
Balcony 1 pot flowers, minor ailments and disasters rely on it, the whole family medicine expenses are spent less!

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Recently, the weather was dry, and the flowers were hot for several days, but I didn't want to take medicine, so I directly picked a few mint leaves and drank them for three days in a row. In fact, there is such a kind of flower around us, which is not only good-looking, but also can be used for minor ailments and disasters. Hurry up and follow the flowers to have a look!

Raise a pot of mint at home, clear the heat and remove the fire will not catch a cold!

The first thing Huahua wants to introduce, of course, is the heat-clearing mint. Since Huahua's gums are swollen and painful, Huahua simply pays homage to mint!

How to eat:

1. Soak in mint water

Efficacy: clearing heat and relieving heat, relieving indigestion and other symptoms

1. Take off the mint leaves, wash them in a basin, soak them in boiling water for about 10 minutes, and drink them directly. If you think the mint taste is not enough, you can add some lemon slices. It tastes great, too.

2. With different varieties of peppermint, the taste of peppermint water is different. For example, earthy mint and magnolia mint are not very strong, while peppermint has a hint of pepper and fresh pepper stalks, which is cool.

Second, celery mint juice

Efficacy: moisturize the intestines and relieve defecation, protect the liver and help sleep

1. Wash the mint leaves and celery stalks, put them in the juicer together and stir slightly.

2. Turn on the juicer and it only takes about 90 seconds to break the celery stalk and mint leaves.

3. Pour the prepared fruit and vegetable juice directly into the cup and drink. Celery has the effect of moistening intestines and defecation, and peppermint can enhance resistance, drink a cup every day, it is refreshing ah!

Methods of reproduction:

Peppermint is mainly propagated by cutting.

1. If you want peppermint to explode, you have to constantly pick the heart and hit the top. Take off the bottom 2 leaves of the mint leaves and keep the nodes.

2. In order to avoid unnecessary nutrient consumption, you can choose to cut half of the mint leaves, but not all of them, otherwise you will not be able to carry out photosynthesis.

3. Prepare the loose and breathable soil, then insert the mint branches that dry the wound directly into the soil, water them once, and then put them in a cool and ventilated place to wait for them to take root.

4. It only takes about 10-20 days for the cutting mint to take root.

Raise a pot of gardenia at home to reduce swelling and pain to get angry!

Recently, are the gardenias in many flower friends' homes blooming? In addition to enjoying the beautiful gardenia, you can also pick off the gardenia to eat, which is very good for the body!

How to eat:

1. Gardenia making tea

Efficacy: clearing heat and detoxification, reducing swelling and removing fire

1. Pick the unopened bud of the gardenia, or the flower that has just opened, remove all the pedicel and calyx, wrap the rest in a newspaper and put it in the microwave oven to dry.

2. After drying, put it in the refrigerator and refrigerate. Usually, when drinking water, pour gardenia into a cup, then add rock sugar or honey to increase the sweet taste, and then you can drink it directly!

Gardenia salad

Efficacy: clear heat and remove fire, prevent oral ulcer

1. Add a little salt to the picked gardenia petals, rub them a few times and store them in a clean plastic bottle.

2. Every time you want to eat, take it out of the bottle, wash the salt on the gardenia with clean water, then scald it slightly with hot water, add seasonings such as sesame oil, and eat it directly!

Methods of reproduction:

Gardenia is also propagated mainly by cutting.

1. Select strong branches from the mother plant of Gardenia jasminoides, remove the lower leaves to avoid nutrient consumption, and then put the branches in a cool and ventilated place to dry the wound.

2. Prepare disposable paper cups. After punching holes in the bottom of the paper cups, fill the paper cups with sand, pour water once, and then insert the dried gardenias directly into the sand.

3. Put the cut gardenia in a cool and ventilated place. If you are worried about the temperature and humidity, you can also find a plastic bag to cover the cut gardenia branches.

4. It only takes about 1 month to see the cutting gardenia flower taking root!

Raise a pot of honeysuckle at home to clear away heat and detoxify your throat.

