
Strengthen the prevention and management of "three investments" and "corruption of petty officials"

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, In recent years, with the continuous increase of state investment in rural areas, various projects for benefiting farmers have increased year by year. These projects have settled in the village, improved the villagers' production and living conditions, and broadened the channels for agricultural development, a strong rural "body" and farmers to get rich.

In recent years, with the continuous increase of state investment in rural areas, various pro-agricultural projects have increased year by year. These projects have settled in the village, improved the villagers' production and living conditions, and broadened the channels and staying power for agricultural development, rural "physical strength" and farmers' getting rich. However, during a visit to the rural areas, the author found that the income and expenditure of some village construction funds were not open and transparent, the management of the project implementation process was chaotic, the construction units overestimated and calculated seriously, and the project failed to achieve the expected results, which caused reports from the masses. some village cadres have been dealt with by the party and government for violating discipline. "petty official corruption" has become an important factor affecting rural social stability.

After the visit, the author thinks that although the central government has made more and more efforts to deal with the corruption of junior officials, it is still difficult to eliminate the corruption of rural cadres. The main reason is that with the variation of rural villagers' autonomy, it is difficult for the masses to supervise village cadres, and township supervision is not effective enough. At the same time, due to the regulatory loopholes in the discipline of the party, government and law in restricting rural cadres, the corruption of "petty officials" in some places is out of control. Its specific manifestations are as follows: first, "petty official corruption" has a considerable concealment and gray, dissociating between legal and illegal, and it is difficult to supervise. Second, the supervision power of "petty official corruption" is weak as a result of the long supervision system. Third, lack of relevant legal system support. Village cadres are not civil servants, they are not bound by administrative regulations, and the Organic Law of villager Autonomy is sometimes difficult to be guaranteed and implemented, which to a certain extent makes village cadres become "three regardless" cadres.

In the future, with the continuous promotion of new rural construction and new urbanization construction, a large number of national financial funds will pour into rural areas. Nowadays, the phenomenon of directly eating and taking cards, directly seizing collective property and directly infringing upon the interests of farmers has become rare, but the technical content of "petty official corruption" is getting higher and higher. Some village officials use legal discretion to make profits for themselves, and many policies have given grass-roots cadres room for discretion, which provides convenience for some petty officials to corrupt. Some village officials use the information asymmetry and market-oriented mode of operation between superiors and subordinates to make profits for themselves. At present, although there are procedural requirements such as open tendering and bidding in many places, they are sometimes unable to control the behavior of grass-roots cadres who are also officials and negotiators.

In this regard, the author suggests: first of all, the party committee and government at the township level should strengthen the management of "three capital" in rural areas, and all projects that meet the prescribed standards should be brought into the public resource trading center for public bidding. Secondly, we should strengthen the supervision and management of "village account and town management". At the same time, villages and towns should set up internal audit institutions, strengthen the audit and supervision of village-level financial personnel, and actively carry out the economic responsibility audit and handover procedures during the term of office of the main village-level responsible personnel. improve the corresponding accountability mechanism. In addition, the township management and audit departments should strengthen information sharing and examination and control, strictly control the rural collective income and expenditure, put an end to the phenomenon of repeated declaration and long declaration, and organize special acceptance after the completion of the project. the allocation of funds shall be carried out with reference to the relevant measures for the management of special funds. In the governance of "petty official corruption", we must further break the pattern of grass-roots interest community and reduce the space for the exchange of interests between the two levels in the countryside, and the key is to relocate the functions of community and village cadres. Village affairs and government affairs should be clearly divided and the administrative work of village cadres should be reduced, so that the collusion space of rural cadres can be cut off. Cut off the grey interest chain at the grass-roots level, so that the problem of corruption of rural cadres can be effectively cured.