of agricultural production mode, promote "leading enterprises + bases + farmers","cooperative organizations + bases + farmers","agricultural super docking","order production" and other modes, plan agriculture with industrial concept, and manage agriculture with modern management. Fourth, actively support the establishment of agricultural brands and geographical products.

Third, highlight the integration effect of "three rural" policy funds

In accordance with the basic requirements of "channels are not chaotic, uses remain unchanged, overall arrangements, system integration, formation of joint forces, and each account for its merits", through the establishment of a coordination mechanism of "government leadership, financial leadership, and departmental cooperation", multi-channel "three rural" policy funds are integrated, and a fund use control mechanism with scientific investment, reasonable structure, standardized management, efficient use, and safe operation is gradually formed. The scope of integrated funds includes: except disaster relief funds and special purpose funds, all municipal funds supporting agriculture, including various budget funds allocated by financial departments; The special funds for supporting agriculture of the central, provincial and prefectural (municipal) departments include the "three rural" projects and funds of the departments of finance, development and reform, agriculture, water conservancy (drinking water safety), forestry, land, environmental protection, transportation, immigration, poverty alleviation, science and technology, energy, commerce, supply and marketing, housing and urban construction (urbanization, urban-rural integration), agricultural affairs (new rural areas), etc.; the special funds for supporting agriculture arranged by the municipal (county) level finance. One is to set up an integration platform. According to the city's agricultural and rural medium-and long-term development planning to set up "three rural" policy funds integration platform. The second is to strictly control the declaration of "three rural" policy fund projects. Every year, each agriculture-related department shall declare the financial "three rural" projects according to the established integration platform, which shall be uniformly reviewed and approved by the municipal "three rural" policy fund integration leading group office, and the projects without integration shall not be declared. Third, strengthen the integration of "agriculture, rural areas" policy fund control, strictly prevent non-implementation according to project requirements, and strictly prevent the integration of funds from being used according to prescribed procedures. All the "three rural" policy funds within the scope of integration must implement the "three rural" policy project management responsibility system, publicity system, bidding system, supervision system, entrusted intermediary inspection system and treasury centralized payment system to ensure that the "three rural" policy fund control and governance are standardized, safe and effective.

Fourth, strengthen the construction of the "three rural" policy fund governance system

1, improve the "three rural" policy fund control system. First, comprehensively strengthen the "three rural" policy fund governance system construction. In accordance with the requirements of building the rule of law finance, comprehensively clean up and improve the existing "three rural" policy funds and agricultural financial management system, timely fill the "gaps" in system construction, strengthen the organic connection of various management systems, and gradually establish a scientific and reasonable, clear level, clear division of labor, and comprehensive "three rural" policy fund management system. The second is to continuously increase the publicity of the system. Through the news media, we will vigorously publicize the Party's "three rural" policies for supporting agriculture and benefiting farmers, strive to make the majority of farmers always have a clear account in their hearts, vigorously promote the openness of financial affairs, implement "sunshine finance", and strengthen public opinion supervision and mass supervision. The third is to establish a reward and punishment mechanism for the control and use of funds under the "three rural" policy. While seriously investigating and dealing with problems and accountability, we will vigorously commend and reward advanced units and individuals in fund control of the "three rural" policies.

2. Strict accountability for fund faults of "three rural" policies. The first is to establish a "three rural" policy fund responsibility management system. For units with problems in project construction and fund management, a registration system for violations of regulations and disciplines shall be established. For places with bad records, in addition to one-vote veto in work assessment, they shall be linked when arranging "three rural" policy projects and funds, so as to enhance the responsibility consciousness and risk consciousness of "managing money" and "spending money" of financial and agricultural departments. Second, strict "three rural" policy fund accountability system. It is suggested to strictly implement the Measures for Accountability for the Use and Management of Funds for the "Three Rural Issues" Policy in a Certain Province issued by the provincial party committee and the provincial government, strictly implement accountability for funds for rural infrastructure construction, agricultural production development, subsidies for agriculture and farmers, funds for the development of rural social undertakings, policy-oriented agricultural insurance and disaster relief funds, etc., set up a red line for funds for the "three rural issues" policy, and light up the red light for funds for the "three rural issues" policy at all times to ensure that the interests of farmers are not damaged. To ensure the stable and healthy development of agriculture and rural areas.

3. Strengthen the supervision and inspection of "three rural" policy funds. Through the performance evaluation of special funds for key agriculture-related policies, we will comprehensively carry out supervision and inspection of funds for agriculture, rural areas and farmers, find out problems and loopholes in the management of funds for agriculture, rural areas and farmers in a timely manner, actively prevent violations of regulations and disciplines in funds for agriculture, rural areas and farmers, and establish a long-term mechanism for the safe and efficient operation of funds for agriculture, rural areas and farmers, so as to gradually realize the transformation of supervision and inspection from relying on external pressure to conscious action, and from centralized governance to the establishment of prevention mechanisms. Make full use of public opinion, media and audit supervision, combine post-event supervision with pre-event and in-process supervision, combine grass-roots investigation, cross-inspection, performance evaluation, audit supervision, special investigation, petition investigation, etc., combine superior inspection with self-inspection at the same level, and strive to form a multi-level and all-round supervision system.