
Moderate scale operation of agriculture allows "exploration, exploration and re-exploration".

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, In Wuxing Village, Baitou Town, Chongzhou City, Sichuan Province, the 60-year-old Huang Xianliang family has no one to cultivate the land, but his family's fields are not idle. He took the land to join the joint-stock cooperative, not only with a guaranteed 200 jin of rice every year, but also when the harvest was good.

In Wuxing Village, Baitou Town, Chongzhou City, Sichuan Province, the 60-year-old Huang Xianliang family has no one to cultivate the land, but his family's fields are not idle. When he joined the joint-stock cooperative with his land, he could not only have a guaranteed 200 jin of rice every year, but also get a dividend when the harvest was good. Last year, the dividend per mu of land reached 367 yuan.

Different from the common "one-shot sale" type of land transfer, Huang Xianliang chose to buy shares in the land, sharing the benefits and risks with the whole cooperative.

Menu trusteeship, full trusteeship, land leasing, land shareholding. With the steady progress of the pilot project of registration and certification of rural land contractual management rights, new land transfer models are emerging all over the country.

The central rural work conference held a few days ago proposed to actively develop various forms of moderate scale operation. This is not only the only way of agricultural modernization, but also the conscious choice of the peasant masses. There are various ways to develop moderate scale operation. We should adjust measures to local conditions, give full play to the pioneering spirit of the grassroots and the masses, and allow "exploration, exploration, and re-exploration."

The meeting also stressed: "as long as it is in line with state laws and policies and the direction of reform, the peasant masses welcome it and should encourage and support it in any form." These expositions fully reflect the central government's respect and encouragement for the pioneering spirit of farmers.

The "small-scale peasant economy" was once a true portrayal of Chinese agriculture. Compared with developed countries, China's agricultural labor productivity and the degree of mechanization are low, one of the reasons is that the land management is too scattered. In recent years, China's land circulation has shown a trend of "accelerating running". According to data from the Ministry of Agriculture, land transfer accounted for more than 20% of contracted land in 2012, more than 1/4 in 2013, and now it is close to 30%. The small-scale peasant economy for thousands of years is gradually moving towards large-scale and modern agriculture.

"moderate scale operation of land is a natural process of the development of productive forces." Han Jun, deputy director of the Office of the Central Financial and Economic leading Group, believes that in order to develop appropriate scale operation, we should fully take into account such factors as the natural economic conditions of various localities, the degree of transfer of rural labor, agricultural mechanization, and the level of socialized service, and determine the standard of appropriate scale operation in this region in accordance with local conditions. We should not only actively encourage, but also refrain from pulling up seedlings to encourage them; we should not only avoid abandoning land and too small the scale of management, but also prevent over-concentration of land and artificial "building large households."

"the land issue involves the vital interests of hundreds of millions of farmers, and the right to contracted management of land belongs to peasant families. Whether the land is transferred, how to determine the price, and how to choose the form should be decided by the contracted farmers themselves, and the transfer income should be owned by the contracted farmers." Guo Xiaoming, vice president of the Sichuan Academy of Social Sciences, believes that simplified administrative intervention should not be used to promote land transfer and moderate scale operation.

At the same time, some problems occurred in the process of land transfer have also aroused widespread concern. The meeting stressed that it is necessary to guide and standardize the orderly transfer of land management rights, develop various new types of agricultural operators, give priority to grain and agriculture, avoid "non-grain", and resolutely prohibit the "non-agriculturalization" of cultivated land.

Zhang Xiaoshan, a researcher at the Institute of Rural Development of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, believes that in view of the non-agricultural and non-grain tendency that may occur when industrial and commercial capital enters agriculture, a strict access system should be established. there is a clear upper limit on long-term and large-scale leasing of farmland, and a dynamic supervision system should be established to promptly investigate and correct violations of laws and regulations such as wasting agricultural land resources and changing the use of agricultural land.

"in the development of modern agriculture, we cannot ignore the fact that ordinary farmers who operate their own contracted farmland still account for the majority of the basic agricultural conditions." Zhang Xiaoshan said: industrial and commercial capital should drive farmers to develop modern agriculture, not replace them; it should have a driving effect on farmers, not a crowding-out effect.