
Exploration on solving the predicament of China's Agricultural Modernization Development

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, At present, the development of agriculture and rural areas in China is still facing a very severe situation, the resource constraints of agricultural development have become increasingly prominent, and it is more difficult for the stable development of agriculture and the continuous increase of farmers' income, so there is an urgent need to establish a modern agricultural development model suitable for the national conditions and speed up agriculture.

At present, China's agricultural and rural development is still facing a very severe situation, the resource constraints of agricultural development are becoming increasingly prominent, and the stable development of agriculture and the continuous increase of farmers' income are becoming more and more difficult. there is an urgent need to establish a modern agricultural development model suitable for national conditions, speed up the process of agricultural modernization, and constantly improve the output rate of cultivated land, resource utilization and labor productivity. It will inject a strong driving force for increasing agricultural production, increasing farmers' income and prosperity in rural areas. The new book, "A New Model of Transformation and upgrading of China's Agriculture-- theoretical Research and Exploration of Modern Agriculture 2.5 Industry," written by Dr. Huang Qi of the China Hybrid Rice birthplace Protection Research Center, was published by Chinese Academy of Governance Press in May 2013. In this work, the author creatively puts forward the theoretical model and promotion mode of modern agriculture 2.5 industry, which provides a constructive new idea for the development of agricultural modernization in the period of transformation and development in China.

This is a rigorous study of agricultural economics, but its value goes far beyond this field. From a broader perspective, this work is a valuable exploration to solve the predicament of China's agricultural modernization.

In "reforming traditional Agriculture", Schultz bluntly pointed out that traditional agriculture in developing countries cannot contribute to economic growth, and only modern agriculture can make a significant contribution to economic growth. The crux of the problem is how to transform traditional agriculture into modern agriculture. Therefore, how to transform the weak traditional agriculture into a highly productive economic sector is the core of Huang Qi's research and explanation in his new book "the New Model of Agricultural Transformation and upgrading in China-- the theoretical Research and Exploration of Modern Agriculture 2.5 Industry".

To comprehensively transform the traditional small-scale peasant economy and promote the transformation from traditional agriculture to modern agriculture is the essence of building modern agriculture with Chinese characteristics. In the new period, the report of the 18th CPC National Congress clearly put forward the strategic task of "promoting the simultaneous development of industrialization, informatization, urbanization and agricultural modernization". Under the framework of the new four modernizations, agricultural modernization has a richer connotation, focusing not only on things, but also on talents, information, and organizational resources of science and technology. from simply paying attention to the means of planting and production itself to the whole industrial chain, such as research and development, planting production, processing, circulation, sales and so on. The 2.5 industry of modern agriculture put forward by "the New Mode of Transformation and upgrading of China's Agriculture-- theoretical Research and Exploration of Modern Agriculture 2.5 Industry" has opened a new prelude to solving the problems of agriculture, rural areas and farmers in our country.

Lin Yifu, a famous economist, said: "as long as we adhere to the reform in the right direction, we can overcome the difficulties in the process of progress and overcome various obstacles; and the continuous success of the reform will strongly support sustained, rapid and healthy economic growth." Indeed, the current development and transformation of China's agriculture is facing many difficulties and challenges. For quite a long time in the future, China will have a huge space and potential for development. How to promote the development of agricultural and rural economy through reform and innovation? It is also quite important to speed up the construction of a new development model of agricultural modernization.

The book "the New Mode of Agricultural Transformation and upgrading in China-- the theoretical Research and Exploration of Modern Agriculture 2.5 Industry" is based on the deep understanding of global economic integration and the nature of China's agricultural development, and strives to explore the powerful engine of China's agricultural modernization. First of all, it analyzes the current development situation of global modern agriculture from the aspects of science and technology, scale development, industry and market; secondly, it compares and analyzes the history and experience of modern agricultural development in developed countries and regions; third, this paper makes an in-depth analysis of the essence and current situation of agricultural development in China; fourth, it comprehensively expounds the background, connotation, present situation and carrier of the development of modern agriculture 2.5 industry. Finally, the idea and key path of building modern agricultural 2.5 industry into a powerful engine of agricultural modernization are put forward.

Paying attention to the solution of the problems of agriculture, rural areas and farmers requires not only profound knowledge, but also profound thinking. Dr. Huang Qi starts with the transformation of agricultural development and pays attention to the change of agricultural industry. He analyzed that 2.5 industry is an industry that sprang up after mankind entered the post-industrial era, and its connotation is to "highlight productive services, structure the integration of production and services, break through the traditional mode of production and circulation of products in the past, and take the demand of market development as the support." take productive services as the main body, R & D and design, virtual factories as the means of expression, so as to connect the entire industrial value chain. Modern agriculture 2.5 industry is a producer service industry that serves agricultural modernization in an all-round way, which is characterized by the virtual, networked and specialized service industry and its penetration into the production process. There are mainly three modes in the development of modern agriculture 2.5 industry: the government-led public service model, the agricultural cooperative-led service model, and the leading enterprise-led service model. To promote the development of modern agriculture 2.5 industry, we should adhere to the two-pronged approach of the market and the government, and give full play to the role of the market mechanism and the government as "double engines".

How to accelerate the transformation from traditional agriculture to modern agriculture is a difficult problem related to the overall national cause. The book "the New Mode of Agricultural Transformation and upgrading in China-- the theoretical Research and Exploration of Modern Agriculture 2.5 Industry" is brewed under this background. The book is a summary of the author's years of economic research and practice, and has been carefully instructed by Academician Yuan Longping. The most difficult part of the book is how to sort out the future agricultural development model from the vast course of agricultural economic development at home and abroad. in this regard, Dr. Huang Qi focuses on the logical framework and first puts forward the research framework. then enrich and improve it with the historical experience of agricultural development, and then refine the author's unique academic understanding. The whole frame has complete structure, strict logic and concise words, and it is a rare work on agricultural economy.

Of course, there is no deficit in gold. From an economic point of view, this book also has some room for improvement. For example, the proportion of empirical research on modern agriculture 2.5 industry should be increased. However, this is not enough, but rather a higher expectation for the author.

"if we do not deeply study the 'agriculture, rural areas and farmers', we will not understand China." The publication of the book "the New Mode of Agricultural Transformation and upgrading in China-- the theoretical Research and Exploration of Modern Agriculture 2.5 Industry" is based on the author's academic research for many years and the author's unique thinking and examination of the development trend of China's three rural issues. This is a profound theory of theoretical exploration, and its academic value is highly integrated with the breadth of knowledge, and it is extremely suitable for party and government cadres and scholars at all levels to participate in the exploration of China's "agriculture, rural areas and farmers". The broad masses of readers who are interested in the issues of agriculture, rural areas and farmers will also gain a lot.