
Dad picked up the flowers thrown by others and raised them, but they all burst into the pot!

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Flower growers are kind-hearted, not only have feelings for their own flowers, but also feel sorry for them when they see discarded flowers, and will pick them up and try to save them. This is the case with the father of flower girlfriends. Many of the flowers he raises now are picked up in the past, and they all grow leafy green flowers! Let's see which flowers he saved!

Save the rich tree

The rich tree is easy to maintain, but there are always people who water too much, resulting in rotten roots and yellow leaves of the rich tree, which is finally thrown away, leaving only a bare trunk. Let's see how best friend dad saved his life by picking it up.

1. Cut off the rotten roots

The root rot was observed. Find a pair of sharp scissors and cut off the thinner rotten roots. If there is a large area of root rot, use a saw to directly cut off the whole root, exposing fresh tree trunks.

2. Soak in carbendazim solution

Put the trunk after pruning the roots into carbendazim solution, soak it for 30 minutes, then take it out and put it in a cool, ventilated place to dry.

3. Soak in rooting water

You can buy a rooting agent, or you can melt the sugar into 10 times the water, then put the root of the rich tree into it, soak it for 40 minutes and then take it out to dry.

4. Prepare loose and breathable soil

The soil can choose the mixture of rotten leaf soil, river sand, garden soil and pine needle soil, which can increase the water permeability and air permeability of the soil and prevent rotting roots again.

5. Plant a fortune tree

First put broken tiles or ceramsite on the bottom of the basin, then spread a layer of soil, put the roots of the rich tree into the soil, then fill the flowerpot with soil, and then water it once.

6. 15-30 days to take root

Put the rich tree in a cool and ventilated place, do not shine directly into the sun, and when the soil is dry, pour rooting water into the soil once. About 15-30 days later, it will grow new roots, send out new leaves, and the rich water will be saved!

Save green pineapple

Even if a whole pot of green apple wilts its yellow leaves, there is still a chance to save it. Pick it up and try the following method!

1. Cut baldness with one knife

Find a pair of scissors, wipe them with alcohol, then cut off all the yellowing and wilting branches and leaves, leaving only 1 or 2 nodes at the bottom to allow new leaves to grow.

2. Put it where the light is bright

Put the bald green apple in a cool and ventilated place with plenty of light, but don't shine directly into the sun and spray water around the basin every day.

3, 8-15 days to grow new leaves

In general, tender leaves will grow within 15 days, and the green leaves are very lively. The soil is dry and then watered until the water flows out of the drainage hole.

4. Topdressing in time to make the green pineapple explode crazily

Pour some fermented rice water or pericarp fat solution to the green pineapple every half a month, so that the green pineapple can eat and rub, and the leaves are big and shiny.

Save asparagus

When some people see that the branches and leaves of asparagus have all turned yellow, they think they are dead and throw them directly into the dustbin. In fact, they still have a chance to save their lives!

1. Prune the root system

After picking up asparagus and going home, first clean up the soil from the roots, cut off if there are rotten roots, put some carbendazim powder on the wound, and then put it in a ventilated place to dry.

2. Pruning branches

Cut off the yellowing branches of asparagus, do not cut bald completely, cut from the branches 5 centimeters high from the basin, this is conducive to the growth of new branches.

3. Plant it in a pot

The soil can be mixed with pine needle soil, river sand, peat soil and so on. after planting asparagus, pour it with water and put it on the indoor north balcony to ensure good ventilation.

4. Spray water frequently

Asparagus needs high air humidity to grow. Spraying water around asparagus every day can make new branches and leaves grow faster. Do not water too much, watering can be mixed with vitamin C tablets, so that the roots grow strong, leaves more oil green!

5 or 2 months later, the leaves are thick and greenish.

Pour some fish tank water or add some rotten chicken dung to asparagus every month to make it grow fast and well, with green and lush leaves, not to mention a sense of achievement after being saved!

Save Tongqian grass

Inexperienced flower friends, as soon as they saw the yellow leaves of copper grass drooping and looked like they were going to die, they were thrown into the garbage. What a pity! Huahua hopes that the copper grass thrown away can be picked up by kind-hearted people and go home to save life!

1. Keep the healthy root system of Coptis chinensis.

First clean up the soil of the root system and pick out the copper grass with healthy root system.

2. Cut off the leaves

Cut off the yellowing leaves of Rabdosia angustifolia, so that the stem does not have to be too long, about 2 centimeters above the root.

3. Half soil and half water, planted in a pot

Find a flowerpot with no drainage hole, put the river sand into the pot, then plant the copper grass, pour fresh water into the pot, and finally keep the water above the soil.

Tender leaves grow in 4, 3-7 days

Put the copper grass in a sunny place, so that the water surface has been higher than the soil surface, about 3-7 days, will grow green new leaves.

5 and 15 days.

In order to make the pot burst faster, you can pour some compound fertilizer and water into the pot, and within half a month, the plant will be full of flowerpots!

Have you ever picked up flowers?

Huahua thinks picking up flowers is a very good thing.

Not only can you enjoy the pleasure of saving the flowers.

It can also save a lot of money on flowers.

What do you think?