There is a big honeysuckle downstairs in Huahua community. Every time it blossoms, Huahua can't help but pick some and take it home to make tea, especially when it has a sore throat, the effect can be immediate!

How to eat:

Rock sugar honeysuckle tea

Efficacy: clearing heat and detoxification, preventing throat fire

1. Rinse the picked honeysuckle in clean water several times, and then control the water to dry.

2. Put the washed honeysuckle into the pot, add water, boil over high heat and then boil over low heat for about 10 minutes.

3. Open the lid of the pot, put the rock sugar in the pot, cook for another 2-3 minutes, and turn off the heat directly when the rock candy is all boiled.

4. Pour the cooked rock sugar honeysuckle into a bowl and drink directly. Be careful not to put too many honeysuckle at one time, otherwise it will be too bitter to drink.

Second, mint honeysuckle porridge

Efficacy: nourish stomach and spleen, enhance body resistance

1. Prepare materials: wash clean honeysuckle and mint leaves, then wash white rice and glutinous rice and soak for at least 1 hour.

2. Put fresh water in the pot, put all the white rice and glutinous rice in, boil over high heat and simmer for another 40 minutes. Pour honeysuckle and mint leaves into the pot and cook for 5 minutes.

Finally, add rock sugar to the pot, cook for 1 minute, turn off the heat, and wait for it to cool.

4. Honeysuckle and mint cooking porridge together can not only sterilize and disinfect, but also enhance resistance, especially for flower friends with weak physique, they should drink more.

Methods of reproduction:

Honeysuckle is mainly propagated by cutting.

1. Select semi-lignified branches from the mother plant of Honeysuckle, cut off the branches about 20cm with a sterilized knife, and then put them in a cool place to dry the wound. If possible, you can also apply some rooting powder.

2. The loose and breathable soil can be arranged according to the ratio of garden soil, perlite and vermiculite at the ratio of 2: 1: 1, and then the branches of honeysuckle are directly inserted into the soil and watered once.

3. Put the cutting honeysuckle in a cool and ventilated place. It only takes about a month, and the cutting honeysuckle branches can take root!

Raise a pot of aloe at home, moisturize the bowels, purge and eliminate inflammation!

She was allergic to the flowers for a while and had a lot of pimples on her face. My mother directly took off the aloe and let the flowers wipe her face. Unexpectedly, the effect was really great!

How to eat:

External application of aloe vera

Efficacy: anti-inflammation and moisturizing, remove acne and scars

1. Break a small piece of aloe leaf from the aloe plant, or cut it off directly with a sterilized knife.

2. Cut off all the small teeth on the edge of aloe, then peel off the outer skin of aloe, leaving only the flesh inside, then stick it directly on the wound and wrap it with gauze.

2. Aloe and barley porridge

Efficacy: clearing heat and removing fire, whitening and anti-aging

1. Peel off all the outer leaves of aloe and collect all the flesh.

2. Soak the barley rice for about 4 hours, then pour it into the soymilk machine, add aloe pulp and water, turn on the switch and stir for about 1 minute.

3. Pour the aloe vera and rice juice into the pot, then add rock sugar and cook for about 10 minutes. It will be almost done.

4. Aloe has the effect of detoxification, acne and whitening, while barley can remove moisture, which doubles the effect of the two, so you might as well have a try!

Methods of reproduction:

Aloe is mainly propagated by ramet.

1. As long as the aloe at home is given enough light and moisture, and occasionally add a little compound fertilizer, it will soon burst into the basin and sprout a lot of small buds.

2. When there is almost no room in the flowerpot, we have to take off the aloe and split the aloe.

3. Clean up the soil on the root system of aloe, then use a sterilized knife to cut off all the lateral buds of aloe and put them in a cool and ventilated place to dry the wound.

4. Prepare loose and breathable nutritious soil, and then insert aloe buds directly into the soil to become a new aloe!

Except for those introduced by Huahua.

Like jasmine, wolfberry, chrysanthemum.

All can be used as medicinal materials!

Flower friends, you might as well raise a pot at home!