
Central Rural Economic work Conference focuses on Land system Reform

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, The Central Rural work Conference was held in Beijing on December 22 and 23. The meeting will make comprehensive arrangements for the work of agriculture, rural areas and farmers next year, and the No. 1 document of the CPC Central Committee will also solicit opinions at the meeting, revise and perfect it and release it. The meeting will focus on agricultural modernization and

The Central Rural work Conference was held in Beijing on December 22 and 23. The meeting will make comprehensive arrangements for the work of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" next year, and the central "No. 1 document" will also solicit opinions at the meeting, revise and perfect it and release it. The meeting will focus on agricultural modernization, as well as many key reforms in the areas of agriculture, rural areas and farmers, such as rural land system reform and agricultural product price reform.

At the Central Economic work Conference, which ended a few days ago, "speeding up the transformation of the mode of agricultural development" was listed as one of the five major economic tasks next year. It is mentioned to stabilize the output of grain and major agricultural products, continuously increase farmers' income, improve the transfer policy of rural land management rights, develop modern agriculture, deepen various reforms in rural areas, improve the policy of strengthening agriculture and benefiting farmers, and improve the price formation mechanism of agricultural products., improve agricultural subsidies, strengthen financial services and so on.

Analysts pointed out that these contents will become the focus of discussion at the central rural economic work conference, especially the development of modern agriculture, which can best reflect the transformation of agriculture.

The 2014 "No. 1 document" made an outline plan for promoting agricultural modernization and comprehensively deepening rural reform. In 2015, the Central "No. 1 document" will focus on "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" for the 12th consecutive year, and the document is expected to continue to deepen these reform measures and policies.

Prior to this, the Ministry of Agriculture held a special meeting to emphasize that in agricultural and rural economic work next year, it is necessary to solidly promote the "transformation of the mode and structure" of agricultural development, and continuously improve the contribution rate of agricultural scientific and technological progress and the utilization rate of agricultural resources.

An authoritative source of the Ministry of Agriculture told reporters that "the Ministry of Agriculture is formulating a plan for the sustainable development of agriculture in China." according to the land situation, agricultural development is divided into four major areas: encouraging development areas, supporting development areas, restricting development areas and prohibited development areas. "

Among them, the first two are key areas of agricultural development. The key points of development are also put forward in various links: prenatal attention should be paid to the development of commercial R & D, production and sales, such as new varieties, new technologies, new equipment, new medicines and fertilizers, and the development of facility agriculture, standardization of irrigation products, and large-scale aquaculture. Full-process agricultural mechanization services. After delivery, we pay attention to the detection, processing, storage, logistics and sales of agricultural products.

In addition, the reform of rural land system and the price reform of agricultural products will also become the focus of the central rural work conference.

In recent years, China has accelerated the pace of reform of the rural land system, and many major reform opinions have been issued one after another. Following the release of the "opinions on guiding the orderly transfer of contracted Management Rights of Rural Land to develop appropriate scale Management of Agriculture", the "opinions on Rural Land expropriation, the entry of Collective Construction Land into the Market, and the pilot work of Homestead system Reform" just considered by the Central leading Group for deepening Reform is also expected to be issued before the end of the year.

The reporter learned from the Ministry of Agriculture that at present, the Ministry of Agriculture is stepping up efforts to study and formulate supporting policies for the above two major opinions, and will issue guidance on land qualification examination, project examination, and risk guarantee fund system for industrial and commercial enterprises as soon as possible, and puts forward operational policy suggestions and specific work guidance for the registration and issuance of land contractual management rights.

The Ministry of Agriculture also said that it will step up efforts to carry out pilot experiments such as orderly promotion of mortgage guarantee of land management rights, support for large-scale grain production, and government purchase of public welfare services, so as to find out experiences that can be replicated and popularized.