
Insist on ensuring national food security as the primary task

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The Central Rural Work Conference was held in Beijing from 22 to 23 April. The meeting summarized the agricultural and rural work in 2014, studied major measures to promote agricultural modernization by relying on reform and innovation, and comprehensively deployed agricultural and rural work next year and in the future. Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee

The Central Rural work Conference was held in Beijing from 22nd to 23rd. The meeting summed up agricultural and rural work in 2014, studied major measures to promote agricultural modernization by relying on reform and innovation, and made comprehensive arrangements for agricultural and rural work next year and for some time to come.

Li Keqiang, member of the standing Committee of the political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and premier of the State Council, attended the meeting and made an important speech, while Zhang Gaoli, member of the standing Committee of the political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and vice premier of the State Council, attended the meeting.

The price of major domestic agricultural products exceeds the import price.

The meeting pointed out that since the beginning of this year, grain output has achieved "11 consecutive increases" and farmers' income has achieved "11 consecutive fast", which has provided support and added strength for doing a good job in the overall work.

The meeting stressed that with the changes in environmental conditions at home and abroad and the deep-seated contradictions accumulated by long-term extensive management, the challenges facing the sustained and stable development of agriculture are unprecedented. At present, the price of major domestic agricultural products exceeds the import price, while the production cost is rising. The agricultural ecological environment is damaged, and cultivated land, fresh water and other resources are scarce. In accordance with the requirements of the 18th CPC National Congress, we must unswervingly take the new road of agricultural modernization with Chinese characteristics and speed up the transformation of the mode of agricultural development.

Agricultural modernization is still a "deficiency".

The meeting pointed out that agricultural modernization is the foundation and support of national modernization, and it is still a "deficiency" at present, and the key and difficult points for building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way are still in rural areas.

The meeting stressed that to promote agricultural modernization, we should persistently take ensuring national food security as the top priority, and ensure basic self-sufficiency in grain and absolute safety of food rations. We should innovate mechanisms, improve policies, and strive to do a good job in all kinds of work.

First, vigorously develop agricultural industrialization. From simply thinking about arable land to facing the whole land and resources.

The second is to actively develop various forms of moderate scale operation. It is necessary to guide and standardize the orderly transfer of land management rights, develop various new types of agricultural operators, give priority to grain and agriculture, avoid "non-grain", and resolutely prohibit the "non-agriculturalization" of cultivated land. There are various ways to develop moderate scale operation. We should adjust measures to local conditions, give full play to the pioneering spirit of the grassroots and the masses, and allow "exploration, exploration, and re-exploration." As long as it is in line with state laws and policies and the direction of reform, the peasant masses welcome it and should encourage and support it in any form.

The third is to build resource-saving and environment-friendly agriculture. We will strengthen the quality of cultivated land and strictly protect cultivated land and water resources.

The fourth is to increase agricultural policies and capital investment. No matter how tight the financial resources are, we must ensure that the investment in agriculture will only increase but not decrease.

Fifth, make good use of two kinds of resources in two markets. We will improve the system of international agricultural exchanges and cooperation and innovate ways of foreign agricultural cooperation.

Select and manage the leaders of the "two committees" of the village.

The meeting called for giving full play to the radiative and driving role of the new type of urbanization on agricultural modernization. Efforts should be made to solve the existing problem of "three 100 million people", innovate the way of using cities to lead rural areas and industry to promote agriculture, guide the flow of urban and modern production to agriculture and rural areas, and increase farmers' income through various channels. We will actively and steadily promote the construction of a new countryside, speed up the improvement of living environment, improve the quality of farmers, and promote the construction of "material new countryside" and "human new countryside" side by side. We will continue to declare war on poverty, promote the combination of regional development with accurate poverty alleviation, and speed up the pace of poverty alleviation in poor areas.

The meeting stressed that to promote agricultural modernization and a new type of urbanization, we must persist in putting people first, stimulate farmers' creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurial vitality, and form a vivid situation of mass entrepreneurship and innovation.

The meeting pointed out that it is necessary to deeply understand the major changes that have taken place in the external environment of agriculture and rural areas and within themselves under the new normal, be good at capturing opportunities in changes and creating conditions in adversity, constantly tap new potential, cultivate new advantages, and expand new spaces. In accordance with the general requirements of stabilizing grain income, improving quality and increasing efficiency, and driven by innovation, we should strive to accomplish various tasks of rural reform and development next year. It is necessary to actively promote structural readjustment, speed up the transformation of the mode of development, and constantly improve the comprehensive efficiency and competitiveness of agriculture. We will further deepen rural reform, improve top-level design, and do a good job in pilot experiments to ensure that the reform is improved and successful. Combined with the new round of transition of the "two committees" of the village, we should select and manage the leaders of the "two committees" of the village.

