
Take reform and innovation as the driving force to accelerate agricultural modernization

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, This central rural work conference is an important meeting held at a critical period when China's economy has entered a new normal and agricultural and rural development has entered a new stage. The meeting stressed the need to speed up the transformation of the mode of agricultural development and consolidate the foundation for stable agricultural development in order to reform and innovate.

This central rural work conference is an important meeting held at a critical period when China's economy has entered a new normal and agricultural and rural development has entered a new stage. The meeting stressed the need to speed up the transformation of the mode of agricultural development, consolidate the foundation for stable agricultural development, and accelerate agricultural modernization with reform and innovation as the driving force. This is a major strategic plan made by the central authorities based on the new normal of economic and social development and the new situation of the development of agriculture, rural areas and farmers, and it is also a sacred mission and major task entrusted to us by reality and history. It is of great and far-reaching significance for us to create a new situation in the development of agriculture, rural areas and farmers.

From the external point of view of agriculture and rural areas, speeding up the promotion of agricultural modernization is the objective need of national modernization, the synchronization of the four modernizations and stable economic growth. On the one hand, in the overall modernization, agricultural modernization is a "slow variable" and "key variable". To a large extent, this "variable" determines the process of modernization and affects the level of synchronization of the four modernizations. Looking around the world, we can see that most of the developed countries are countries with a high level of agricultural modernization, but none of those countries with backward agriculture and poor farmers can really be regarded as modern. China's modernization is no exception. It is impossible for us to build a modern country in the face of declining agriculture and depressed rural areas. On the other hand, whether the country's overall economic growth can be stabilized, the role of agriculture is even more important. Agriculture, rural areas and farmers are improving and taking the initiative as a whole. At present, great achievements have been made in China's agricultural and rural development, which is commendable: grain output has been "continuously increased", farmers' income has been increased rapidly, and rural society has been harmonious and stable. For the overall economic and social development, it has played the role of "ballast stone" and "fixed sea needle". However, if agriculture is unstable and there is something wrong with the supply of agricultural products, especially under the current circumstances, there is likely to be an unfavorable situation of slower growth and higher prices. The international lesson in this respect is very profound, and we must not make such a mistake.

From the internal point of view of agriculture and rural areas, speeding up the promotion of agricultural modernization is the inherent requirement of agricultural climbing and upgrading and problems. On the one hand, the level of agricultural modernization in China has improved steadily, the contribution rate of science and technology has exceeded 50%, the improved varieties of major crops have basically achieved full coverage, the mechanization rate of crop cultivation and harvest has reached 60%, and the effective irrigated area of farmland accounts for more than half. This fully shows that agricultural modernization has laid a good foundation and is speeding up. But the more such a time, the less we can have the idea of slackening and taking a breath, the more we need to have the spirit of inspiring and taking advantage of the momentum, just like when we are halfway up the mountain, Nu Yinu will go up, and as soon as we relax, we will stop, and if we stop, we may slide down. At this time, the fight is endurance, the comparison is the will, otherwise, we can only look at the peak sigh and give up halfway. On the other hand, the prices of major domestic agricultural products have already exceeded the import prices, and the continued price increases have encountered the "ceiling", and many subsidy policies have also encountered the "ceiling" under the rules of the WTO. At the same time, the "floor" of agricultural production costs is still rising, and under multiple squeezes, the comparative efficiency of agriculture continues to decline. And what is more serious, agriculture is also burdened with two "hoops" of ecological and environmental constraints and resource conditions. These problems force us to face, deal with, and solve these problems. China's agricultural development has reached a stage where it will be difficult to sustain without changing the mode of development. the time has come for agriculture to have a future only by accelerating agricultural modernization.

To accelerate agricultural modernization, it is necessary to have new ideas, new horizons, and new methods. We must do everything possible to stabilize grain production, we must not make the slightest mistake on the grain issue, we must always keep a clear head, first of all, we must calculate the safety account, and under this premise, we must also calculate the economic account. We must adhere to the coordinated progress of stabilizing grain and increasing income, promote the strategic restructuring of agriculture, vigorously develop agricultural industrialization, promote the integration and interaction of the primary, secondary and tertiary industries, improve the quality and efficiency of agricultural development, and enrich farmers' grain bags and money bags. It is necessary to actively develop various forms of moderate scale operation, encourage, guide, and standardize land circulation, persist in adjusting measures to local conditions, and allow various forms of exploration and experiments. Promoting the moderate scale operation of agriculture can not be simply understood as the expansion of the scale of land management, still less can it be simply equivalent to land annexation. It is necessary to give priority to grain and agriculture, avoid "de-grain", and resolutely prohibit "non-agriculture." It is necessary to promote the sustainable development of agriculture, resolutely suppress the momentum of the deterioration of resources and environment, no longer owe new debts, and gradually repay old debts. We must reduce the agricultural inputs that are overused, withdraw the production that exceeds the carrying capacity of resources and environment, turn agricultural wastes into resources and wealth, improve the soil with declining soil fertility, and gradually repair and control the damaged ecological environment. protect the foundation and lifeline of agricultural development. It is necessary to increase agricultural policies and capital investment, unswervingly adhere to the top priority, no matter how tight the financial resources are, we must ensure that agricultural investment only increases, further improve the price formation and regulation mechanism of agricultural products, and improve the system of financial support for agriculture. It is necessary to make good use of two kinds of resources in both international and domestic markets, and give full play to the radiative and driving role of the new type of urbanization on agricultural modernization.

Speeding up the promotion of agricultural modernization involves not only the development of productive forces, but also the reform of production relations. It is a grand and complex social system engineering. We should persist in taking reform and innovation as the driving force, grasp the direction, highlight the key points, actively explore, and push forward step by step. We must adhere to dialectical thinking and systematic methods, do not engage in either or, do not just focus on one end, and resolutely prevent "blowing the wind". It is necessary to adhere to the combination of top-level design and crossing the river by feeling the stones, actively and prudently, boldly do it when you are sure, and take a look at it again if you are not sure. If you are not afraid of being slow, you are afraid of standing, you are most afraid of trouble, and you must never make subversive mistakes.

The year 2015 is the end of the 12th five-year Plan and an important year for the preparation of the 13th five-year Plan, and it is also a key year for the key period of building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way. In accordance with the general requirements of "stabilizing grain income, improving quality and efficiency, and driving innovation," we must comprehensively deepen rural reform and strive to produce a brilliant report card for accelerating agricultural modernization.