
Good cultivated land can produce good "organic".

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Agricultural modernization is the fundamental direction of agricultural development. There are three major goals for the development of modern agriculture, namely, quantity security, quality security and ecological security. The quantity, quality and ecological security of modern agriculture create conditions for organic agriculture, and the primary task is to ensure the quantity safety.

Agricultural modernization is the fundamental direction of agricultural development. There are three major goals for the development of modern agriculture, namely, quantity security, quality security and ecological security.

The quantity, quality and ecological security of modern agriculture create conditions for organic agriculture.

The primary task of quantitative security is to ensure the effective supply of grain and other major agricultural products. From 2004 to 2014, China's grain production has had a bumper harvest for 11 consecutive years. "Eleven consecutive growth" is not only a miracle, but also a bright spot in the development of agriculture and rural areas. However, the food security situation we face is still very grim. In the next 7-8 years, the annual grain demand will increase by about 20 billion jin. In addition to grain, we should also ensure that everyone eats oil, vegetables, fruit, tea and clothes. Last year's Central Rural work Conference clearly put forward the national food security strategy under the new situation, that is, the 20-character policy of "giving priority to us, gaining a foothold at home, ensuring production capacity, moderate import, and scientific and technological support." Therefore, ensuring supply is still the primary goal of agricultural production and development. Chinese people's rice bowls should be firmly in their own hands at all times, and our rice bowls should be mainly filled with Chinese grain.

The key measure for quality and safety is to vigorously develop high-quality and safe agricultural products. The root and key to the quality and safety of agricultural products lies in the production link. To improve the quality and safety of agricultural products, it is necessary to standardize the agricultural production process, vigorously develop agricultural standardization and clean production, develop pollution-free agricultural products, green food, organic agricultural products and geographical indications agricultural products, and strengthen the brand cultivation of high-quality agricultural products. In recent years, we have carried out the establishment of a horticultural crop standard park and implemented the action of "variety, quality and brand" of high-quality agricultural products, which has played a good role in improving the quality and safety level of horticultural crop products. It is also necessary to control fertilizer, medicine and additives. Through in-depth development of soil testing and formula fertilization, unified control of crop diseases and insect pests, and green prevention and control, we will promote simple and easy-to-learn techniques that farmers can understand at a glance, learn as soon as they can learn, and achieve results as soon as they are used, so as to guide farmers to apply fertilizer scientifically.

The core requirement of ecological security is to accelerate the transformation of agricultural development mode. Modern agriculture should not only meet the needs of contemporary people, provide more and better agricultural products and a good ecological environment, but also leave room for survival and development for future generations. At present, the problems we are facing, such as the tightening of agricultural resources constraints and the deterioration of the ecological environment, are very prominent. However, in sharp contrast to the shortage of resources, the mode of agricultural production is still very extensive, with tight days and lavish spending on the other. It is necessary to pay attention to protection and earnestly reduce the excessive intensity of resource development. Implement a strict supervision system for the development of agricultural resources, a supervision system for the production and use of inputs, and a system of compensation and accountability for environmental pollution damage; promote high-efficiency fertilizers and low-residue pesticides, develop water-saving agriculture, dry farming, circular agriculture and standardized large-scale farming, and use technology to promote the sustainable development of agriculture. Speed up the management of outstanding problems in the agricultural environment. We will increase investment, control water and land, improve the agricultural production environment, and gradually recuperate and achieve sustainable utilization of overdrawn agricultural resources and environment.

No matter from the point of view of quantity safety, quality safety or ecological security, the proposal of modern agricultural road has defined the direction and created conditions for the development of organic agriculture in China. Throughout the world, all developed countries have experienced a process of transformation from traditional agriculture to modern agriculture. Chinese agriculture can not bypass the constraints of resources, environment and ecology. If we do not take the initiative to resolve the constraints of the ecological environment and take the road of sustainable development, we will face a more severe crisis of agricultural resources and ecological environment in the next 5-10 years.

Organic Agriculture should make a fuss on "four excellent"

The development of organic agriculture in China began in the early 1990s. After 20 years of development, it has experienced such a change as the continuous expansion of the market, the continuous expansion of bases and varieties, and the gradual recognition of the government and the public. Generally speaking, China's organic agriculture is in a turning period from relying on exports to based on the domestic market, from decentralized single development to promoting the industry as a whole. It can be predicted that the market share of domestic organic agricultural products will increase rapidly in the next 5-10 years. However, there are still many problems in the development of organic agriculture. As some enterprises are eager for quick success and quick benefits, there have been some problems of lack of integrity in domestic organic food in recent years, which has affected the public trust in organic food.

The development of organic agriculture in China should closely revolve around the goal of "quantity safety, quality safety and ecological security", based on the reality of agricultural production, strengthen technology research and development and integrated popularization, strictly require production procedures, and explore different development models according to local conditions. The key point is to make an article on the "four excellent". One is to choose a superior production environment. Clean and safe soil, water and air are the basis for the development of organic agriculture. The second is to select excellent varieties. Through the combination of introduction and independent research and development, the cultivation and promotion of product varieties suitable for China's agricultural production is the key to the development of organic agriculture. Third, the application of high-quality production technology. We will comprehensively promote ecological cultivation techniques such as shelf cultivation, yield control and quality improvement, fruit bagging, green prevention and control of diseases and insect pests, and standardized production modes such as facilities, mechanization and labor-saving. The fourth is to cultivate excellent brands. It is necessary to firmly establish brand awareness, create a number of brands of organic agricultural products recognized by consumers, make full use of various production and marketing meetings, build a display and promotion platform, strengthen publicity, enhance brand awareness, and increase market share.