Food security is still a top priority.

Require rural work to adapt to the new normal

Last night, with regard to some conspicuous references made at the Central Rural work Conference, Qian Bao reporter interviewed Xu Jianfeng, an expert in the think tank of the Qianjiang Evening News and director of the Regional Economic Research Institute of the Zhejiang Academy of Social Sciences. He said that there are two areas of particular concern in the meeting. One is that in the context of the 11 consecutive increases, it is still emphasized that "ensuring national food security is the top priority." Second, it is proposed that "it is necessary to have a deep understanding of the major changes in the external environment of agriculture and rural areas and within themselves under the new normal, and be good at capturing opportunities in changes and creating conditions in adversity".

Why the issue of Food Security in ● is so important

Xu Jianfeng said: now many people do not understand why food security has been so emphasized even today when our country has developed for so many years and all aspects of economy and society have been developing continuously.

In fact, the food problem is a major issue related to national security and stability. Only when we can basically ensure self-sufficiency in grain can we talk about other issues. The so-called grain in hand, do not panic in the heart, this is not too much in any era. In addition, we should see that there are certain risks in the autonomy of grain in our country. Our rice needs to be imported in large quantities, and our wheat has changed from previous exports to partly dependent on imports. Although the grain keeps growing, it is not optimistic in terms of the trend.

At present, China's food security is still restricted by land factors, although agricultural insurance land is still a red line, but there are many cases of requisition of agricultural land, which is a threat to the long-term security of food production.

● puts forward new requirements for rural work under the new normal.

In addition, we see that this rural work conference was held after the Economic work Conference put forward the concept of a new normal, so the meeting also specifically mentioned that "it is necessary to have a deep understanding of the major changes that have taken place in the agricultural and rural external environment and within ourselves under the new normal." this can be said to be a new requirement for our agricultural work. And this requirement will also lead to new measures. This will also affect the ongoing process of urbanization, because a very important part of urbanization is the integration of urban and rural areas. How to narrow the gap between urban and rural areas in the later stage of industrialization is a problem that every country needs to face in the course of development. Some developed countries directly pay wages to farmers, but China's financial resources have not yet reached this level, so it is necessary to guide more modern factors of production to flow to agriculture and rural areas to increase farmers' income. Zhejiang has been making useful attempts in this regard, such as the construction of e-commerce villages that have been promoted in recent years. Our reporter Wang Xiyu

New measures such as promoting the initial processing of agricultural products

It is good news for Zhejiang.

At the central rural work conference, it was also proposed that the initial processing of agricultural products in producing areas will be further promoted to help farmers reduce their losses and increase their income, and the pilot project of registration and certification of land contractual management rights will be further expanded.

Last night, Qian Bao reporter contacted Huang Zuhui, dean of the China Rural Development Research Institute of Zhejiang University.

● conference delivers two new initiatives

"although the government's agricultural support policy is very strong, on the whole, China's current agricultural product processing industry still lags behind, the initial processing can not keep up with, and it is difficult to follow up with intensive processing." Huang Zuhui believes that the promotion of the initial processing of agricultural products mentioned at this meeting is not only an effort to improve farmers' income, but also a layout of agricultural industrialization, scale, and specialization. "Primary processing is related to the added value of agricultural products produced by farmers. After initial processing, agricultural products will have an obvious improvement in quality. Otherwise, it will not even be convenient for agricultural products to enter the circulation link. "

To further expand the significance of confirming the certification of land contractual management rights, Huang Zuhui said that farmers can obtain corresponding rights and benefits, and play a more extensive and positive role after establishing and perfecting mechanisms such as land transaction and circulation in the future. the rural economy will also be further activated.

"an important task in the work of agriculture, rural areas and farmers is to complete the confirmation of power and certification within three years." Huang Zuhui believes that the confirmation of rights and certificates is actually for the sake of clarifying the rural property rights system, which is the basic work of giving farmers more property rights.

The initial processing of ● agricultural products is good news for Zhejiang.

The two major issues mentioned in this meeting are also very important to Zhejiang. There are many kinds of agricultural products in Zhejiang, but there are not many large-scale agricultural products production, unlike the northeast and western regions, so the primary processing industry is more important. Its deep processing and the improvement of added value also have a real impact on the increase of farmers' income.

"the general understanding of agricultural processing is physical processing, such as canning and so on." Huang Zuhui believes that for Zhejiang, we not only need physical processing, but also need to diversify and produce agricultural products at the initial processing stage. "for example, the preservation, grading, packaging, transportation and marketing of unique agricultural products in a broader sense is of greater industrial significance." In addition, as an economically developed area of our country, the transfer of labor force in Zhejiang is relatively sufficient, and a large number of rural labor forces are transferred to non-agricultural industries, so the issue of certification is also more important than that in less developed areas.