
It is urgent to deepen understanding and innovate methods for the regulation and control of agricultural products market.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Practice shows that in order to promote the stable development of agricultural production and ensure the effective supply of important agricultural products, the most fundamental thing is to mobilize, protect and give full play to the production enthusiasm of farmers. Judging from the actual situation of the regulation and control of China's agricultural products market, most of them come out of the market.

Practice shows that in order to promote the stable development of agricultural production and ensure the effective supply of important agricultural products, the most fundamental thing is to mobilize, protect and give full play to the production enthusiasm of farmers. Judging from the actual situation of the regulation and control of China's agricultural products market, most of them study what problems arise in the market and study which varieties have problems. The policy system formed under this background is lack of integrity, foresight and internal organic connection, which is also the deep-seated reason for the continuous fluctuation of agricultural products market in recent years.

Not only that, the level of regulation and control of agricultural products market has an increasing impact on the inflation expectation of the whole national economy. In China, as a developing country, the Engel coefficient of household consumption is relatively high, so the weight of food price is high in the overall level of consumer prices. once the price of agricultural products increases greatly, it is directly reflected in the improvement of consumer price index. it is easy for people to understand that the price increase of agricultural products is the direct driver of inflation. Although the increase in the price of agricultural products is only a manifestation but not a cause of inflation, it is self-evident to improve the regulation and control of the agricultural market and reduce the sharp fluctuations in the agricultural market for supporting the healthy development of the whole national economy and managing inflation expectations.

After experiencing a series of social problems caused by the sharp fluctuations in the markets of agricultural products, especially fresh agricultural products, many developed countries have made policy innovations and made historic strides in the regulation and control mechanism of the agricultural products market and the construction of the legal system, and have become a sharp weapon to stabilize the agricultural products market for a long time in recent years. However, in the absence of market regulation, many fresh agricultural products in China are "naked production", which simply cannot compete with the global agricultural products on the same stage.

Several cognitive problems should be clarified in the regulation and control of China's agricultural products market:

First of all, is the overall rise in agricultural prices normal? In the process of building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way the level of per capita income will continue to rise significantly and the demand factor will of course continue to grow rigidly. At the same time, the scarcity of cultivated land and water resources will further appear, and the demographic dividend will gradually weaken, which will inevitably push up the cost of agricultural production, thus forming a hard support for the price trend of agricultural products. Therefore, from the long-term trend, the overall rise in agricultural prices is inevitable and normal.

Secondly, is it necessary to regulate the price fluctuation of agricultural products?

The relationship between supply and demand of agricultural products and market performance are affected by season, climate, cycle and other factors. However, there is a tendency to ignore the particularity of agricultural products, which will inevitably affect the regulation and control objectives and policy design itself. In order to reduce the fluctuation, we must rely on measures such as the improvement of agricultural production conditions and the technical improvement of storage and preservation facilities, which is a long-term process. Therefore, at the present stage, the regulation and control of the agricultural product market must be "limited", rather than "acting" when there are fluctuations, so it is bound to enter a dead end of "omnipotent government" and interfering with the normal operation of the market.

Third, is the price level of China's agricultural products high or low?

We are used to making comparisons in two aspects: first, compared with the previous absolute price level, and second, compared with the major exporters of agricultural products in the world, it is easy to draw the conclusion that the price of agricultural products in China has risen by a large margin. On the issue of market regulation of agricultural products, at least three factors should be considered: first, it should be compared with the cost of agricultural production. In recent years, the price increase of farmers selling agricultural products is much lower than that of agricultural production costs. Second, it should be compared with the income level of the public. Third, it should be compared with countries or regions with similar modes of production and operation. In fact, the price level of many agricultural products in Japan and South Korea is about 6 to 10 times that of China.

Fourth, is there only shortage and balance between supply and demand of agricultural products in our country?

China has passed the era of shortage of vegetables and fruits, but if we can not simultaneously strengthen the development of the international market and balance the relationship between supply and demand as a whole, there will naturally be phased, regional and structural surplus. Only when we stop talking about "surplus" and face up to the "troubles of affluence" can the regulation and control of agricultural products stand at a new starting point.

Finally, how can the price level of agricultural products take into account the interests of both farmers and citizens?

At this stage, the essence of measuring the price level of agricultural products is to take the price of agricultural products as a basic tool to balance the interests of farmers and citizens. In the international community, there is not too much intervention in the rise in the prices of agricultural products, but by raising the minimum income guarantee line, increasing retirement wages, issuing price increase subsidies, and establishing a food voucher program, to reduce the impact of excessive price increases of agricultural products on the lives of low-income groups.

To sum up, the market regulation of agricultural products in China is in a critical period, and we should actively promote the market regulation of agricultural products from ex post regulation to pre-planning, and the variety of regulation and control should be expanded from grain to fruits and vegetables. the focus of regulation and control extends from total balance to structural balance, and the basic point of regulation and control changes from excessive price rise to excessive price decline, so as to raise China's agricultural product market regulation to a new level.

First, we should adhere to the "Trichotomy" in the regulation and control of agricultural products and pay close attention to the establishment of a catalogue system for the regulation and control of fresh agricultural products.

From a worldwide point of view, all countries regard grain, especially food rations, as the top priority of policy support and regulation, and have successively established key varieties for regulation and control of fresh agricultural products such as vegetables and fruits. China's agricultural products can be divided into three categories: first, grain, with emphasis on wheat, rice and corn, has established a set of market regulation and control measures with tariffs, quotas, minimum purchase prices and temporary storage as the core. Second, important agricultural products with a high degree of dependence on foreign trade, in which cotton imports are relatively large, but they are basically on both sides, with big imports and exports; the soybean market is more than 60% dependent on foreign trade, and there is only a 3% single tariff policy, lack of regulation and control means. the key is how to grasp the timing, rhythm and mode of imports to play a positive "big country effect" to meet domestic demand. Third, fresh agricultural products, the market operation status and price level of these products mainly depend on the relationship between domestic supply and demand, and it is also a weak link in the market regulation of agricultural products in our country at present. Therefore, at the present stage, it is urgent to study and establish a catalogue system for the regulation and control of the vegetable and fruit market as soon as possible, and clearly determine the key varieties of regulation and control in accordance with the principle of "what to do and what not to do". And determine the main production areas according to the layout of advantageous regions, and lock in the key varieties and regions of agricultural product market regulation.

The second is to promote the construction of laws and regulations on the regulation and control of agricultural products market and establish a market regulation fund for fresh agricultural products as soon as possible.

On the one hand, we will raise the effective minimum purchase price and temporary purchase and storage policies for grain and other important agricultural products to the legal level, and on the other hand, we will establish a legal basis and institutional framework for the market regulation of fresh agricultural products such as vegetables and fruits. At the same time, we should study the ideas and mechanisms of innovative work, raise funds from many channels such as financial support, social capital and producer organizations, and establish a price adjustment fund as soon as possible.

The third is to study and formulate the marketing and promotion strategy of agricultural products and explore the circulation mode of agricultural products suitable for the characteristics of our country.

Conscientiously study and scientifically plan the target market of agricultural products, especially characteristic agricultural products in the whole country and major producing areas, scientifically calculate the target market capacity, comprehensively consider all relevant factors, and rely on farmers' professional cooperative organizations, guide farmers to make scientific production and management decisions and reasonably arrange production scale, which is the basic prerequisite for the convergence of production and marketing and market regulation. At the same time, with reference to the circulation models such as Japan and South Korea, and taking the wholesale market of agricultural products as the core, we should speed up support and promote the circulation mode that is conducive to improving circulation efficiency and reducing circulation costs.