
2014 agricultural land reform broken capital injection play electricity supplier

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, In 2014, agriculture is no longer an unloved business. On the contrary, the land reform policy activated the investment enthusiasm of the capital sector, making the upstream industry a hot concept stock. And downstream agricultural product sales in the development of the Internet economy, also table

In 2014, agriculture was no longer an unpopular industry in business. On the contrary, the land reform policy has activated the investment enthusiasm of the capital community, making the upstream industry a hot concept stock. The sales of downstream agricultural products have also shown a good momentum in the development of the Internet economy.

■ reform

In 2014, the major events in agriculture have to start with land, because in this year, new policy progress has been made in the issue of rural land transfer, which is of common concern to people in the field of agriculture and capital.

On November 20, the Central Committee's "opinions on guiding the orderly transfer of Rural Land Management Rights to develop appropriate scale Management of Agriculture" (hereinafter referred to as "opinions on Land transfer") was officially released to the public, which is the first document aimed at land circulation in recent years. It shows that land circulation has really been paid attention to by the central government, and it also marks the overall acceleration of land circulation.

Prior to this, the discussion and exploration on rural land transfer has gone through more than 7 years, and the relevant institutional promotion has been updated again and again from the beginning of the concept of land transfer. What plays a key role is that in 2007, the 17th CPC National Congress proposed to establish a market for the transfer of contracted management rights of rural land, which was the first time that the state encouraged the circulation of rural land; in 2013, the first document of the Central Committee proposed to encourage industrial and commercial capital to enter agriculture.

"the publication of the opinion on Land transfer is a shot in the arm for people who really want to work in agriculture. We have been walking in a state of exploration, and now this document tells us that what we are doing is right." Since 2010, Wang Lingguang, chairman of Henan Jiajiayu Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd., which has transferred more than 10,000 mu of land in Zhoukou and other areas of Henan Province, said.

In his view, the document first emphasizes the need for moderate scale operation in the process of land transfer, which has a signal for "encouraging industrial and commercial capital to enter" proposed in 2013. According to a set of data from officials from the Ministry of Agriculture, by the end of June 2014, the transferred area of cultivated land contracted by households across the country was 380 million mu, accounting for 28.8% of the total household contracted arable land. Among them, the contracted land area flowing into enterprises has reached 38.647 million mu (accounting for more than 10%), showing an upward trend year by year. The entry of industrial and commercial capital has accelerated the progress of land transfer, but many of them lack understanding of agriculture, which eventually hurt agriculture.

In addition to the land transfer system known as the "new land reform", another more important policy in the agricultural sector in 2014 is the determination of land rights discussed at the beginning of last year, which is also a prerequisite for land transfer. In 2014, the No. 1 document of the Central Committee proposed that "the ownership of land belongs to the state, farmers have the right to contract, and the right of management can be transferred freely." the three powers are divided to ensure the interests of farmers.

■ Capital

In 2014, Fengyun enterprises in the business sector, represented by Lenovo Holdings, Alibaba and Evergrande, collectively invested in agriculture across borders.

Agricultural analysts believe that the upsurge of investment in agriculture is closely related to the intensive release of agricultural policies in the past two years. For more than a decade, the No. 1 document of the CPC Central Committee must focus on the issues of agriculture, rural areas and farmers. The tilt of the policy makes these business leaders see the business opportunities in the field of agriculture.

The theme investment with the reform dividend as the main line has mainly given birth to the concepts of land circulation, ecological agriculture and food security, which provide enough imagination space for the market and boost the valuation of the agricultural sector as a whole.

In 2013, the Central Committee No. 1 document first proposed to encourage industrial and commercial capital to develop farming in rural areas, and then Lenovo announced "farming" and planted blueberries and kiwifruit. In May, Lenovo officially announced that it would enter the field of modern agriculture and set up Jiawo Group. In 2014, Lenovo Holdings said that it had invested more than 1 billion yuan in the agricultural sector, and that as a long-term strategy of Lenovo Holdings, there was no upper limit on investment, and as long as it was in line with the positioning of the sector and there were suitable investment opportunities, it would not hesitate to invest.

Alibaba has also "played a big chess" in the field of agriculture, and plans to invest 10 billion yuan in the next 3-5 years to develop the plan of thousands of counties and villages, that is, to establish 1000 county-level operation centers and 100000 village-level service stations to promote rural entrepreneurial opportunities. Let the "Taobao Village" model be popularized nationwide.

Evergrande Group's investment strategy in 2014 is really eye-catching, with the help of its marketing strategy, Evergrande Bingquan, grain and oil and milk powder can be said to light three fires in agriculture and animal husbandry. Liu Yongzhao, vice president of Evergrande Group, said the company plans to invest more than 100 billion yuan in modern agriculture and has invested nearly 7 billion yuan. It has five types of production bases in the Daxinganling ecosystem: Evergrande rice production base, Evergrande double-low pressure rapeseed oil production base, Evergrande non-genetically modified pressed soybean oil production base, Evergrande animal husbandry production base, Evergrande infant formula production base.

A new way to play ■

In 2014, F4 (Farmer4), made up of four young people from agriculture, became a hit. They are uneven in height and casually dressed, singing the out-of-tune "Meteor shower" on a stage with thousands of spectators; tickets for the show are priced at 1880 yuan, but the concert is full.

While many people do not understand why all this, their own native agricultural products have become popular on the Internet.

Members of "F4" are Zhong Wenbin, founder of Xinnongtang, Zhao Yi, founder of local villagers, Chen Tongkui, founder of Litchi, and Liu Jingwen, founder of Vijidani. They formed an alliance in June 2014, both of whom are entrepreneurs in the agricultural field.

They have done a lot of things in half a year. In addition to using the Internet to sell native agricultural products from their hometown to all parts of the country, they also held their own concerts in Shanghai and Beijing to record programs and participate in the "positive interests Theory" hosted by media man Yang Jinlin. With the expansion of the mixed circle of this combination, the local products from all over the world have given full play to their own value.

Chu orange was not sold at all in 2014. In 25 days, more than 9000 tons of oranges were sold out. Chu Orange operators say this is not hunger marketing.

Chu Orange landed in Beijing in 2012 through the fresh e-commerce website, which was labeled "Chu Orange" and "inspirational Orange". The price is 2-3 times more expensive than ordinary oranges. However, since then, Chu orange has been in short supply throughout the country.

Chu Orange's biggest trouble in 2014 was "out of stock" and "anti-counterfeiting". At the same time, the price was speculated to more than 20 yuan per jin. However, the media are scrambling to report the grand sales of Chu Orange, which shows that the expectations of the outside world for Chu Orange are increasing.

In 2014, the concept of agricultural e-commerce is no longer new, but there are always people who can come up with new tricks in different ways.