
There is a lot of pressure on grain collection and storage, how to resolve the "sweet burden" in various places

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, In the cold winter, the reporter walked into Zhangjiajie Village, Huanling Township, Gongzhuling City, Jilin Province. in front of each door, there was an iron-mesh scientific granary with newly harvested corn in a neat yard. Villager Yuan Xiuhua told the Economic Daily that corn was abundant last year.

In the cold winter, the reporter walked into Zhangjiajie Village, Huanling Township, Gongzhuling City, Jilin Province. in front of each door, there was an iron-mesh scientific granary with newly harvested corn in a neat yard. Villager Yuan Xiuhua told the Economic Daily, "there was a bumper harvest of corn last year, but now I am in no hurry to sell it. I have to wait until the moisture content of the corn reaches the national purchase standard and sell it at a good price." Yuan Xiuhua said.

If farmers are not in a hurry to sell grain, is the pressure on grain departments to collect and store less? "there is a lot of pressure on collection and storage this year." Han Fuchun, director of the Jilin Provincial Grain Bureau, told the Economic Daily.

The grain market faces three major contradictions

The pressure of grain collection and storage is caused by many reasons. Ren Zhengxiao, director of the State Grain Administration, believes that China's grain market is currently facing three major contradictions:

The first contradiction is the contradiction between the tight balance of total grain supply and demand and the phased surplus of some varieties. On the one hand, under the influence of the rigid constraints of resources and environment such as cultivated land and fresh water and the rigid growth of grain demand, the "tight balance" will become a long-term trend of grain supply and demand in China; on the other hand, domestic grain production will have bumper harvests year after year, while the growth rate of grain demand will slow down. there is a superposition phenomenon of high grain output, high purchase volume, high inventory, phased surplus of corn, rice and other varieties, and increased sales pressure.

The second contradiction is the contradiction between the double squeeze of the price of supporting the market and the protection of the interests of agriculture and agriculture. At present, international grain prices have fallen sharply, while domestic grain prices have been supported by the purchase price in the entrusted market for a long time, and grain prices at home and abroad are seriously upside down. At the same time, the cost of domestic grain production is rising. Under the double squeeze, the space to protect the enthusiasm of growing grain by simply relying on open acquisition and raising the purchase price to support the market is getting smaller and smaller, and the effect is getting weaker and weaker. the current grain collection and storage policy system is facing unprecedented challenges.

The third contradiction is the contradiction between moderately importing grain and affecting the domestic market. Based on the domestic premise, moderate import is an effective means to ensure the food security of our country. At the same time, the distribution of grain production and inventory in China is centralized to the core producing areas, the pressure of collection and storage in the main producing areas is huge, the policy grain inventory is "snowballing" year after year, and the financial burden is getting heavier and heavier.

It is convenient to sell grain in the main producing areas.

Jilin Province is the core grain producing area of our country. Under the condition of bumper harvest year after year, there is a great pressure on grain collection and storage. However, when the reporter interviewed in Jilin Province, he did not find that there were long queues in grain depots around the country to sell grain. "there is no problem that it is difficult for farmers in Jilin to sell grain. Now farmers can sell grain all the year round, and they can choose the opportunity to choose the price to sell grain, so as to maximize the income from growing grain." Han Fuchun told reporters.

Han Fuchun said: in order to alleviate the contradiction between collection and storage, Jilin Province has relieved the contradiction in grain collection and storage by increasing warehouse release, inter-provincial relocation, and grain processing and transformation, freeing up a storage capacity of 48 billion jin; through building warehouses and tapping potential, building house-type warehouses and shed warehouses to increase storage capacity by 10 billion jin.

Jilin has also expanded the pilot grain bank to encourage state-owned enterprises to set up "grain bank" business to provide storage and marketing services for farmers. Where grain contradictions are prominent, "grain banks" will be opened.

In order to alleviate the pressure of storage capacity and ensure the smooth purchase of autumn grain, major grain producing areas encourage and guide all kinds of markets to actively participate in grain collection and storage through various measures, such as warehouse expansion, promotion, inter-provincial relocation, storage and consolidation, and do everything possible to improve grain collection and storage capacity. At the same time, we will improve and innovate grain collection and storage services to provide new grain operators with post-natal services such as drying, purchase, storage and so on. On the premise of ensuring the absolute safety of grain rations, the main producing areas vigorously promote the local transformation of grain, promote the organic combination of grain storage capacity and processing transformation capacity, and activate the great potential of the grain processing industry.

The main sales area increases the share of collection and storage.

The major grain producing areas are facing the pressure of collection and storage, and the main grain selling areas do not "sit on the sidelines", but proceed from the overall situation of "a game of chess for the whole country," strengthen the docking of production and marketing, and help the main producing areas resolve the pressure of grain collection and storage.

Beijing is the main selling area of extra-large grain, with a self-sufficiency rate of 16%. To this end, Beijing has established long-term and stable cooperative relations with Henan, Hebei, Heilongjiang, Jilin and other major grain producing areas by signing strategic cooperation agreements, establishing grain source bases, and entrusting grain reserves on behalf of the city. It is estimated that through inter-provincial procurement, suburban production and import channels, Beijing now directly controls more than 4 million tons of grain sources, equivalent to 70 percent of the direct grain consumption.

Through various policies, Shanghai supports enterprises in establishing grain source bases in producing areas, focusing on grain rations of japonica rice, laying out grain source bases in northeast and northern Jiangsu, and developing integrated operation of acquisition, transit, storage, processing, and sales, with a grain source of about 2 million tons.

While stabilizing the province's grain production and doing a good job in grain purchase, Zhejiang Province encourages all kinds of grain operators in the province to expand production and marketing cooperation channels in major grain producing areas. It is understood that Zhejiang Province has established a grain source base of 3.52 million mu in 13 major grain producing provinces.