
Potato will become the fourth staple grain in China. How to turn potato into main grain?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Potato will become the fourth staple grain in China how to turn potato into staple grain yesterday (January 6), Vice Minister of Agriculture Yu Xinrong said at a seminar on potato staple grain strategy that in the future, by promoting potato staple grain, we will strive to make horses through several years of unremitting efforts.

Potato will become the fourth staple grain in China. How to turn potato into main grain?

Yesterday (January 6), Vice Minister of Agriculture Yu Xinrong said at the "Potato staple Grain Strategy Seminar" that in the future, through the unremitting efforts of several years, the planting area, unit yield level, total output and the proportion of main grain products in the total consumption of potatoes should be significantly increased. Potato has gradually become the fourth major grain crop in China after rice, wheat and corn.

The meeting held that the staple grain of potatoes has become an inevitable choice, and it is estimated that by 2020, more than 50% of potatoes will be consumed as staple grains. Yu Xinrong said that the planting area of horse bell potato will be expanded according to local conditions, "without squeezing out the three staple grains, the planting area of potato will be expanded from the current more than 80 million mu to 150 million mu, and the potato yield per mu will be increased to more than 2 tons. to provide more security for the country's grain security.

"at present, the supporting cultivation techniques for potato production are becoming more and more mature, integrating key technologies such as double ridges, plastic film mulching, drip irrigation, and the integration of water and fertilizer with agricultural machinery as the carrier, and successfully developed steamed bread, noodles, rice noodles and other staple food products such as steamed bread, noodles and rice noodles, and snack foods such as bread, which account for more than 35% of potato flour. In addition, potato has low fat content, high protein quality and lower calories than wheat and rice, which is in line with the current pursuit of diversified diet and healthy diet of Chinese residents. All these factors will lay a material and social foundation for potato to become a staple grain product in our country. " Said Wan Baorui, director of the National Food and Nutrition Advisory Committee.

Promoting potato as a staple grain product in China is of great significance to the protection of national food security. The reporter learned from the Ministry of Agriculture that the increase in grain demand in China will reach more than 100 billion jin by 2020, but due to the constraints of cultivated land resources and the impact of planting benefits, the space for wheat, rice and other grain varieties to continue to increase production becomes smaller and more difficult. On the other hand, the potato is resistant to cold, drought and barren, has wide adaptability, and is easier to grow. It belongs to the "four provinces" crops of "saving water, fertilizer, medicine and energy".

Potato, commonly known as potato, is the fourth largest food crop in the world. It has been planted in China for more than 400 years, with an area of more than 80 million mu, but it is affected by consumption habits and market demand. China's potato production and consumption overall shows the characteristics of slow growth, low production level, uneven development and so on.

■ dispels doubts

How to turn potatoes into main grains?

A relevant person from the Ministry of Agriculture said that in the future, potatoes will be processed into steamed bread, noodles, rice noodles and other staple food products suitable for Chinese people's eating and consumption habits. At present, potatoes will be transformed from non-staple food consumption to staple food consumption, from raw material products to industrial products, and from food and clothing consumption to nutrition and health consumption, as a supplement to the three staple grains of wheat, rice and corn in China. It has gradually become the fourth staple grain crop.

What are the principles to be followed in the process of grain production?

In promoting the principle, it is necessary to achieve "one no, three persistence".

"one no" means not competing for land with the three staple grains of wheat, rice and corn. The "three persistence" means to give consideration to both staple food and comprehensive utilization, to combine government guidance with market decisions, and to unify overall promotion with key breakthroughs.

Three advantages of ■

After eating, the potato has a good sense of satiety and is very resistant to hunger.

High nutrition potato high protein content, and has all the essential amino acids for the human body. Potatoes contain the most vitamins of all food crops, twice as much as carrots and four times as many B vitamins as apples.

Storage-resistant potato is more resistant to storage than wheat, corn and rice, and the whole potato powder can be stored for 15-20 years without deterioration.

■ extended reading

1. Guo Fenglian, deputy to the National people's Congress and party secretary of Dazhai Village in Xiyang County, Shanxi Province, suggested at the two sessions that "the status of potatoes as a staple grain should be established as soon as possible."

two。 The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations has already listed potato as one of the four staple grains, which guarantees the status of staple grain in terms of planting area and investment in scientific research.

3. There are more than 1000 varieties of potatoes in the world. In western developed countries, potato flour is processed into biscuits and bread, and industry can be used as modified starch, which is widely used in food, cosmetics, petroleum, chemical, medical and other industries.

Comments from ■ netizens

@ perseverance: support! In a country like China, which is short of water, what capital does it have to use rice as a staple food? Rice, especially the first cropping rice in the north, is supposed to be a luxury.

@ Chengbin: potatoes have long been listed as staple foods in the university canteen.

@ hundred turns: sweet potato does not accept!

@ Learning fan club: potatoes have strong vitality, low planting conditions, cost-effective, and nutritional value is also suitable for human beings. This guy has a bright future.

@ Korean chess: when there is a food crisis in the world in the future, only potatoes can save mankind.