
It is urgent to make up for the deficiency of agricultural modernization.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Vice Premier Wang Yang inspected the construction of modern agriculture in Beijing on the 29th. He stressed that it is necessary to thoroughly implement the spirit of the Central Economic work Conference and the Central Rural work Conference, adapt to the requirements of the new normal of economic development, and rely on innovation to accelerate the promotion of agriculture.

Vice Premier Wang Yang inspected the construction of modern agriculture in Beijing on the 29th. He stressed that it is necessary to thoroughly implement the spirit of the Central Economic work Conference and the Central Rural work Conference, adapt to the requirements of the new normal of economic development, and accelerate agricultural modernization driven by innovation. actively introduce modern scientific and technological achievements, industrial organization and new business models into agriculture, change the mode of agricultural development, build the whole agricultural industry chain and value chain, and improve the security capacity of grain and other agricultural products. We will improve the quality and efficiency of agricultural development and continue to increase farmers' income.

Agriculture is a strategic industry that stabilizes the world and the hearts and minds of the people, and it is the basis of national economic and social development, which must not be shaken or weakened at any time. Agricultural modernization is an important part of the modernization of a country or region, an important part of economic and social modernization, and has a top priority in the overall work. It is not only an issue of modernization within the agricultural sector, but also closely related to the changes of the whole social structure and economic structure.

The 18th CPC National Congress and the third Plenary session of the 18th CPC Central Committee put forward an important policy to promote the simultaneous development of new industrialization, informatization, urbanization and agricultural modernization with Chinese characteristics. At present, agricultural modernization is still the outstanding "deficiency" of the "new four modernizations", and the rural area is still the "deficiency" of building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way. It can be said that speeding up the promotion of agricultural modernization is a complex and urgent problem, and it is imperative and urgent to make up for the "deficiency" of the slow development of agricultural modernization.

For a long time, the development of rural areas and agriculture in China has always lagged behind that of cities and other industrial sectors, and with the rapid development of industrialization and urbanization, as the basic industry of the national economy, the level of agricultural productivity is increasingly unable to meet the needs of economic and social development, and the problem of relatively lagging rural development is more prominent. Various contradictions are highlighted when the reform and opening up enters a new historical period: the gap between urban and rural areas is still widening, the agricultural problem is becoming more and more serious, the food problem is becoming more and more prominent, and both rural areas and agriculture have become structurally unbalanced.

We must be clear that speeding up the modernization of agriculture is of great significance to steady growth, structural adjustment and the benefit of the people's livelihood under the new normal. Agricultural modernization is the foundation and support of national modernization. in order to realize national modernization, we must realize agricultural modernization at the same time and make up for the "deficiency" of slow development of agricultural modernization as soon as possible. In order to realize this strategic task, we must strengthen the basic position of the agricultural sector in the process of rapid urbanization, constantly improve the level of agricultural modernization, and strengthen industry to promote agriculture and cities to lead rural areas. to promote the synchronous development of new industrialization, new urbanization and agricultural modernization, we must persist in driving the development of modern agriculture with scientific and technological progress, and vigorously improve the support of modern science and technology, modern material equipment and modern management level. Efforts must be made to enhance the comprehensive production capacity and competitiveness of agriculture, and constantly improve the land output rate, labor productivity and comprehensive benefits; we must speed up the transformation of the mode of agricultural development and further optimize the industrial structure, regional layout and mode of production.