
2014 present situation and development suggestions of feed industry in China

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, In the past two years, China's feed industry has developed rapidly, and the promotion and application of concentrated feed has become increasingly widespread, which has promoted the improvement of the production level of the pig industry. With the development of e-commerce and the increase of various pig feed products and manufacturers, concentrated feed market

In the past two years, China's feed industry has developed rapidly, and the promotion and application of concentrated feed has become increasingly widespread, which has promoted the improvement of the production level of the pig industry. With the development of e-commerce and the increase of all kinds of pig feed products and manufacturers, the concentrated feed market is gradually in transition to the e-commerce market, and more users and manufacturers rely on the animal husbandry trade website for the display and transaction of feed and concentrated feed products. Choose pig concentrate feed which is suitable for your own breeding characteristics.

Reasons for restricting the Development of Feed Industry

The degree of intensification is low and the phenomenon of homogenization is prominent. According to the market investigation and analysis report of the feed industry released by the China report Hall, there are a large number of feed enterprises in China, which are characterized by workshop production, scattered management, single variety and poor quality. Operators' consciousness of small farmers urges various manufacturers to fight alone. Compared with large feed enterprises in the United States, the Netherlands, Thailand and other countries, there is a large gap in organizational scale, scientific and technological content, marketing management, product research and development of feed enterprises in China.

Mismatch in the speed of development and trade barriers. There are two reasons that restrict the rapid development of feed in our country: one is that the development speed of aquaculture does not match that of feed processing enterprises. At present, the aquaculture industry in China is mainly free breeding, the degree of intensification is low and the development speed is slow, which affects the further improvement of the household entry rate of commercial feed. The second is the trade barriers of animal products. For example, the United States has imposed anti-dumping sanctions on China's shrimp products, and Europe has imposed restrictions on China's poultry exports. As a result of trade barriers, the export of animal products is difficult to reach the next level, which naturally affects the demand for feed.

The competition is getting worse. Many feed enterprises, especially small and medium-sized feed enterprises, do not hesitate to adopt unconventional competition means in order to survive. For example, misreporting the nutrition content, increasing the feed conversion rate to defraud users. Some enterprises compete to improve the treatment of marketers in order to recruit talents. for many feed enterprises with an annual sales volume of more than 30,000 tons, their marketing expenses have accounted for 60% of their profits. In order to make up for this part of the loss, some enterprises have the idea of product quality, raw materials are inferior, expensive raw materials can be used less. What is more, there are enterprises that use additives that are banned and restricted by the state in their products.

Suggestions for the development of feed industry

Adhere to the scale. As a basic manufacturing industry, feed enterprises can have better competitiveness and anti-risk ability only by scale operation, that is, if they want to survive and develop in the competition, they must take the road of scale.

Make full use of the two markets. The stage is as big as the heart. Opportunity favors only those who are prepared. For excellent domestic feed enterprises, in addition to planting a good acre of land in the domestic market, we should also actively plan foreign markets. Compared with feed enterprises in Europe and the United States, in Southeast Asia and other regions, due to the influence of geographical factors, China's feed enterprises to invest at least not at a disadvantage.

Focus on efficiency. Today's feed enterprises are no longer "big fish eat small fish", but "fast fish eat slow fish". It is true that those well-known feed enterprises in foreign countries are large, but because of their size, their efficiency will inevitably be affected. The key to high efficiency lies in the unity of the hearts of the people. it is time for the bosses of large and small feed enterprises to seriously consider how to make the enterprises United.

With the slow fluctuation of raw material prices, the improvement of feed standardization system, the establishment of good production practices of enterprises, the strengthening of feed quality and safety supervision, and the gradual change of breeding concept and mode, under the situation of gradual recovery of the global economy and stable and rapid operation of the domestic economy, the feed industry will continue to maintain a stable, healthy and rapid development trend, and it is predicted that China's pig feed output will reach 68.5 million tons in 2015.

According to the Tenth five-year Plan of the Feed Industry and the long-term Plan for 2015, the demand for pig feed in China in 2015 is about 75.42 million tons, and there is still a large gap of about 7 million tons between the supply and demand of pig feed in 2015.