
The coverage rate of the unified control of diseases and insect pests in major crops reached 30%.

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, According to the Ministry of Agriculture, the coverage rate of specialized unified control of diseases and insect pests in major crops such as wheat, rice and corn has reached 30 percent, an increase of 5 percentage points over the previous year. In recent years, the Ministry of Agriculture has organized local agricultural departments to carry out specialized unified prevention and control of crop diseases and insect pests.

According to the Ministry of Agriculture, the coverage rate of specialized unified control of diseases and insect pests in major crops such as wheat, rice and corn has reached 30 percent, an increase of 5 percentage points over the previous year.

In recent years, the Ministry of Agriculture has organized local agricultural departments to carry out in-depth demonstration actions of "tens of millions" of crop diseases and insect pests, to support the development of professional and socialized service organizations, and to provide crop diseases and insect pests unified control services for the broad masses of farmers. It has effectively solved the problems of thousands of farmers, such as lack of labor force for disease prevention and control, non-uniform time for prevention and control, poor prevention and control effect and low utilization rate of pesticides caused by unscientific methods of drug use, and has become an important and effective way to develop agricultural socialized services. it is welcomed by the broad masses of farmers engaged in agriculture and grain cultivation, and it also expands the employment space for the local transfer of surplus labor in rural areas. It has promoted the establishment and improvement of the rural professional and socialized service system.

The total amount of efficient equipment has increased, and the operating capacity has been improved rapidly. The central government will increase subsidies for the purchase of efficient equipment in combination with subsidies for the purchase of agricultural machinery and the unified control of major crop diseases and pests. Shandong, Henan, Hunan and other provinces have included agricultural aviation plant protection machinery in the scope of provincial subsidies for the purchase of agricultural machinery. Driven by the support of the project, plant protection equipment has been gradually upgraded, and the mode of prevention and control has changed from "human-backed machines" to professional and socialized prevention and control. According to statistics, in 2014, the number of large and medium-sized plant protection machinery with daily operation of more than 60 mu reached 227000 sets, an increase of 13.7% over the same period last year, and the daily working capacity reached 79.33 million mu, an increase of 4.5% over the same period last year.

The number of employees continues to grow, and the service ability is steadily improved. The Ministry of Agriculture has organized and implemented the "training campaign for the Scientific use of drugs for 10,000 Farmers in 100 Counties" and conducted training in the scientific use of pesticides and the use and maintenance of plant protection machinery in 100 counties (cities and districts). Trained 20, 000 technical backbones of major professionals, farmers' cooperatives, agricultural enterprises and other new business entities, and 100000 farmers were driven by radiation. In 2014, the number of standardized prevention and control service organizations registered by the agricultural sector reached 36000, an increase of 3926 over the same period last year; after technical training in the agricultural sector, more than 520000 certified personnel were employed, an increase of more than 35000 over the same period last year.

The prevention and control mode speeds up the innovation, and the technical level is effectively improved. The Ministry of Agriculture has established 538 demonstration zones for the integration of professional unified control and green prevention and control, with the help of the unified prevention and control service platform, relying on the new main body of agricultural production and operation and specialized pest prevention and control organizations to promote green prevention and control and comprehensive management. effectively improve the organized and scientific level of pest prevention and control. The survey results show that the general fusion demonstration area has increased production by more than 8% per mu, saved cost and increased efficiency by more than 150 yuan, and reduced the amount of chemical pesticides by 20% and 30%. In addition, Henan and Hebei actively explore the wide and narrow row planting of wheat to achieve efficient pharmaceutical and mechanical operations in the whole growth period of wheat without reducing the sowing amount and the number of ears per mu.

The scale of operation is expanding year by year, and the profitability is constantly improving. In the action of "preventing diseases and pests and winning a bumper harvest", the central government implemented the subsidy policies of "one spray and three prevention" for wheat and "one promotion and two prevention" for rice, and supported the unified operation of specialized pest prevention and control organizations and new agricultural production and management entities. Driven by project support, the total area of professional unified defense rule has reached 1.31 billion mu, double that of 2010. While speeding up the large-scale operation of unified defense rule, the Ministry of Agriculture has held the activity of "professional unified defense rule 100 organizations to unite 100 enterprises" to build a platform for information exchange and production and marketing docking, and expand the profit space of unified defense rule.