
The Rural work Conference identified five key measures for the first person's new countryside.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Central Rural work Conference: agricultural Modernization is still the deficiency of the four modernizations the meeting proposed to allow grass-roots units and the masses to explore new forms of appropriate scale operation. According to Xinhua News Agency, the Central Rural work Conference was held in Beijing from 22nd to 23rd. The meeting summarized the agricultural and rural work and research in 2014.

Central Rural Work Conference: Agricultural Modernization is Still a Short Board of Four Modernizations

The meeting proposed to allow the grassroots and the masses to explore new forms of moderate scale management

According to Xinhua Agency, the Central Rural Work Conference was held in Beijing from 22 to 23. The meeting summarized the agricultural and rural work in 2014, studied major measures to promote agricultural modernization by relying on reform and innovation, and comprehensively deployed agricultural and rural work next year and in the future. Li Keqiang attended the meeting and delivered an important speech. Zhang Gaoli attended the meeting.

agricultural development faces challenges

The meeting stressed that the challenges facing the sustainable and stable development of agriculture are unprecedented. At present, the prices of major domestic agricultural products exceed import prices, while production costs are rising. Agricultural ecological environment is damaged, cultivated land, fresh water and other resources are in short supply. We must accelerate the transformation of agricultural development mode, continuously improve land output rate, resource utilization rate and labor productivity, and realize intensive and sustainable development.

The meeting pointed out that agricultural modernization is the foundation and support of national modernization. At present, it is still a prominent "short board". The key and difficult points of building a well-off society in an all-round way are still in rural areas. China's economic development has entered a new normal and accelerating agricultural modernization is of great significance to stabilizing growth, adjusting structure and benefiting people's livelihood. Excavating the consumption potential of farmers, the largest group, can give full play to the basic role of consumption; agricultural rural infrastructure and public services are backward, and there is huge demand for new investment. Making good use of this space can better play the key role of investment; enlarging and strengthening agricultural industry can form many new industries, new formats and new models and cultivate new economic growth points.

Five priority initiatives identified

The meeting stressed that to promote agricultural modernization, we should insist on ensuring national food security as the primary task and ensure basic grain self-sufficiency and absolute food security. First, vigorously develop agricultural industrialization, from simply trying to find ways to face the whole land and resources, and construct advantageous regional layout and professional production pattern. Second, actively develop various forms of moderate scale operation, give full play to the initiative of the grassroots and the masses, and allow "exploration, exploration and re-exploration". As long as it conforms to the state laws and policies and conforms to the direction of reform, the peasants welcome it and encourage and support it in any form. Third, build resource-saving and environment-friendly agriculture and reduce excessive use of agricultural inputs. Fourth, we should increase agricultural policies and investment. No matter how tight the financial resources are, we must ensure that agricultural input will only increase or not decrease. Fifth, improve the international agricultural exchange and cooperation system and innovate the mode of agricultural foreign cooperation.

Promoting Agriculture through Urbanization

The meeting called for giving full play to the radiation and driving role of new urbanization on agricultural modernization. Efforts should be made to solve the existing problem of "three hundred million people", innovate the way of urban leading rural areas and promoting agriculture through industry, guide the flow of urban modern production elements to agriculture and rural areas, and promote farmers 'income through multiple channels. Actively and steadily promote the construction of new rural areas, accelerate the improvement of the living environment, improve the quality of farmers, and promote the construction of "new rural areas for materials" and "new rural areas for people" simultaneously. We will continue to wage war on poverty, promote the integration of regional development with targeted poverty alleviation, and accelerate the pace of poverty alleviation and prosperity in poverty-stricken areas.

the meeting discussed "several opinions of the cpc central committee and the state council on further deepening rural reform and accelerating agricultural modernization (discussion draft)."