
The subsidy policy for primary processing facilities of agricultural products achieved new results in 2014.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Recently, the Agricultural products processing Bureau of the Ministry of Agriculture held a forum on the implementation of subsidy policies for primary processing facilities of agricultural products in Beijing, summing up and exchanging the effectiveness and experience of implementing subsidy policies for primary processing facilities of agricultural products in 2014, and deploying heavy work next year.


Recently, the Agricultural Products Processing Bureau of the Ministry of Agriculture held a symposium on the implementation of subsidy policies for agricultural products primary processing facilities in Beijing, summarizing and exchanging the effectiveness and experience of implementing subsidy policies for agricultural products primary processing facilities in various places in 2014, and deploying work priorities and ideas for next year. Zong Jinyao, Director of Agricultural Products Processing Bureau of the Ministry of Agriculture, attended the meeting and made an important speech. Deputy Inspector Yang Zezhao reported the implementation of subsidy policies in 2014.

The meeting held that in the past three years since the implementation of the subsidy policy, with the strong support of the Ministry of Finance and the Finance Department of the Ministry of Agriculture, remarkable results have been achieved through the joint efforts of agricultural product processing management departments at all levels. This year, the central government allocated 600 million yuan, an increase of 20 percent over the previous year, to support 10525 farmers and 1504 farmers 'professional cooperatives to build 18,000 primary processing facilities for storing, preserving and drying agricultural products, adding 300,000 tons of potato storage capacity, 490,000 tons of fruit and vegetable storage capacity and 350,000 tons of fruit and vegetable drying capacity. Governments at all levels and farmers in areas where policies are implemented generally reflect that projects are selected correctly, accurately, with great effects and good results. First, it has promoted the improvement of the quality and efficiency of agricultural products. The new type of storage cellars and cold storages improve the storage conditions of potatoes and fruits and vegetables. Potatoes can be stored for more than half a year without sprouting or shrinking, apples, carrots and other fruits and vegetables can be stored for 5-6 months without rotting or wilting, maintaining the quality and appearance of storage (cellars), and improving the quality of stored products. According to preliminary calculation, after the subsidized standardized facilities are completed and put into use, the post-harvest loss rate of potatoes, fruits and vegetables will be reduced from more than 15% to less than 6%, equivalent to a cumulative increase of 660,000 tons in three years. Second, it has promoted the employment and income increase of farmers. Over the past three years since the implementation of the subsidy policy, the accumulated loss and income of farmers amounted to 892 million yuan, and the sales income of off-season increased by 4.23 billion yuan, which greatly mobilized farmers 'enthusiasm for production. The implementation of the subsidy policy has also provided farmers with more opportunities for entrepreneurship and employment, cultivated a group of excellent rural professional brokers, strengthened a group of farmers 'professional cooperatives, absorbed more farmers for local employment, and walked out of a road to prosperity through entrepreneurship and employment. Third, it has promoted the development of advantageous industries. The subsidy policy has high precision and strong orientation, effectively solving the problems of large post-natal loss of agricultural products in the implementation area, prominent hidden dangers of quality and safety, difficulty in selling and low price, enhancing farmers 'market expectation and improving their enthusiasm for developing characteristic planting industry. The new storage and drying facilities prolong the storage and processing period of agricultural products, realize the balanced supply of processing raw materials, prolong the production cycle of enterprises, improve the economic benefits of enterprises, and promote the organic combination of planting, storage, processing and sales. Fourth, it promotes stable supply in the market. In the main potato producing areas such as northwest, north China and northeast, it takes only 7-15 days from potato harvest to frost weather, and the sales time does not exceed half a month. Problems such as low price, difficulty in selling and freezing damage occur every year. After the construction of new potato facilities, the potato sales period was extended to 7 months, which not only realized the off-season sales and balanced supply of agricultural products, but also promoted the development of professional market and the construction of market information service system through centralized construction of facilities, playing an active role in increasing supply and stabilizing the market.

Over the past year, many good practices have been innovated in the implementation of subsidy policies. First, focus on top-level design. The governments and agricultural departments of all implementing provinces (autonomous regions) pay more and more attention to the subsidy policy, regard the implementation of the subsidy policy as an important work to promote agricultural quality and efficiency, increase farmers 'employment and income and promote the development of agricultural product processing industry, providing strong organizational guarantee and financial support for the implementation of the subsidy policy. Second, pay attention to optimizing layout. When determining the scope and area of project implementation, all localities insist on promoting the development of leading industries, concentrating on advantageous production areas, favoring large planting households and farmers 'cooperatives, and giving full play to the leading, demonstration and driving role of subsidy policies to the greatest extent. Third, innovative working mechanism. Agricultural and financial departments at all levels have strengthened communication and coordination in their work and established mechanisms for joint research, joint decision-making and joint promotion of major issues. Fourth, strengthen supervision and management. We will further improve the work system of first construction and then compensation, two-level review, two publicity and technical training, and strictly follow the procedures of application, review, approval, publicity, construction, acceptance, publicity and payment of bonus and compensation funds. Fifth, strengthen publicity and training. Technical training on policies for relevant personnel in all provinces, autonomous regions and counties was held, and the key points and implementation methods of subsidy policies were interpreted through television, radio, network, printing and distributing clear paper and publicity pages, so that policies, technologies and services were in place, which greatly mobilized farmers 'enthusiasm. Many places present a situation of "one cellar (library) is difficult to find".

Director Zong Jinyao pointed out in his speech that the implementation of the subsidy policy for primary processing facilities of agricultural products has become an effective measure to improve agricultural quality and efficiency, an important channel to promote farmers 'employment and income increase, an important support to promote the development of advantageous industries and an important guarantee to stabilize market supply. It is a good policy benefiting the country and the people, as well as a livelihood project and a moral project. All localities should further strengthen their organization and leadership, adopt a more positive attitude and be more responsible, highlight the key points of work, strengthen supervision and management, technical services and policy propaganda, insist on favoring large growers and farmers 'professional cooperatives, adhere to farmers' independent construction, adhere to sunshine and standardized operation, and let farmers have the right to know, participate and supervise. We should insist on implementation on one hand and supervision on the other to ensure that subsidy policies are implemented scientifically, efficiently, standardized and incorruptly. We should strengthen the construction of a clean and honest government, strictly abide by the eight regulations, consolidate the achievements of the mass line education, strictly be honest and self-disciplined, adhere to the moral bottom line, the legal red line and the system high-voltage line, be clean and honest, and do things in a real way. We must never violate laws and regulations and other things that destroy cadres, bad policies and damage images. We will earnestly implement the subsidy policy for the initial processing of agricultural products, which is a policy of strengthening agriculture, benefiting farmers and enriching farmers, so as to truly benefit farmers and make greater contributions to the sustainable and healthy development of China's agricultural product processing industry.

60 people attended the meeting, including leaders and heads of departments and offices of 13 provinces and autonomous regions and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps implementing subsidy policies, and representatives of provincial technical support units.